Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

Today, to get ready for reading Romeo and Juliet (one of my absolute favorite plays by Shakespeare,) we discussed our unit theme and essential question and also viewed a power point on Shakespeare's life (don't forget to take notes...you will need them later.) Click here to view the power point.

For an anticipation activity, you also completed a short survey about various social offenses, which you ranked in order of seriousness. This was followed by a short discussion on how various outside factors can influence your opinion on the gravity of these offenses. It is also important to note that the list on the handout is a list of key events that occur in Romeo and Juliet! Click here to download it.

If you were absent, please view the power point (or just print it out) and take some notes. Download the Social Offenses survey and complete it...hang on to it because we will be returning to it later.

Remember, the deadline to post your blog assignment is tonight at 10pm. Late posts will be accepted for half credit until Tuesday at 10pm, and after that, no credit will be given.

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