Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

Today you completed an anticipation guide for My Forbidden Face, which asked you to agree or disagree with a number of statements having to do with our new book. It also asked you to defend your opinions in a detailed paragraph explanation for each. Click here to download a copy.
Afterwards, we had a class discussion and you shared some of your ideas.

Next, I showed you an article about Obama's (and Education Secretary Arne Duncan's) ideas for educational reform, which includes the possibility for longer school hours or a longer school year. This had to do with one of your prompts for your district writing assessment, and it is also an issue that could affect your life in one way or another. Important to know! Click here to read the article.
No homework tonight, but get ready to do a lot of reading starting tomrrow in the coming weeks. =)

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