Monday, September 29, 2008

Juniors - Monday, September 29, 2008

Today was a very exciting day!! Due to the rally for Barack Obama that was held here at MRHS (see picture - that's him in our gym!), we watched the live broadcast of his speech (6th and 7th hour only) followed by a short discussion. This is an especially exciting time in terms of a presidential election. Not only is it a landmark election that could bring record numbers to the polls, but Colorado is a "swing" state and could possibly be the determining factor in the outcome of this election. I want you all to pay close attention to the rhetoric and language play that each candidate uses in order to be persuasive, and to also closely watch the strategies being used in all of the campaign commercials and advertisements. We will be dealing with persuasion and propaganda in our next unit, and this material is perfect for helping to get you prepared for that. In addition to our campaign discussion today, we also briefly discussed the Guided Reading questions for Chapters 21-23 of Catcher in the Rye. If you were absent, please go over these questions as some of them may appear on your last quiz. Also, now that you all have finished the novel, I asked you in class to write a "3-2-1." Those of you who were absent: please do this as well, it is a way for me to check in with you regarding the novel. On a sheet of paper, write 3 things you took from this novel (things you learned OR what you feel are the most important things to remember about the book), 2 likes or dislikes (or one of each) regarding the novel, and one question you have (are you confused about anything, do you have a burning question about Holden, the plot, Salinger, anything?) This week will mostly be spent celebrating Banned Book Week, watching the film Rebel Without a Cause (with discussion questions) and working on our assessments. Please remember to PLAN AHEAD because this is a large assessment and requires a lot of quality effort. Don't slack on this.

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