Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Today we finished up with the William Shakespeare power point that we started yesterday. We also discussed some fun facts about Elizabethan England and the "Virgin Queen." You also recieved your books. Please remember to bring these to class EVERY DAY! If you were absent, please see me as soon as you return so that I can give you your book.

Next, we began picking apart the Prologue of Romeo and Juliet to get you used to dealing with Shakes' language. Click here for the handout. In partners, you worked together to define some words and analyze the opening sonnet line by line. Whatever you did not finish in class is homework and is due Thursday at the beginning of class, when we go over it together. If you were absent, please download the handout below, complete it, and turn it in no later than this Friday.

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