Thursday, November 19, 2009

Webquest: Kaffir Boy and Apartheid South Africa

Today you will be conducting some research and obtaining some important background knowledge to supplement our reading of Kaffir Boy. The information you will collect in this webquest will also support what you will be doing in Ms.Cody's class these next few weeks.

Your Webquest and accompanying packet are due today by the end of class. Anyone that is off task will result in a loss of points. Good luck!

Step 1. Download the packet by clicking here or getting a copy from the P: Drive under the "Teachers" folder (directions on board.) This will be the packet that you fill out and turn in.

Step 2. Follow the instructions on the packet. Here are the links you will be visiting for each step:





Step 3. Once you have completed your Webquest, address the following question below and post your responses here as a comment to this post. Type your response first in a Word document, proofread and save. Copy and paste the text into the "Comment" field, don't forget your name and class period, choose the "Anonymous" option unless you have a Google account, and click "Publish Your Comment."

Consider our unit essential question and theme: How do societies use power to affect change? Based on what you have learned about Apartheid so far, how did the government exercise their power to affect change in South Africa? What were some of those changes?

Please respond in a well-developed paragraph. This is due by Friday, before class.


Anonymous said...


Societies use power to affect change by coming together and making a solid agreement to make that certain change. For example, the African government uses their power to push all of the black community out of the "white" areas into communities such as Alexandra. They all form a common agreement to change the well being in Africa. This is how societies use power to affect change.

Anonymous said...

Societies use power to affect change. A perfect example of this is Apartheid in South Africa. For example, when the whites took over, they were in charge of the government. They created laws that had great benefits to whites, and caused even more disadvantages to black people. Those rules created a lot of change. Some examples of this are that black people had to carry around pass books, whites and blacks lived in different communities and did not ever come in contact with each other. The government controlled who could get married to each other, where somebody could go to school and what job one could have, and it was all based on race. It was against the law to protest. The Apartheid caused horrible living conditions and constant police raids for colored people. Society took this power the wrong way. They most defiantly used their power to affect change is society.

Sarah Cohen

Anonymous said...

Blog comment” Tiffany Ridenour period #7

The government exercised their power to effect the change in south Africa by passing laws and bills that purposely turned the blacks into an inferior race and under a much more restricted form of the law. They took them away from where they were and made them live in an area uninhabited by whites. By enforcing this law among others such as having to carry identification with them wherever they went, the laws were strict and often like this one required for you to have money to pay to upkeep what you needed so you wouldn’t get arrested. They performed raids designed to frighten and catch all the blacks without their passports or identification books in order. They were forced to live in areas cramped together with hundreds of other blacks and could only live in designated areas in old, grungy shacks that were in such bad shape they literally just fell down and it was only by luck that the family who lived inside them didn’t get crushed when they fell down. They had horrible outhouses that substituted for bathrooms that were like everything else in bad shape.

Anonymous said...

Alexander Garcia, Per. 7
The government, using their massive amounts of available power at the time, had the opportunity to influence change in a beneficial way for themselves. Said ways often included the deprivation of rights from blacks, as the government was filled mostly with whites who cared not for fairness, equality, or anything of the like. To be specific, one example was how many blacks were imprisoned and forced to do “grunt work” simply in response to their descent and skin color, freeing the whites to live doing the more luxurious jobs, allowing them to relax while the blacks toiled doing hard and very difficult jobs. Changes were also often made in order to increase the profits of the whites, while also decreasing the rights available to blacks, eventually depriving them of their citizenship, even, just so they could be classified as a citizen of a group representing their ethnicity, essentially sorting them. The government utilized their power in order to attempt to turn the blacks to marionettes, with the whites as the puppeteer.

Anonymous said...

Brian Thomas

In South Africa during the time when life was apartheid. The government used their power to do what they thought was right even it might have been. When people they can easily abuse their power. Sometimes their own views affect their abuse of power. The government thought segregation would be better but in reality it did a lot of harm and hurt the society.

Anonymous said...

Marissa Jackson
The government exercised their power through changing and starting a number of things. One of the big things they changed was when they forced all blacks to be on a certain area of land through the Group Areas Act. Like that act many other segregating acts and laws were passed. The mixed marriages law was created and the pass laws were created. The pass laws were the laws that required all blacks to have their pass books with their name, picture and fingerprints in the book. Many Africans lives were changed by the government’s power. Many were relocated from the homes they knew and loved, others were killed. All of these changes in the South African society shows how the government used their power to start the first horrible years of Apartheid.

Anonymous said...

Societies use power to affect change in many ways. Take Apartheid as an example of this. The government created laws so that colored people weren’t allowed to do anything. All colored people needed their passbooks every time they went somewhere. Many had a low salary so they weren’t able to pay for updates on their passports. This caused numerous amounts of them to get arrested. Their education was different because they were colored. Also, there were separate waiting lines. Clearly, societies use power to affect change.
Kendra Heuer
Period 7

Anonymous said...

Peighton Bruno prd.6

The government in South Africa exercised there power to affect change in many ways, some that were wrong and uncivil and some through actions of bravery. The people in power would grant nearly no freedom to blacks, colored, or Indians. They would not let them have jobs in a white town or businesses without making it extremely difficult. The police force was very cruel and abusive; they would make sure that they were in power no matter the circumstances. This was obviously through exercising the power in an uncivil way. Then, the power fortunately started to change, putting Apartheid to an end. In the 1990s Nelson Mandela became the president of the organization ANC, and completely put an end to Apartheid, and even worked to making it where Africans could vote. Trough the power that Mandela had, he made hard decisions coming from his bravery and faith. These two examples show the different ways that power was exercised to change South Africa.
* I will be absent for your class tomorrow, but I will turn in my packet on Monday! :)

Dalton said...

Dalton Hicks
Societies use power to affect change by coming together to come to a solid agreement to push blacks out of white areas into communities like Alexandra. The government was doing whatever they wanted. This would include separating whites from colourds and blacks. This wasn’t only wrong but yet it was seriously affecting the colourds and blacks. The blacks only had 75 recorded marriages in one year opposed to the 28,000 marriages the whites had. The blacks and colourds couldn’t even go to the same universities as whites which could potentially deprive the blacks and colourds from a good education. In conclusion from what I have learned this is how the societies are taking advantage of their power with apartheid.

Anonymous said...

The government of South Africa uses their power to affect change in the societies of South Africa. The government took their overall power and used it to create apartheid within South Africa. The government took their “power” and separated blacks, whites, and coloreds in South Africa and created harsh laws, called pass laws, for those that were non-whites. These pass laws basically made it to where if the non-whites did the littlest thing that the government didn’t like then they were severely punished for it. Finally, this is how the South African government abused their power in creating apartheid and justifying it.

-Josh Clarine 11/19/09 Per. 6

Anonymous said...

The government of Africa used its powers to drastically change the lives of many black people. What the government did was they cast a law called apartheid where blacks are little to nothing. An example of this change is, now blacks have to carry around a pass book. In cases that they don’t have it, or it is not in order, whites can do almost anything they want to to the blacks. This government was truly unfair and meaningless. It pains me to read about a father who was brought down to such a low level of confidence that a child saw him as an alien. If I was there I would have DOMINATED that black policeman for treating his own kind that way.

Will Ly

Anonymous said...

South Africa was changed drastically when apartheid came into affect. Before apartheid the blacks were free as the animals living on the safari. The government abused their power more than anyone else in the world has ever done by enforcing apartheid. One way the government abused their power was by forcing the black people to live in tiny 15x15 feet houses, and having to carry pass books with them on their own land. The pass books they had to carry also had to be in “order” or it was a criminal offense. It got so bad the blacks were afraid of white people! Blacks had no freedom what so ever in the country; comparable to the amount of freedom slaves had during the nineteenth century in America. During apartheid, the government of South Africa just overdid it on how much control they empowered.
Ethan Snyder Per.7

Anonymous said...

There are many ways that the government changed South Africa to segregate, and discriminate against its native people. With every law the White people made they slowly forced Apartheid onto South Africa. Each law made Africans less than “White people” this changed the way people treated native South Africans. For example a law was passed that didn’t allow Africans to go to court for being forcefully removed from their homes. This law made white people more powerful because black people could do nothing about being removed from their homes. Another way the government made the blacks less equal to the whites was that black people had to carry a pass book in order to do anything. According to the book Kaffir Boy if this book wasn’t up to date or they didn’t have one they could be sent to jail or to work for white people. Most human rights were taken away from blacks and these are just a few of the many ways that the government changed South Africa.

Nathan Pottorff P.6

Anonymous said...

The South African government has used their powers to change the societies in a few ways. Apartheid in South Africa had been from the government separating blacks and whites in Africa, much like our American segregation. The over used power was used to create many laws and acts for these coloured people, many of which included brutal beatings and harsh arrests. Coloured people or even people from different races rather than European/whites were not given the same levels of education, or even the same levels of freedom that whites had in Southern Africa at the time. Things like this changed lives of hundreds of coloured and different race families. It wasn’t until the early 1900’s that Nelson Mandela had taken away apartheid for good. From his source of power, he led to good in South Africa rather than the unfair laws like before. This is an example of how a society can use its government’s power to change itself as a whole.

Darius Ortega P.6

Anonymous said...

Autumn Gardner P.7

The government used their power to affect change in South Africa, in fact, they abused their power. The government used their power to make blacks inferior to whites. They passed laws that restricted blacks from education, living areas, and jobs. These were unfair changes toward blacks, were extremely racist, and they proudly proclaimed whites as the superior race. The blacks had no way of fighting back at the laws because they were created by the government and were enforced therefore; the government exercised its power to change the outcome of many people’s lives.

Anonymous said...

Breana Tindall p.7
I think that the government used there power to cause an apartheid because the Afrikaans knew they had to something to show they were going to have power. They wanted to show they would have control and they showed that. When D.F Malan was put into office he stated to make laws like that white and black people could not marry each other because of these laws. They did not think the Africans could correctly act in public. The laws started to separate the races, for example the act that abolished blacks and whites in the same school. I think that the power was abused and was a mistake from the start.

Anonymous said...

Emily Adam

The South African government abused their power to change the Africans’ way of life. Based on their personal beliefs, the NP ran the government like white people were better then black or colored people. They did this by making black people have to possess an identification pass that tells their point of origin. People were also not allowed to have mixed race marriages. Certain areas were blocked off so only white people could enter them, and not black or colored people. This segregation was what the governments personal views and beliefs were. They didnt think about how this would effect a person’s way of life.

Anonymous said...

Kawai Sibley
Societies use power to change by changing laws and rights to what they think is right. For example during the Apartheid, the government thought it was okay to separate everybody b their race. The blacks and mixed races were discriminated by the whites, and were pretty much helpless at the time. Thousands of people were getting killed or wounded. South Africa is getting affected by societies using their power to change society by using the caste system. Even though the caste system was declared illegal many years ago, people still believe and do it. The lower caste is treated like they’re nothing by the higher caste just because the higher cast has more power. The lower caste has to do all of the dirty work and only get paid two dollars an hour while the higher caste is living their nice life with all of their benefits. This goes to show how societies are effected by power.

Anonymous said...

Jeff Letner Period 6

Societies use power to affect change by making an agreement as one. The government has the power to seperate blacks from the Whites. Blacks were not treated as high as whites. Which affected there living environment, the eay they eat, and their education. This shows how societies use power to affect change.

Eric Berve said...

the government abused their power by taking complete control over the Africans. if an African did not meet the rules, then the police beat and abused them. the whites also forced Africans out of their land and into camps unsuitable for living. they made it so everyone feared them. what surprised me was that no one actually stood up to the Whites. i know in todays soceity, people wouldn't stand for it.

Anonymous said...

What I have learned about apartheid is that what happened in Africa was a terrible thing. The government was the main group that passed laws for segregation. The government would do nasty things to people such as the things told in the book, Kaffir Boy. In The book, the author illustrates the many ways the government exercised there powers such as forcing people to relocate, banning different race marriage and banning different race sex. Relocating the Africans is exercising the governments power because they forced good people from there homes. Also the banning of both different sex and marriage is exercising power because that is taking away so much of a person’s life. That is how I think the government is exercising their power.

Patrick Kelly Period 7

Anonymous said...

Mariah Lumpa Pd. 7
The government in South Africa during apartheid used power to affect change. The white people, who had the most power, controlled South Africa and made segregation a law. The blacks and other races were under the command of the whites. The whites used their power to change South Africa and push the blacks into poverty. Whites had total control, from police raids to passbooks for blacks. With the whites’ power, they could change anything. One way of showing control was forcing all blacks to carry a passbook with all of their personal information in it. The blacks were required to keep it updated, and if something was out of order, they were fined even though they usually had no money. Not fixing the passbooks lead to being put in prison. The passbooks, which the whites issued on the blacks, definitely were an example of using power to cause change.

Anonymous said...

Jessi Ray Period 7
Socioties overt time have used their power to affect change in many ways. One excellent example of this is the Apartheid in South Africa.They did this by passing laws and bills that purposely turned the blacks into the race that no one wanted to be. they made the blacks inferior to the whites and were totally unfair or eqaul in any way. The blacks had to carry passbooks at all times or else they would be jailed. the whites did not need passbooks though. A ton of blacks were also relocated into poverty because of the whites. These are just a few examples of how socioties use power to affect change.

Anonymous said...

The government in South Africa used their power to effect change in many ways. They created Apartheid between blacks and whites. Blacks were not treated equal to the whites. There were laws made by the government that discriminated against blacks. They weren’t allowed to go to college with whites, they couldn’t live where they wanted to, and they weren’t allowed to marry whites either. Last, they had to have passes in order to get around. If their passes weren’t in order, they would get arrested. All of these laws were enforced by the government.
Kaitlyn Thibault p.7

Anonymous said...

Societies use power to change things by simply giving and taking. When the whites moved into Africa, the government off the bat treated them better. The whites were given much more land, more doctors, more teachers, better educations, more money for educations and more! although they didn't just have a ton of money to do these things with, they took the money from the natives. Mainly though they created change by changing schooling. they gave so little for each black child to go to school, in a class with about 60 kids. Then even if they did do well in school they were denied far college treatment. the blacks, coloreds and Asians all shared schools while whites were given their own schools. Changing the education like this makes it hard for anyone to get out of the bad parts of town. So everyone was just stuck there, unable to get out due to lack of education.

Rebecca Schoenfeld
Period 6

Anonymous said...

Hellllllllllooooooo my peoples!!! How you all doing? This is none other than Mr. Cody Duncan, signing on up to answer our teacher’s, (Mrs. Alvarez) question for us all.

There were many ways that the South African Government over-exercised their control on the African people. Take, for instance, the Apartheid. An extremity to say the least. And with the Apartheid, came changes that were only horrific to the native people of South Africa. Such changes that occurred to shape the way that most of the Africans lived were things like new and unfair laws and acts being put into place by the South African Government. One example of how the times in Africa have changed is the fact that now; interracial marriages are literally against the law. People that are considered a different race cannot perform them. Another example of how Africa has changed is the fact that now, blacks are given a set guideline to what they are allowed to learn, and most cannot go past it. So all the education that they truly receive, is one where they learn how to help better in their communities, and work under that of a white man. And that is some ways to how the South African Government has changed the lifestyles of many blacks in the area, due to the Apartheid.

This is Cody Duncan, signing off my peeps! Hahaha :)