Your Webquest and accompanying packet are due today by the end of class. Anyone that is off task will result in a loss of points. Good luck!
Step 1. Download the packet by clicking here or getting a copy from the P: Drive under the "Teachers" folder (directions on board.) This will be the packet that you fill out and turn in.
Step 2. Follow the instructions on the packet. Here are the links you will be visiting for each step:
Step 3. Once you have completed your Webquest, address the following question below and post your responses here as a comment to this post. Type your response first in a Word document, proofread and save. Copy and paste the text into the "Comment" field, don't forget your name and class period, choose the "Anonymous" option unless you have a Google account, and click "Publish Your Comment."
Consider our unit essential question and theme: How do societies use power to affect change? Based on what you have learned about Apartheid so far, how did the government exercise their power to affect change in South Africa? What were some of those changes?
Please respond in a well-developed paragraph. This is due by Friday, before class.