The concept of predestination is reflected in the work of Shakespeare. The lives of men and women are "mapped out in the stars", and attempts to transcend or disrupt this order, or chain of being, only leads to tragedy.
Does belief in predestination exist in some form today? Do we subscribe to a similar or different philosophy? How does predestination relate to, or conflict with, the "American Dream"? How might you categorize the belief systems of our world today? Do you believe that your destiny is mapped out for you, or do you think that you control your own fate?
(3-5 paragraphs; due via post by next Tuesday, 9/22)
Brian Thomas
As the world has changed from the Elizabethan time so has the idea of predestination. I don’t think I have heard someone in present day say, “Our love was already set in the stars!” No what I hear people say is, “It happened for a reason.” I think the saying it happened for a reason is today’s version of predestination. When this fraise is used it usually means whatever happened good or bad happened for some reason that I will realize in the future. It is not like predestination because it is not saying that the something that happened was already known to happen. This fraise means that something happened and you don’t know why but in the end you will somehow grow as a person.
In a persons life when something goes wrong and they believe in predestination they are choosing to be victims. A victim is a person who says it is someone else’s problem that they are in a bad situation, they simply say, “Oh well that terrible choice of mine was already predestined, not my fault. This interferes with the “American Dream” because when a person thinks it is someone else’s problem they don’t even try to do their best. People that believe that whatever happened was not my problem them think that it is another persons job to pay their bills, do their work, have the government pay for their mistakes, don’t try.
I do not think my destiny has been laid out and planned for me. What my choices are do affect what happens in the future, potentially. I believe that I do have freewill and what I do affects how I live. I do think that everything does happen for a reason. When a tragedy occurs in someone’s life, I believe, God uses that to strengthen him or her, to help him or her learn, to grow closer as a family. I believe I have control of my future but how my future turns out is how I live my life now.
Will Ly
I think that there is still some form of predestination in this time. But I think it isn't really something that we really consider as a big force as they did in Shakespeare's time. Also there isn't many people that tell me "this is my destiny" and other things like that.
Predestination affects the American dream because it shows that not everyone is equal. It says that no matter what you do, you will never become better. It says that you can never change what you did in the past to become better.
I don't think that destiny is mapped out for me. Why? Because I'm too awesome for something like that too control me. I don't really mean that LOL. But I don't think destiny is mapped out because I always have a choice. Everything that I am doing right now and what I have done was not destiny they were choices of my own will. But anyone who thinks that your destiny is mapped out cools I have nothing against that.
Ashley Sperling
No predestination doesn't really exist anymore because we believe that we can influence our own future by making our own mistakes and choosing things that can impact you and the people around you. We have a different philosophy on the matter of predestination and that is, we create our own future, we make our own choices good or bad. The "American Dream" is you going out and following your dreams, it's your decision. It's not already mapped out for you, you experience the highs and lows of your "Dream", you have to work towards it and you might not always get it the first time around. Our belief system today is you control your own fate.
Marissa Jackson P.6
Predestination is something that I believe doesn’t really exist anymore; things have defiantly changed since Shakespeare time. Now a days, I think that more people believe that you are the one who makes the choices of the bad and good things that happen in your life. If there is some sort of belief in predestination I think it would be a philosophy of the fact that everything happens for a reason, like karma for example, and I think that would only be a part of a small percent of people.
Predestination conflicts with the “American dream”, because if it really were true then it would obliviously say that only a certain number of people would get to have that “dream”. In our world/culture today the belief systems have become very diverse. I would say that most of the belief systems are based around there being either a stronger or larger “being” guiding your life, or they could be based off of having no god or “being” at all.
Following my Christian beliefs, I do believe that I can make my own decisions in my life(control my own fate), but in the end God does have a number one goal for me to reach , and that He is there to guide me to His goal for me .
Kendra Heuer
Period 7
Yes, I think that predestination does exist, but not in the Shakespearean our-future-was-in-the-stars way. When you check your horoscope it tells you what your day, week, or month will be like, but no matter how much you try you can’t change what your horoscope says. Instead of our future being mapped out in the stars it mapped out in a horoscope.
Predestination has a major effect on the “American Dream.” Sometimes when you want some freedom predestination prevents you from having that freedom, no matter if you’re an American or not.
I think that my future is mapped out, but one of my choices will have an impact on my future that could possibly change what was planned.
Peighton Bruno
Yes I think predestination exist today. I do think it’s changed from the way people use to think of it or how they put it in terms. I believe that some people think that the choices they make in their life determine what will happen. I also believe some people think that what is meant to be will find its way and that is your fate, and you cant change that, or influence that and that is what is similar to predestination more then not.
I think some people today trust in a similar philosophy as they did back in Shakespeare’s time. I think that the difference is we believe or at least I believe that your life is made by your choices, but I think you were meant to make those decisions, and that is similar to predestination in the way that every thing that happens was meant to happen. I also know that other people don’t believe in that and that they are more independent in the way that they believe they can control everything that happens in there life.
I think that predestination relates to the American Dream. Though I think it depends on what your definition of the American Dream is. My definition of the American dream is, fulfillment. I think that if you are happy with your life and every thing you are, you are living the American dream. I personally think that predestination is just a way of how people live, and what they believe, like a religion. I think if you don’t believe in predestination or destiny that you can still live the American Dream, and be successful.
I truly believe that my destiny is mapped out for me. I think that what happens is meant to be. For example, I think if maybe I don’t make the highest soccer team that I was meant to play on the lower one and succeed at that first. I think that yes I make my own decisions but I think that I once again I was meant to, and I think that God has a part in that.
I do believe that predestination exists in some form today, but it also depends on who you ask. Some people believe that everything happens for a reason, and others believe that your actions and choices affect your future. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and not matter what we do our future will be how it was planned. I often find that when I read my horoscope for the previous month, a lot of the things they said would happen did happen. Oftentimes I hear people say that this is their destiny or that even though they wished something never happened, they know it happened for a reason.
Predestination relates to the “American Dream” because ultimately there is one thing that you are lead to fulfill in life, and predestination helps with that. I think the American Dream is to live your life to the fullest. Sometimes you think that if you got something else you’d be happier, but in reality things happen how they happen because it teaches you a lesson in life.
The belief systems of our world today is that while some things happen for a reason, other things you do have control over. Not everything is planned out for you, only the important things. The little things is something you have control over and should change if you don’t like it. But for the most part, everything that really will make you change as a person and grow is already planned out for you.
I do believe that my destiny is mapped out for me, and who I’m supposed to become as a person, the lessons I’m supposed to learn, and the things that help me grow are all planned out for me.
Amber Smith period 6
Predestination was a huge thing way back in Shakespeare’s time. It’s not as huge today however. In the past, people came up with myths to explain things that they couldn’t explain with science and logic. In today’s time we don’t really think a lot about destiny. We usually live by the rules of I make my own choices and that effects my outcome. Although if something bad happens someone will often say “maybe it was suppose to be this way”, “maybe it was just destiny” or even “this is the way things are suppose to be”. In a way destiny is kind of like god in today’s time. Most people don’t live by god’s commandments and don’t go to church every week but then in their time of need they turn to god and ask him for help. It’s similar to how we treat fate, if something good happens to us we don’t say it was fate, we say we had to work hard to get it then if something bad happens to us we blame it on fate.
Fate interlocks with “the American dream” because the American dream is to go to college, get married buy a house, have kids, be skinny, retire, to have grandkids then die. For some people this fate is almost impossible to reach for others it’s easier. For example for a kid who lives in a bad neighborhood and parents don’t speak English it’s going to be harder for him to reach the “American dream” rather than someone who lives in a huge house with parents who are lawyers or doctors and can have tutors whenever they don’t do well in school. The second person is going to have a lot easier time getting to the American dream. This might be fate. I think though that everyone controls their own fate. I think if i want to be an doctor I can be a doctor or if I want to be a pole dancer I can be a pole dancer. I can be anything I want to be it all depends on how I work for it.
Rebecca Schoenfeld
Period 6
You ask about predestination. It was believed in Shakespeare’s time and is still believed in some form today. In Buddhism they emphasize predestination and depending on how well you live that destiny determines if you move on to the “next level”. Although the Buddhists have a form of predestination, we do not on the western hemisphere. Our beliefs are that we make all our own decisions and go our own way. Ever since the beginning we have believed the predestination was never true. That was the whole reason for starting a new country was to away from others beliefs and forge our own.
The idea of predestination affects the “American Dream” 100%! This is because it is believed that we make our own destiny and create our lives all on our own. With this statement comes the reason that we do choose what we do. For example Mrs.Alvarez wanted to be an English teacher when she got older and that is just what she did. There are people who want to go into the military or police force and that is all their decision. Whether they follow through with it or not is yet again their decision, but they still make those decisions themselves.
The way I categorize the belief systems of the world today all depends on what religion you are grown up to believe. Here in the U.S. most of the population is raised to be Christian. In all honesty it all depends on the religion and country you live in.
I believe that I can control my own fate. I can make the decision of coming home on time or not if I hang out at a friends house. As I mentioned earlier I can also decide what I do for a living when I grow up. Whether that is going into law or to serve my country it is all up to me to decide. Other people can and probably will play a roll in my decisions, but I am still going to be the one making the final decision after all is said and done.
Ethan Snyder
Emily Adam
Pd. 6
Predestination is an interesting subject I think. I believe some people still believe in it just as if someone would believe in Christianity or Buddhism. Just like in today’s most common religions, it gives an idea to what happens to us in the future and how it happens. I think that over the years, many religions have branched from predestination. Probably a lot of them still believe in predestination while other completely contradict the thought. This is one of those controversial subjects that everyone has a different idea about it.
Predestination relates to and conflicts with the concept of the “American Dream”. If someone were to migrant here from another country, there could be two outcomes. One could be they could become a successful working man and have a much better life. Another could be that they could still be poor and not be able to find a job because they don’t have any skills. In both situations though, you could hear them say, “It was meant to be,” or, “It was not meant to be.” Both statements refer to predestination. So, if someone believed in predestination, they would think that it was their fate to end up the way they did.
I believe in predestination. I think that your fate is mapped out for you as soon as you begin to grow inside your mothers womb. I don’t exactly believe in everything that predestination is about though. I don’t think your fate is written in stone. Based on the choices you make, you fate changes. Sometimes, it’s not you who changes your future. For example, if you got in a car accident and were to get injured because of a drunk driver, that was not you who changed the future. It was the choices of the other driver that caused it. Maybe it was his fate to get into the car and drive intoxicated and you were just an innocent bystander that felt the consequences with him.
Predestination is an interesting concept that is thought of differently around the world and interpreted differently by different people.
By: Christian Arredondo
Period 7
In Shakespearean time the thought and belief in predestination was common in everyday society. People believed that a person’s life and destiny was mapped out for them in the stars, and that there was no changing it. Today there is a very wide range of beliefs when it comes to a person’s life. Not to say that the idea of predestination isn’t present today. I would think that some people believe that they are destined for something. But now in the present day people typically subscribe to a different philosophy, that a person is in charge of his or her destiny.
In a sense the idea of predestination can relate to the American dream. The American dream is similar to predestination in that people believe that as soon as you can make it to America that you will just automatically become prosperous. Although America is full of opportunity, and sometimes the dream comes true, this isn’t always the case. That is where the two ideas differ. None the less there are many categories in today’s belief system.
Many people (including myself) believe that a person is in charge of their own fate. If you work hard enough, you can do and get what you want. I will respect other people’s ideologies but I do not believe that my life is mapped out for me. You are what you choose to be, and your life is what you make it.
There is a big difference between what people now think of predestination and what people used to think. Predestination still exists today, but no one believes in it as strongly as when Shakespeare was alive. Today you may find someone who believes that an event was “meant to happen”, but not that their life is mapped out for them. Back in Shakespeare’s time, depending on the family you were born into would immediately decide what kind of life you would have. If your father was a blacksmith, you would be a blacksmith. Now, in our time, you can be anything you want because you have a talent for that skill, or are just interested in it.
Predestination is almost the complete opposite of the “American Dream”. The American Dream means you can be whatever you want to be and be successful. As long as you work hard, get a good education or have a talent or skill you can get a well paying job. In the world today we believe that by working hard we can achieve anything. Some people who are born into a wealthy family may not work as hard because they believe they can buy their way through life.
I believe that I am in control my own fate. I think that because there are many decisions I’ve made and am going to make that will change my future. If I decide to study engineering I could become an engineer. I also can decide whether I want to finish high school and get into a good college to get a good education. There are so many different things I could do with my life that could have bad outcomes or good outcomes. All of the decisions I will make are not pre-destined, and hopefully my choices will be educated and won’t end badly.
Nathan Pottorff
P. 6
Miranda Regalado
Per 7
Blog Assignment 2
Predestination basically means that everything happens for a reason. I do believe that predestination exists in the world today. For example, if you commit a good deed, then something great will come your way. If you do something bad, karma will come back and bite you in the butt. In other words, what goes around, comes around.
I think that you can have one of two opinions. One is you strongly believe in predestination. The other is that you just take life as it comes at you and think of it as more of a random thing. I don’t really believe there is any opinion in between the two.
I believe that I can control my own fate. Like, for example, I think I can change how I am right now to make my future better. But at the same time, I don’t believe I can exactly change my future either. It’s kind of hard to explain.
(An essay on the minds and philosophy of human culture by Ethan LaGreca)
Period 7
I do believe to some extent that the though of predestination exists today. We call it fate, something we cannot battle or change, our future cemented in stone. This relates to the American dream that all Americans are “destined for greatness” but conflicts in the way that the “American Dream” is us making us and America great by our own actions. I, myself believe that I am completely in control of how my life will end up, which is a much better thought then that of something else controlling my fate.
Kawai Sibley
Per 7
Blog Assignment 2
Predestination to me means that things happen for a reason. Now a day’s predestination doesn’t exist too much. I believe this because we influence our future by learning from our mistakes and making wise choices.
Predestination can relate to or conflict with the “American Dream” because of the decisions we make could affect us going out achieving what we want to. I think that there are either ways you can categorize belief systems in our world today. You can either believe in predestination that you believe everything happens for a reason and you can’t change it. The other you can believe in is that you have full control over your future like what goes around comes around.
I believe that I can control my own fate. Like, for example, I think I can change how I am by making better decisions and working hard to follow my dreams. Things happen for a reason, but that doesn’t mean that your whole life is planned out set in stone. You are the driver of the car of life!
doBlog Spot Assignment#2
Tiffany Ridenour
Yes belief in predestination does exist in some form today. I believe we prescribe to a similar philosophy. Predestination relates to the American dream because they both have a concept for the future. I might categorize the belief systems today as religious, educational, and faith in the future. I believe that you start out with your destiny mapped out for you but once you choose to make your own choices it becomes your own road and path that you choose.
Jessi Ray Period Seven Predestination I do not think predestination exists in our present day America like it did back in Elizebethean times. Back then, predestination consisted of arranged weddings, which don't really exist around here anymore. These days, in America at least, we get to choose who we marry and spend our lives with. Back then, marrages were arranged by parents and the daughter didn't really get a choice, no matter if she liked the boy or not! I think that predestination relates to the American dream because some people still believe fate rules there lives. It may not go as far as pre-arranged marrages, but what about luck? Some people base thief lives off the fact that they are lucky or not. I don't think people these days believe that our future is mapped out in the stars because that's just not something people relate to the modern world anymore. I don't believe that my destiny is mapped out in the stars because I believe that I control my own future. I acually think everyone controls their own fates because saying it's mapped out in the stars is just an excuse if you fail. All in all, predestination is a pretty cool subject and it had a huge control over people back in elizebethean times. It donest play that big of a role today, but that just depends on how you look at your future.
Mariah Lumpa
I think that predestination is a common belief today but it isn’t a strong one. Most people do think that things happen for a reason, but not everyone does. I think most Christian beliefs involve predestination. They may believe that God chooses some of the things that happen in their lives. In a modern world, there are so many different ideas of why things happen that it is hard to say that one dominates over the rest.
The “American Dream” is basically hope that one can have control over their destiny by being free. This would conflict with the idea of predestination because it argues about whether or not a person has control over their destiny. I think that, in modern America, quite a few people probably lean more to the “American Dream” side of belief, rather than the predestination idea because the “American Dream” gives people a sense of freedom and hope. For instance, Romeo and Juliet probably wouldn’t want to believe that their love would positively end in fate because it was mapped out in the stars, because no one wants to die, especially not early.
Personally, I don’t really believe in predestination. If people were destined to die at a certain time for a certain reason, then people could just drive around with their eyes closed and if it wasn’t their time to die, then they wouldn’t. I do realize that people wouldn’t know their destinies, even if they were mapped out in the stars, but someone might have some kind of idea of what it might be. I like to believe that I can control my destiny and that things don’t necessarily happen for a reason, but that they are opportunities to find something great, whether it is knowledge or experience.
Alyssa Rupert
I don’t think predestination exist anymore, thins have changed since Shakespeare’s time. Now people think hat you control what you do and how you do it. I believe other things happen lie karma, or things happen for a reason but that doesn’t necessarily mean what happens is written in the stars.
Predestination conflicts with the American dream because to get to your dream you have to do many things. To fulfill your dreams you have to work at it and not all that can b mapped in the stars.
People can believe whatever they want and no Shakespearean time story change that. Not everyone believes in the same thing and that will cause conflict. If people believe in predestination who is there to tell them to believe differently
Dillon Lorey-Grieve
I think that there is some form of predestination today. I think there are still people that believe they have a set destiny and they can't change that. There are also people who believe that they can change what is going to happen. I think now a days most people don’t believe in predestination and most just go with what happens.
If everyone believed in pre destination and it did exist for sure than if someone had a dream and they wanted to pursue it than they probably wouldn't be able to because it wasn't in their pre destination. If someone didn’t want to be in the job they were in they wouldn’t be able to leave unless their predestination said they were going to. Predestination can cause a lot of problems and prevent the American dream.
I believe in predestination. I believe that everyone has a set path but they don’t know it. i think that if someone wants to change something that it would already be in their predestination. i don’t think they can change it cause if they change something it will be in the predestination. That is my beliefs on pre destination.
Corey Dejac P7
Predestination was a huge thing way back in Shakespeare’s time. It’s not as huge today however. In the past, people came up with myths to explain things that they couldn’t explain with science and logic. In today’s time we don’t really think a lot about destiny. We usually live by the rules of I make my own choices and that effects my outcome. Although if something bad happens someone will often say “maybe it was suppose to be this way”, “maybe it was just destiny” or even “this is the way things are suppose to be”. In a way destiny is kind of like god in today’s time. Most people don’t live by god’s commandments and don’t go to church every week but then in their time of need they turn to god and ask him for help. It’s similar to how we treat fate, if something good happens to us we don’t say it was fate, we say we had to work hard to get it then if something bad happens to us we blame it on fate.
Fate interlocks with “the American dream” because the American dream is to go to college, get married buy a house, have kids, be skinny, retire, to have grandkids then die. For some people this fate is almost impossible to reach for others it’s easier. For example for a kid who lives in a bad neighborhood and parents don’t speak English it’s going to be harder for him to reach the “American dream” rather than someone who lives in a huge house with parents who are lawyers or doctors and can have tutors whenever they don’t do well in school. The second person is going to have a lot easier time getting to the American dream. This might be fate. I think though that everyone controls their own fate. I think if i want to be an doctor I can be a doctor or if I want to be a pole dancer I can be a pole dancer. I can be anything I want to be it all depends on how I work for it.
Kaitlyn Thibault P.7
I don’t think our destiny is mapped out for us. We make choices every day that change the way our lives are going. Either good or bad choices, it changes you and the other people involved with you. An example of why I don’t believe in predestination is because when I was little, I wanted to be a veterinarian. Now I want to be an anesthesiologist, but that can still change just by losing interest.
The “American Dream” is your own personal dream. You have to choose what you want to do with your life. It is not put in the stars for you. You may have to work hard to get what you want, but that is still your own choice.
If you make bad choices, then you learn from them. Predestination doesn’t make those choices for you. But you never know if in the stars you were really meant to make those bad choices in the first place.
Colton Wiles
Per 6
I don’t think that predestination exists at all today really. You’ll never really see people today trying not to go off whatever path that predestination leads them. People just do what they want. In a way it could kind of exist though. It’s just like one of those things that are “out there” and that people don’t really care about.
As for the American Dream, I think that what happens with the Americans and America is all based on what the country does. The belief system of our society is probably just to do whatever they want for as long as they can. They just try to get through life good and wealthy. I don’t think anyone would be scared to disrupt predestination or else you would see more people be like “This is my destiny” or something.
Do I believe in my fate being mapped out? Kind of, it’s like this. I’m going through my life making my own decisions but no matter what decision I make God already knows what decision I made before I made it. So He’s already got it mapped all out for me, I don’t have to worry about tragedy if I veer off (even though I can’t veer off) because it’s all ready for me
Patrick Kelly
Period 7 Predestination
I believe that predestination is true but not like if you disobey you will be punished. Instead, people who do believe, like me, believe that maybe you thinking about how destiny is really is part of your destiny. For example, making a choice isn’t going to change your destiny because if your destiny is correct that hiccup in the plan would be included.
When you hear the phrase “ The American Dream” you should think of deciding your life and not anyone else. The way of thinking that I described to you above does create a conflict because you may think you’re trying to go against the grain but instead everything you do has already been mapped out.
All in all I believe that whatever you do or think is not a code or a law you must follow but a path that you follow because God sees what he wants out of him or her and he sets their path. So I believe that you are not punished for your mistakes but what happens is a lesson to you of not doin it again or what happens if you do it again. That is what I believe.
I think that predestination may exist somehow in everyday, present life. For example, some people read their horoscopes everyday. Horoscopes are telling people the good and bad things that may come soon. However, I believe that if you make the right choices, you can map out your own future. Everyone is always saying, everything happens for a reason, but you have to make those things happen, by making decisions everyday. Whether it’s what you are going to wear that day, or where you want to go to college, you still have to make those choices, which may or may not affect your future.
- Kelsey Thurston
period 7
I Think that predestination still exists in some form today, but people are less serious about it as they were in Shakespeare’s time. Now most people believe that your actions today can change your future, and no one knows how you are going to end up. But there are a few of us that believe that everything happens for a reason. I believe that to some extent. I believe that some things happen for a reason, but your future is still able to be changed. And the things that are happening to you right now are there to make you the kind of person that you are supposed to be, and everything is not %100 certain.
While predestination is all about how no matter what you do now while you’re alive, you’re destiny is already decided and there is really nothing you can do about it. The American Dream states that you have the opportunity to have and do anything that you apply yourself with and it is all up to you how your future ends up.
Bryn Wright
Per 7
I do not believe in predestination, because in the belief of predestination your life is already set up. There is no way that you can change your life. Back in the time of Romeo and Juliet, predestination was much more believable, because it was a much simpler time period. There was a very low level of education and your fame was not leveled by your talent, or your skills, or your determination, your fame was measured simply by your families past. But we now live in a much more modern, and complex time period, that includes much more competition amongst our society.
When it comes to the American dream, to me, it seems impossible to achieve the American dream with society believing in predestination. This is because you would have no drive to achieve your dream. You would look at it, and think, why waste my time practicing, why use these extra hours of my own time to study, why work so hard if I am destined to be somewhere. I am going to be there anyways, so why try? But if you believe that you control your own fate, you think to yourself, I want this! I want this! And if I don’t work hard, I will NEVER get it. But if a man can change his stars, then I will be that man. That will be me! Because I want this more than anybody out there! When I was young, I was always told that I would never play for an upper level team for hockey. But I did not get down, I did not get sad, I became determined. It made me want it even more than ever! When I was in elementary school, I couldn’t get my basic math down. I struggled constantly, but when I would get my grades handed back to me, I didn’t get sad, or tell myself I was stupid, I looked at the grade and say to myself, next one’s an A. I would stay after school to get help from my teacher. To learn the basics, so I could move on to bigger and better things. Five years later, I’m in a math class so excelled that I don’t have a single kid in the class that is in the same grade. If I had believed in predestination, I would still be behind in math class; I would still be on a team with kids that can’t even skate. But because I control my own fate, I am a more determined person.
Over all, I think that predestination is a belief of the past. In the modern day society, I don’t think this belief would get you anywhere in life, but the bottom of the “chain” in our society. Although in the past, this was a strong belief, I think the ideas popularity has died down.
Joseph Fisk
Period # 6
Autumn Gardner
I think that predestination can still be found in some households or maybe in a few religions. I don’t think it is as obvious as it may have been in Shakespeare’s time, but it’s still out there. In my opinion, most people today like to believe they control their own fate and we decide what gets to happen in our lives. I think also that certain advances in science help us to think that fiery balls of molten rock can’t really hold secrets or map out our lives. Most people had no idea that that’s what stars really are in his time, so they may have thought stars had a deeper meaning.
I think it depends on whether or not you believe in predestination if it were to conflict with the “American Dream”. If you do, then yes it very well could become a problem. If the stars say that you are going to be a hobo for the rest of your life and you believe it, then you’re probably going to be a hobo. On the other hand, if the stars say that you are going to become a millionaire and you believe it, then you could be more motivated to become that successful and things could work out for you. If you don’t believe in it then there’s no problem with thinking the stars are directing you somewhere.
I am somewhere in the middle of predestination and controlling my own fate. I am a Christian and I believe that we can control what we do, but that god already knows what is going to happen. So in a way it is “mapped”, but it’s a “map” of our own decisions.
In my opinion I think that predestination means that in the end, your life is planned out for you. Like in the play Romeo and Juliet were the people believed that your destiny of your entire life was planned out in the stars. I think that in some way this is represented in today’s time with such things like zodiacs. The zodiac signs in the stars have some prediction as to what somebody is like or does. I would also lead to believe that we follow a new philosophy where a person is in charge of his or her own life rather than the stars.
With the “American Dream” I don’t think that predestination totally relates to the whole idea. From an immigrants views of the American Dream they may believe that as soon as they come to America their life will be amazing and they won’t have any problems. Although America has many opportunities for a great American lifestyle like this, things don’t always work out in the end. Therefore predestination doesn’t really come into play with the “American Dream.”
I also believe that when it comes down to categorizing beliefs around the world and in predestination there are two simple categories. One being that you can believe in predestination or zodiac signs or things like the Mayan calendars, or you can ignore the whole idea of predestination and choose your own future and be in control of your own life.
In this sense I believe that I control my own my own fate and how my destiny through life unfolds. My choices and the things I do as a young adult may come around to jeopardize my future options in life. I believe that others lives are also out for them to choose and decide how their destiny and their own lives unfold.
Darius Ortega
The world today has not really consider predestination as an option or choice, unlike the people in the Elizabethan Era where almost everybody believed that predestination was the only choice. Im not saying that noboday believes in predestination im just saying that it depends on the type of religon that the person or family was raised from. We suscribe from a simular philosophy when people talk about karma, karma and predestionation are simular because its like saying the phrase it happened for a reason and predestionation is mapped out in the stars, so it must of happened for a reason.Predestination relates with the "American Dream" because The "American Dream" states that all men have the same rights and consider equal, and predestionation is simular because even if you are the ugliest guy in the counrty you still have predestionation and you can still be married, so every man has some what equal chances. I would catergorize the world belief system by saying that it deoends on the type of people and the way they were raised, I was raised on the beleif that God makes desion when you meet ur love and that it is your responsiblity to to keep the love or it will be lost. I do not believe that love is mapped out in the stars because i think that love happens for a reason and not that it is mapped out in the stars, I do believe I control my own faith because if I make bad choices then my life could end soon and that if i make good decisions then i will live a healthy life.
Justin Badsky
Yes there is some belief in predestination does exist today. In some cultures they still emphasize predestination. However the people in the western hemisphere don’t really have a form of predestination. We believe that we make our own way in life with the help of family and friends. Our lives can change in an instant do to the cause of how well we do in school and what we plan to do in life and that it is not mapped out in the stars.
Predestination does conflict with the American dream because our dream was to be free. If we did believe in predestination we wouldn’t necessarily be free because our futures would supposedly be in the stars and that would not allow us to create a future of our own. That would be the conflict between the American dream and predestination.
I think that the belief systems today mainly rely on religion of the people and their cultures. In some cultures they may have some sort of belief about predestination, but it may not be very strong. I do not believe that my future is mapped out in the stars and that I have the power to control what I become in the future. I can do this by doing well on school and always trying my best. All of this will impact on what I do and that can always change as I go through life.
Taylor Trent
Braden Dolezal
Sep 22
period 7
I think that predestanation still plays an important role today just a little more subtle than in the Elizebethan era today there are horoscopes which show almost the exact thing predestination does. Everything from youll find love to youll find a job.
In my opinion predestiation is just that destinations in our lives that we reach despite our attempts not to. Its just our view that lead us into them differently based on how we react to other people and other views.
The American Dream is just another type of predestination of were every one wants to go just they may never be able ot obtain the White picket fence of the great reliable lassie dog but its something to strive for unlike predestination which is something that will happen.
Martin Pinto
period 6
In the book of Romeo and Juliet, these two teenagers fall in love and according to the prologue their lives were already mapped out in the stars and they were going to dye. That is known as pre-destination. Because the United States of America is a free country, and has many cultures in it that people brought along with them when moving to the U.S.A, people might or might not believe in Pre-destination.
To begin with, the U.S.A is a free country where anybody can believe whatever he or she wants. Many people can still believe in pre-destination in any way or form. One example, is those people that can read your hand or can tell your future by just looking at you. That’s some type of pre-destination belief. Also there could be some people that still practice the original star reading thing. Some people come up to a couple and say, “ you two were meant for each other.” That can be some type of pre-destination belief. So pre-destination is still believed but in different forms.
In addition to people being able to believe what ever they want, America has allowed people from different countries to live here too that still practice or live their lives believing the star mapped future destiny belief. Africans, Indians, and people from the Middle East live by the pre-destination belief. Not all of them, only a few. America doesn’t really have any conflict with pre-destination. Anyone can live by believing it or not. There hasn’t really been any change in America because of pre-destination.
In conclusion, many people from different cultures believe in pre-destination. I honestly don’t believe it, mostly everyone I know believes that you can control your own fate. That’s what most of the people believe here in America but in other places people still use those star reading things to see what their future will be. So people still use pre-destination but not that much.
Although in a different form, predestination still exists today. An extremley common exaple of this is the saying, "Everything happens for a reason." People may not think that we have our fate mapped out in the starr, but people belive in soulmates and that some things were meant to be. On the other hand, many years ago, all people thought that they had no controll of their fate. Today, many people think that they do have a say in their futures and that hoices they make will impact their lifes. Their is so much media saying how colledge will make a big difference in life style for instance. To me, making descions is like finding your own destiny.
Predestinantion cinflicts with the "American Dream" because predestanation says you have no controll over what happend to you. The american dream kind of says the oppisite. It says here, in America, you find your own way and make your dreams happen. I would catogorize the beliefs system in our world today as a matter of opinion. Some people, for example follow zodiac and completkey trust it, some just do it for fun, and some don't at all.
I personally think that my entire life isnt mapped out, but that every thing happend for a reason. To give an example, before my brother was born my dad decided to do a golf tournamant for the oncology department at Children's Hospital. this was a big part of my life. Then, a couplke years late, my brohter was born, then diagonosed with stage 4 cancer. I think that all kind of happend for a reason.
Sarah Cohen
Brody Fretthold
Many people have different opinions about if predestination still exists in some form of today. I believe that predestination still exists in modern day because back then you would say "our destiny is mapped out in the starts" and now you say "everything happens for a reason" which is saying the same thing. I think that everything does happen for a reason because if you mess up in your life it's your fault so you can control it. I also think that our destiny is mapped out in the starts is somewhat right because even if you mess up you know that things will get better for you in the long run.
Predestination relates to the "American Dream" because if you start to lose focus in school then your (dream) will start to fade away. The "American Dream" should be very important for your future because if you do something good then you're more likely to be happy and or successful. I would say that our belief system is kind of the same as it was 300 years ago. I say this because even though those two quotes have different words they still mean the same because both quotes are saying that our destiny is planned for us no matter what we do.
I believe that my destiny is mapped out for me but I also believe that I control my own destiny. I say that your destiny is mapped out in stars because if you mess up in life then that will affect your destiny in the long run. I say that you control your own destiny in life because you make your own decisions and no one else can control your life besides yourself.
Eleigh B.
Period 6
Predestination is kind of a crazy topic. I mean, people’s lives mapped out in the stars? But, yes I do think that predestination is still believed today, just not in the way that it was back then. Religion and your beliefs have everything to do with this topic. Like some people believe that everything happens for a reason. Others believe that you can only control what happens, and some just go with the flow.
I will start with religion. I am a Christian, so yes; I believe that every little thing that happens is in God’s control. He knows every detail of the past present and future. Everything that will happen to a person is meant to be, even the bad things. People are different though, so others might have a different outlook on things.
This relates to the “American Dream” because, living the “American dream” to me is the perfect life for you. For example, a home a good family, a good job, things like that. I think that predestination is meant to make you happy, and that would mean living the “American dream.” Then again, our beliefs have a lot to do with this, some people might not believe in predestination.
Jeana Bush
The "American Dream" would be many things, and in that variety we have to work for it our selves. This is not predestination. The things in our life is not just handed to us, we have to work torward it. Today predestination is does play a big role in our belief systems but we still follow it.
In other religions of today and other people's own beliefs some do think that there are never any coincidences there is purpose for everything that happens. Like in the religion my family studies and i grew up with we belive that God makes everything happen for a reason and he has a plan for us all. This is what i would think follows predestination. But, we also believe that God also gave us free will to control our own lives.
I think that predestionation plays a small part in our belief systems. But it isn't as big of a role in our beliefs as it was in Elizabethian times.
Jacob Lindberg
Per. 7
Yes, I do believe that predestination exists in some form today. The latest form of predestination ive noticed in these past months is the 2012 contraversy. Many people believe that on december twenty first 2012 the world will end. This is because the mayan calendar ends on that day. People are begining to believe that since the calendar ends so will the world. Since life has exsisted there has been predictions of the world ending, but this one tops all. There is no evidence of this happening........yet, but there is a few possible things that could happen. That is the form of predestination i believe exists in some form today.
I believe that we all subscribe to a different philosophy. Many of us will believe in the same thing but most of us will believe in different things. Like the 2012 contraversy, some people will believe in this matter but most of us wont. But all of us will have a different outlook on the matter. Just like me, I believe this could happen if astrologicial events change during the corse of two years. Even though its not likely to happen, i have a different philosophy on the event just like other people on the matter. So even though we agree to some things, all of us have different philosophys on every subject known to man.
There are many ways to categorize our belief systems in our world today but most people i think categorize there beliefs on there beliefs at home, there political beliefs, and people also categorize their beliefs on government. These things are thought about and discussed every day in our socieity. Not the beliefs at home but the beliefs about our government and political views. These beliefs arent just normal beliefs though. These beliefs are actually important to our society. Like putting on your seatbelt. This wasnt a very strong belief until more and more people were gained into believing that putting on your seatbelt was important since more and more people were dieing in car accidents. So as you can see,there are many ways to cateogorize our belief systems, but only so may are important.
Lastly, I do not believe your destiny is mapped out for you. I think that you yourself control your own fate. I think the choices you make during your life lead you to your destiny in the future. Most people believe otherwise but i think you can't have a have a destiny unless you do something. For the people that do believe in destiny being mapped out for you, how could it possibly be mapped out for you if all your life, you were trapped at home and did nothing which is unlikley but would your mapped out destiny be doing nothing. I think the choices you make make your destiny maped out throughout your life until you achieve your destiny. That is why and how I believe you choose your own fate. Because some of the time your mapped out destiny could seem rediculous. The choices you make choose your destiny.
Zach Bohan
I do believe that predstinantion exists in today's society. It's just that we don't believe in it as strongly as Shakespeare did in his time era. Another thing that differs our thoughts from those of Shakespeare's is that we use the word in a different phrase, "It happened for a reason." At least I don't hear people saying, "I'm going to be this when I grow up because it says so in the stars!"
Although there are some forms of predestination in today's world, I think that it conflicts with the American Dream because no one wants to be told how their life is going to be played out. We want to follow our own personal interests, not those of our parents, friends, or other strong influences.
Lastly, I do not believe that my future has been mapped out for me. Every single decision that I make will have an impact on my future, or atleast most of them I think, and hence change the course of my life. HA fancy word huh? If my future was mapped out for me, I'd feel liked I've lost most of my freedom and feel forced into making decisions that i don't want to make. Therefore, I do not believe that my future has been mapped out for me.
Kendall Lovato Pd.6
Predestination happens in a few places still today. Its not like the Romeo Juliet version of predestination though. For example, in some parts of the predestination occurs for people who’s religion tells them who to marry, or what profession they should have when they grow up.
We subscribe to a similar yet vastly different philosophy. First off, we tend to have a good idea of what we want to do when we grow up but our future is not necessarily “mapped out in the stars”. Most of us today, still have the right to a marriage and family but we also have the freedom to choose who we want to do so with.
It interferes with the American dream because people who are arranged in their life feel like maybe they have no control over what their destiny because its already planned out for them.
The belief system in our world today really depends on our culture because it might also alter what we think of our future and relationships. I believe that my future is my choice but that I kind of have an idea of what I want to do with my life after say high school and on to my future.
Lexus Nieto Pd#6
I do not believe that predestination exists today. I believe that people can choose how they want to live and that they can make there own decisions in life. Things have really changed since Shakespeare’s time. I believe that you control your own life and you can make your own decisions.
However, I think that we do have a similar philosophy. I think that the stars are kind of like the saying everything happens for a reason.
Predestination relates to the “American dream.” I feel that it relates to this because the “American dream” is that you have to follow your own dreams to be the person that you want to be and predestination to me is that you follow your own fate to be who you want to be in life.
I do not think that your life is mapped out for you; I believe that you can control your own fate.
I don’t believe that my future is mapped out what I do believe is that we can make plans for the future with the right actions behind them we can make it come true. The American Dream is something everyone wants it’s a loving family a good job and a promised life free of pain. NOT happening for anyone well okay maybe one or two people here or there but its very unlikely to get exactly what you want in this life all the time yes if you have the brain capacity as well as the willingness to put effort into learning then it increases your odds of likely getting into something that could give you said dream. Though it may never be perfect and my meaning for that and speaking from experience every relationship if it’s a dating or a parent/child relationship will have some problems because everyone has a problem everyone has something that’s bad about them that is just who they are.
What I think is that you truly control your own fate though the majority influenced by people in your life such as parents, siblings, teachers, and even peers. Even though it’s not good to always listen to your peers some of them your good friends will influence you forever such as my best friend Shawn who I have known for 6 years. Are world today makes life easier yet with that ease from life’s idealistic needs that may cause us pain through emotions; meaning we by things something that we don’t need that affect are future that are pointless for the time being. I digress what I am meaning is in today’s world we need to spend are time even at this age making sure we are careful with how we plan on using are money because into today’s world it could really make a difference between getting kicked out of your house or living happily with no stress.
In some ways in the present day world we do have predestination because some people do believe their fate is controlled by that of someone else’s which is true. I myself believe in god and that he/she is a big factor in many peoples life which controls what their future actions may turn out to be differently with out it so my meaning in this is for predestination I believe depending on your choices your stars may be sent some were (your life) that small stuff brought it their. Are philosophies for today on predestination differ from person to person especially in places like America, Britain and etc. that allow freedom of opinion in how were raised religion wise and style which completely controls how we end up in life.
Cody Duncan
Tuesday 22nd 2009
Period 6
I do so believe that Predestination is still believed in many forms of today. And, as an example, there is a movie that just came out that says that most people do think it is still there. That one special movie is known as “The Final Destination”, that one movie really speaks out to me in the forms of which Predestination is still strongly believed in. This one movie really says that because people screw up the order of how things are going to happen, and when they do, disasters occur.
We do subscribe, or believe in a similar philosophy, but most people tend to ignore it anyway. I know that in my opionion, that I believe in fate and destiny, but I also believe that you can change it as well. Like, if your sitting outside and you see a tornado is forming and heading for your house. Now, if you just stayed outside and watched events unfold, you would put your life in the hands of fate. Whether the tornado went away, or it come on and killed you, you let things happened the way they should have. But lets say you had a tornado shelter inside your house and you went inside and waited out the funnel, you took your own decision and changed what your fate might have been.
I think that predestination relates to the “American Dream” because the dream is based upon how events go in your life. For instance, one part of the dream is to own a lot of money and a big house and lots of cars. Well, one way to do that is to participate in the Lottery. Now that little event right there is based all on fate and luck. But it also conflicts with the “American Dream.” Now, it conflicts because the “lay-out” of the stars might not go in your favor, and cause your life to well, suck. Lets go back to the lottery. So all the “mojo-jojo” of the fate isnt working out for you right? You say, oh, hey lets try my luck at something that there is no possible way to suck at! So you go buy a Lottery ticket. Powerball and everythin. All the fixins. And the night of the Lottery your sittin in front of your little 12” 1990 television holding the antennae to see how your numbers go. And as the balls rotate, you have a good feeling. Then, they start coming out, one by one they start to match everyone of your numbers, then the final ball. It comes up, and your begging for a 9. when, the ball comes up a dazzingly evil, 6! And you hear your neighbors next door start screaming. Well, sucks to be you don’t it?
There are many belief systems in our world today. Now, there is the fate and destiny belief that many people believe in. There is also the belief in things like karma, which I have a strong believance in. But, there are also many other things to believe in as well. To name one off, there are things like God, of which relates to religion.
Now, lastly, as I have stated before, I do believe in such things as fate and karma, but I also believe strongly in the fact that if you don’t try and change your fate, there is no way you truly have control over your life. You do have the power to change fate, you just have to act.
Predestination is a word that says that everyone’s fate is already decided for them. This term exists in many places in today’s society. For example, several religions believe this. They believe that you can’t change your fate and if you try you will be punished. We do not have a simpler concept, because we believe in dreaming, and that can’t be done if everything is already meant to happen.
This term conflicts with the American dream, and that is because the American dream is to live in a world without being controlled by anyone. If your entire life is planned out for you, then that dream will never be accomplished. In today’s society, I would classify our belief systems as force what you want. People think that if there life is planned out for them in the stars, then maybe violence and oppression will change what is written into what we want to believe. This is not right. Also, I don’t believe that my life is plotted out for me. I think that if I can dream of something, then I can do whatever I want, and I don’t have to believe what anyone tells me, whether it’s god or it’s my mother.
Eric Berve
Claire M.
per 6.
Predestination means that things that happen in life happen for a reason. In some way I believe that everything does happen for a reason and everything that we do is part of our path to the future. Every choice we make leads us in a certain way and our lives are all somehow planned out before we even begin them.
But then again I believe that we are controlling our own lives, nobody is there to decide how we end up with our decisions and mistakes and we decide our future and how we will end up if ten years by every decision we make daily.
So I wonder if it is partly that we do have predestination and our decisions are already planned out for us we just don’t know it yet and in the future all the decisions we are making now are effecting who we will be, and changing our minds about things, making mistakes, doing what is right, and sometimes not… everything is just all the parts of the plan all coming together.
I don’t think predestination exists in any form today because life follows its own track. I don’t think every humans future or destination is in the stars for many reasons. One reason is there are way more stars than humans but not enough visible for every human in my mind. I also think the stars have no meaning just design that you put meaning to. If you put meaning to the stars then it’s not a destination. The difference in today and back in Shakespeare’s time has a large part to do with the belief in predestination also. They were more focused on astronomy then we are today which was believed to map out your destination.
As people of today I believe we subscribe to a different philosophy then they did during Shakespeare’s time. I believe that our philosophy is that our future is mapped out in no way what so ever. Our philosophy is based on what’s to come not what is waiting to happen. This is a very large part of our society. This is a large part of society because it’s the belief in ourselves that we know we can change our future and what’s to come. That’s why I believe our philosophy now a day’s is much different from Shakespeare’s time.
Predestination conflicts with the “American Dream” in a few ways. One way is it messes with a humans mind that they can’t control there future. Another way is it can cause conflict between people with different beliefs. The belief systems in the world today can be categorized as “single” or “opinionated” because people have there own beliefs and ways to see there destination.
I myself believe that my destiny is not mapped out for me. I believe that I’m in control of my own fate and future. I believe this because you can make your own decision to do one thing opposed to the next. You can follow or create your own path instead of having it chose for you. This has never been a huge issue for me, in fact I’ve never before discussed it in my life, but those are my beliefs.
Period: 7
I think that predestination is seen in many different ways today, but personally I do not believe in predestination. I see predestination mainly in the way that some people think the way a person looks
or what naturally abilities they have determines what they do. Like someone that is tall and strong might grow up to be an athlete. I also think that people that have parents that do something also decide wether a person will follow in their parents footsteps. Or if a person is born into a lot of money they could never have to work a day in their life. All kinds of different things can be seen in society today that people might think determines what a person will do with their life.
In my opinion the “American Dream” is just to do whatever you think you want to do most. So, I do not think that predestination is real because, for most people doing what you want to do most would take a lot of work and a lot of people will not work hard enough, but the people that do will achieve their dream. If predestination was real everyone on the planet would be headed somewhere and the truth that not everyone is going to make something of themselves. You could argue that predestination could also take you nowhere or to bad places, but I believe that everyone makes mistakes and even if you screw up you can still work your way out of just about any bad situation that could come up. So I do not think that anyone really truthfully has their destiny decided before they even do anything to accomplish what they want to do.
I think today there is a very different philosophy to the way people determine what they do. Now even musicians and athletes have to make good grades to get into a college to work at those things in college and then to move on to an actual career area. So today no matter what you want to do you basically can go to school for it. Also today there are so many people trying hard at what they do, even if you are extremely talented you still have to put in a lot of hard work to be as good as everyone. I feel that this is true in almost every field of work and pretty much in life. As for other parts of life such as friends and love, I feel exactly the same way. There are so many different people on the planet today, out of everyone of them you can pretty much choose who your friends are going to be and what types of things you will do. I think that maybe in the time Shakespeare was around predestination was a more realistic though because there were a lot less options and a lot less people on the earth then there is in present day.
Josh Behne Per7
Karter Johansen,,, Period 6
The belief in predestination does exist in some forms today. For example, most people acknowledge that their future is inevitable. But whether or not they believe its mapped in the stars and if it’s controllable are dependent on personal beliefs, which is also where the opinion of defying this fate leads to tragedy lies. But if there is one thing, there is a contrast. Same thing goes for predestination. There are most definitely people who believe your fate is completely up to you, and impossible to foresee. So in conclusion, yes, there are forms of predestination in modern society today.
Most subscribe to a similar philosophy, because most accept that we will do certain things that are unknown to us at the moment. For example, it is fate that we will breathe in the next couple of seconds. But that is human nature, thus that example could validly be argued, as it is a natural. An argument about predestination could go on for weeks, but the fact that you will have to do something, anything, no matter how big or small, in the future, is similar to some forms of predestination and you could most likely get anyone to somehow consent to predestination in the slightest way.
This belief contradicts the “American Dream” because it simply says, no matter how hard you try, and this is going to happen. This is why it’s argued about because for one to grasp the concept of predestination, you have to accept you can’t change your future. This could mean, when used with the “American Dream” that you may try to acquire a nice middle class house and family with a white picket fence but unless this is in your future, it is unattainable.
If I were to categorize the world’s belief systems, I would break them down into religion and philosophies. My reasoning for this is that religion plays a huge factor in one’s life. Because it impacts a person’s morals, beliefs, and almost every aspect of life. And I would break it even further down into philosophies. I would do this because it shows a more developed belief system that was rooted from religion and surroundings.
I think that in some form you do have control over your destiny. I think that you can accomplish what you work at, and control what future impact you have on your life. But I believe that God knows your fate, since He is all knowing. So in a sense, you control your fate, but in the end, God knows every little detail of your future.
Blog Assignment #2
I think that some people still do believe in predestination today. For an example, some people believe that everything happens for a reason; that god knows what is in your future, and has planned it out for you.Even though some people still believe in predestination i feel like it is not as strong as concept in this time period. More people during Shakespeare's time strongly believed that they could not change their fate without causing some problem or tragedy. More people believe that if they want to change what lies ahead in their future, then they can do that. I guess i'm trying to say that there are still similar beliefs about predestination, but they are not as common or as strong.
To most people the "American Dream" is having a fulfilling happy life. This fits into the topic of predestination in a couple ways. People that believe god has a mapped out plan for them, and that everything happens for a reason probably believe that there are living the American Dream. I believe this is so because people that believe in god believe that he has the best intrest for them. They believe that a plan was made specially for them, and that what their doing is fulfilling which makes them happy. On the flip side though I think that some people believe that they make their own happiness, and predestination is not a factor in thier lives. An example of this thinking is that, if you want to be happy and have a fulfilling life then you can work to get that.I would say that the belief system today is categorized in the people that believe in a higher power, and the people that believe they hold the key to their own future.
I personally believe in predestination to an extent. I think some things happen for a certain reason. An example of this is being in the right place at the right time. Some things are just so lucky, and so good fortuned that it's hard to think that they weren't a result of predestination. For the most part I don't believe in predestination. I believe that people make their own futures and luck. In my eyes the people that have a happy fulfilling life have worked hard and made their own decisions, and have chosen not to do some things that made their life the way it is. I don't think people that are born in third world countries are predestined to life that life style. I think that they can make their own decisions that will result in the outcome of their life.
Tory Travers :)
Blog Assignment #2
I think that some people still do believe in predestination today. For an example, some people believe that everything happens for a reason; that god knows what is in your future, and has planned it out for you.Even though some people still believe in predestination i feel like it is not as strong as concept in this time period. More people during Shakespeare's time strongly believed that they could not change their fate without causing some problem or tragedy. More people believe that if they want to change what lies ahead in their future, then they can do that. I guess i'm trying to say that there are still similar beliefs about predestination, but they are not as common or as strong.
To most people the "American Dream" is having a fulfilling happy life. This fits into the topic of predestination in a couple ways. People that believe god has a mapped out plan for them, and that everything happens for a reason probably believe that there are living the American Dream. I believe this is so because people that believe in god believe that he has the best intrest for them. They believe that a plan was made specially for them, and that what their doing is fulfilling which makes them happy. On the flip side though I think that some people believe that they make their own happiness, and predestination is not a factor in thier lives. An example of this thinking is that, if you want to be happy and have a fulfilling life then you can work to get that.I would say that the belief system today is categorized in the people that believe in a higher power, and the people that believe they hold the key to their own future.
I personally believe in predestination to an extent. I think some things happen for a certain reason. An example of this is being in the right place at the right time. Some things are just so lucky, and so good fortuned that it's hard to think that they weren't a result of predestination. For the most part I don't believe in predestination. I believe that people make their own futures and luck. In my eyes the people that have a happy fulfilling life have worked hard and made their own decisions, and have chosen not to do some things that made their life the way it is. I don't think people that are born in third world countries are predestined to life that life style. I think that they can make their own decisions that will result in the outcome of their life.
Tory Travers :)
Depending on the location, belief in predestination may or may not exist, as it all depends on one's own personal beliefs in life. As such, predestination comes in varying levels of effectiveness. Again, this time in regards to the question about if we follow a similar philosophy, it depends on the person's beliefs. Some may believe entirely that your fate is mapped out, while others full heartedly and actively attempt to disprove such thoughts. Due to humanity changing at a very rapid rate, and so many possible and varied opinions abound, it is very difficult to pinpoint an exact answer to these questions other than that yes, predestination is still around, even if it is not as widely regarded as the correct idea as it once was.
I personally believe that it conflicts the "American Dream," as every time I have heard of this "American Dream," it was described to me as working hard to earn your own keep, and that it is possible no matter your status in life. Obviously, this partially conflicts with predestination due to the fact it keeps you on a strict road, no matter your attempts to fight fate, meaning that if your life is doomed to wallow in torment, it shall, regardless of any amount of effort you use in order to avoid it. However, it also partially supports it, as what if one had a road that was paved in the direction of greatness through hard work, even if they were born in less than adequate conditions?
Now, as I personally have not kept up with any current beliefs or ideals about the world, I am unable to answer the question, "How might you categorize the belief systems of our world today?" in a proper manner. So, instead I shall move onto the next, and final, question. This is a very subjective belief that I hold about this, and many people may call me out for "staying on the fence," but as long as I understand and am capable of making others understand, I am perfectly fine with them thinking that way. Now, the way I perceive it, I believe we choose our own paths, laying down stones as we go, then at the end of the road, we turn around, and that is what we call our "destiny." After all, recall a situation where you wish you had done something different than you had actually done it. Now, imagine if you had the same knowledge of life, learned knowledge, intel and information about the situation, just like if you were experiencing that situation at the same exact time it originally happened, and for the first time, without any hindsight. Would you not make the same decision? You would, as the conditions are exactly the same as before, and so you would go through the same thought processes as before, and reach the same conclusion. So, you build your own road, then call that your "destiny."
Alexander Garcia
I would have to say that most defiantly predestination does exist in this world today. There are many, many people today that believe that what is happening to them in their life is their destiny. There are also people that believe that they and another person are destined to be together. However, I do think that the concept of predestination has faded as the years and centuries even, have gone by. People back in Shakespeare’s time were very high in believing in predestination where as today, not as many people believe in it.
People today are more modern. You do not see or hear about people looking to the stars to tell them what to do. However, like I said there is a modern version of predestination that people believe in today. This includes couple thinking that it was fate that brought them together.
I believe in a way that my destiny is mapped out for me. I am a Christian, so I believe that whatever God has planned for me is what is going to happen, whether I like it or not. Now then, do I believe in fate?? I’m not entirely sure yet considering it has not happened to me yet.
Jessica Harbert Period 6
I belive there are some forms of predestination left in the world. But not major. I dont belive if you try to disrupt it, it will lead to tragedy. Most of people who belive in predestination had a big thing to do with their culture, beliefs, and where their from. But predestination was a much bigger idea in Shakespears time rather then now. Every move we make puts us on a different road to our future, and we can make that good or bad.
The "American Dream" is about choosing you're own way, and haing free will power to do anything you want. And i think that predestination conflicts with people's "Dreams." But I like knowing that I can change thing if my life goes wrong. And make sure my decisions are good ones.
Hosna Zulali
Period 6
Anjelica Pera P.6
Predestination is something that I believe doesn’t really exist anymore; things have defiantly changed since Shakespeare time. Now a days, I think that more people believe that you are the one who makes the choices of the bad and good things that happen in your life. If there is some sort of belief in predestination I think it would be a philosophy of the fact that everything happens for a reason, like karma for example, and I think that would only be a part of a small percent of people.
Predestination conflicts with the “American dream”, because if it really were true then it would obliviously say that only a certain number of people would get to have that “dream”. In our world/culture today the belief systems have become very diverse. I would say that most of the belief systems are based around there being either a stronger or larger “being” guiding your life, or they could be based off of having no god or “being” at all.
Following my Christian beliefs, I do believe that I can make my own decisions in my life(control my own fate), but in the end God does have a number one goal for me to reach , and that He is there to guide me to His goal for me .
September 18
I think that predestination is in this present day, but it isn't like," My life and destiny is mapped out in the stars", I think that God has a plan for us and that is our life and how it's going to work out. I think most people "subscribe" to a different philosophy, which would be, we make our own choices, or we can plan our own future. I think predestination conflicts the "American Dream", because people then think that they will have to do there life how its planned for them and can't do what they want. They, in a way, have to "follow the rules". I think the belief today is you control your own life. I do not belive that my destiny is mapped out for me, i think God is in control of my fate.
(i was absent one day)
Erica Del Rio
Pd. 6
I think that people have many different opinions about predestination and if they believe in it or not. Since everyone is different and comes from different cultures, we have different beliefs in many ways.
I think that predestination still exists today. This is because my family believes that god has your life planned. Some people don’t think predestination exists simply because of their culture. In my culture when someone dies people just say that that’s how god wanted it to be. For us, everything is what god makes it. We believe that everything happens for a really good reason that god has. These are the beliefs that my family has related to predestination.
People have so many different beliefs and ways of living. It all depends where they were born, where they grew up, what their family customs are, and many different things. I think that a big part of that also depends on your religion because each religion is very different and practice different traditions. The people you hang out with also influence the way you think and act. I believe that god has our destination ready for us.
That is what I think about predestination and what people’s beliefs are.
Dalton Hicks
In the story Romeo and Juliet, there is a theory of predestination that is in the stars. They though your destiny was mapped out by the stars. Here is how I feel about predestination, our philosophies about the “American Dream”, the way we categorize our beliefs, and if my destiny is already mapped out for me or if I make my own destiny.
I don’t think the belief in predestination exists in a form today because most people believe that they create their own destiny with their decisions. I think our philosophy is if you make good decisions you will have a good destiny. I think predestination has to do with the “American Dream” because if a kids parents are rich and famous he is bound to be rich and famous. I would categorize our beliefs with the decisions we make as people. You can’t make horrible decisions our entire lives and have a good destiny. I don’t believe at all that my destiny is already mapped out for me. I think that with the decisions I make will control my fate in a good way or a bad way. It depends on my decisions.
In the story Romeo and Juliet there is a mapped out predestination in the stars. On the other hand this is how I feel about predestination, American philosophies and categorizations, and whether our destinies are already mapped out for us or if we make our own destinies.
Josh Clarine
Period 6
Predestination Blog
Predestination is a concept that no one can either prove or disprove. In William shakespeares Romeo and Juliet predestination is brought up a lot. Romeo predicts that his love with Juliet would end in tragedy.As we continued to read further into the play we find out that his prediction was correct. In the play Romeo curses the stars for not allowing his love.
Predestination in some forms still exists in today's society. In some religions they believe that it doesn't matter what they try to do because it is already known by god. In some ways predestination makes sense because you will do exactly what you do in your life no matter what. From the other point of view predestination may be completely wrong as you have your free agency to change what you do at any given time.
Overall our belief systems today have many wide variety's of views on many different subjects. Some religions believe that god has no control over what you do. Others believe thatgod is literally controlling you all the time. Also, many religions believe that we have the choice to do what we want but god already knows what we are going to choose to do. When it comes to religion there are endless opposing views on the subject of predestination.
I myself believe that my destiny is already laid ahead of me. On the opposite side of that I also believe that I have the ability to make my own choices. I feeal that I can do whatever i feel like doing but in the end god will already know what i am going to end up doing. Predestination is such a hard topic to decide on though, on one hand i feel that nobody is in control of me but at the same time i feel that I, in the long run, have absolutely no control over what I do. Finally, predestination is a subject that i feel we don't focuse on enough even though it is our entire life.
Jeff Letner
Period 6
I think predestination exists in some places today possibly in the Middle East. Some people may have a mapped out life, or marriage there. But other than that, I don’t think that predestination really exists, because we influence our choices in today’s world. Were the ones that decide what we do and don’t do in our life, and it effects us.
In Shakespeare’s time predestination was used I guess quite often, but it’s not like that anymore. I don’t think that I have my life mapped out at all, because choices I make can affect me tomorrow, next month, or next year? I don’t have a predestination life because nothing is set up to where something is going to happen, because it’s up to me to decide my future, not a map.
This is the redo you said I could do at parent teacher conferences. Thanks! :)
Predestination does not exist today, in my opinion. Everybody in the world makes decisions everyday that will impact their life, and this is what makes their future what it is. Not, something that is completely mapped out for you. If this was the case we wouldn’t be independent or be able to make decisions, because it would all turn out the same no matter what you did, or the choices you made. This is completely different from what they believed in back during Shakespearean times. Back then, they did believe that your future was mapped out for you in the stars, and it would turn out that way no matter what you did. The “American dream” is what you want to do with your life. Where you want to work, where you want to go to college. IF you want to go to college. If everything was mapped out in the stars, you wouldn’t really have a choice in these things, because you would automatically decide on the one that is chosen for you, and you wouldn’t really get to think about it and truly make your own decision. The belief system in our world today is definitely the idea that you map out your own fate. I agree with that idea, and that I am in control of my own fate. If I make the right choices I will go far in life, and be successful. But, if I don’t try, and make bad decisions I will be unsuccessful and may not go far.
Kelsey Thurston
Period 7
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