Friday, September 26, 2008

Freshmen - Friday, September 26

Happy Friday! I love Fridays. Today we talked about many of the key scenes in the novel and how they tie into symbolism and theme. The class split into small groups and each group was given a specific scene from the novel. Each group had to act out a silent, one-minute long play of the scene (sort of like charades) for the rest of the class, who had to guess the scene. After every act, we discussed as a class the significance of each scene and its significance to the overall meaning of the novel. It was great fun and the groups did a wonderful job! If you have an excused absence there is no need to "make up" this activity (unless, of course, you want to!) since it only counts towards class participation. Please finish the novel by Monday! Next week, we have a few more activities and assignments planned before we begin our assessments. Enjoy your weekend and stay out of trouble!

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