Monday, October 19, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Today we discussed a somewhat drastic change of plans in our class for the next few weeks. Due to a bit of a snafu with resources, it turns out we don't have enough copies of our next book to support all of the classes that are currently using it. Sooooo, we are not going to be reading it (bummer!) However, instead we will be focusing on the short literature selections that we've already read and work on writing activities for the rest of our conflict unit, which will wrap up at the end of next week.

Block day today was spent going over the short story The Chain, discussing important themes and passages, and turning in your Three R's assignment from Tuesday. Afterwards, you completed an activity called "Poster Chat," using your annotated copies of the story. You all moved around the room and recorded some of your annotations on categorized posters around the room, responded to other student's contributions, and listed some other ideas that you saw. This was followed by a whole class discussion and debrief.

The rest of the period was spent creating Conflict Collages in class. Click here to see the assignment.

No homework tonight.

Important Announcement: There are a few copies of My Forbidden Face available for those of you who would like to tackle an extra credit project to boost your grade before the end of semester. Please see me if interested so I can give you the details. I will also post more information on this website as it becomes available.

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