Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thursday WebQuest 8/27/09

Welcome to today's in-class webquest. This is designed to help you practice and become comfortable with using our class website for various assignments and activities. Be sure to read all instructions first! Complete your work in a saved Word document before posting.

1. Visit Choose a new item that interests you. Summarize and respond to the article in a well-developed paragraph which includes at least three (3) quotes. Be sure to provide the link to the article in your post.

2. Click here. Take the test. Have fun and tell me what you think. =)

3. Click here. Check out today's best photography from the Boston Globe's "The Big Picture" site. Select your favorite image. Provide a well-written, descriptive paragraph of at least six sentences which provides the reader with an image which rivals that of the viewer. Your paragraph must contain at least five nouns, five verbs, and five adjectives, and must be at least six sentences long.

4. Earn 1000 grains of rice on 500 must be vocabulary, 500 geography. Show me your monitor when you are done so I can give you credit.


Megan Alvarez said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

1. The tropical storm Danny has strengthened as it turned towards the Atlantic on Thursday. They are “reporting people from the Carolinas to the New England region should monitor the storms progress.” Right now “the storm is at 60 mph.” it is “moving northwest at about 13 mph. By Friday it is expected to head north and speed up.” Hopefully this storm doesn’t hurt anyone or cause any damage. This is interesting to know about the dangerous weather in the world.
2. Took the test it was very interesting and it made me think.
3. I choose the lightning picture to describe. This photo is very eccentric by all of the lighting and it’s very interesting. I like how the town hall is right in the middle, and how nothing on the streets are moving. The lightning in the sky is so vibrant, by the way it lights up the sky. Everything in this picture is lit up, like all of the street lights. Over all this photo is amazing.
4. I donated 1000 grains of rice.

Brenden Hardee

Karter Johansen said...

On Thursday, August 27, 2009, a U.S. service member was killed when he was on patrol in southern Afghanistan.” His patrol was hit by a roadside bomb then succumbed by gun fire”. The death brings the U.S. casualties for August to 44, “which is 1 away from 45, the highest since the Afghan war started in 2001”. The NATO had been instructed to “over watch the reconstruction of Afghanistan”. Over 50,000 troops from 42 countries had been sent to over watch.

Anonymous said...

1.I decided to view the details of a case on the subject of a girl, named Jaycee, once abducted in 1991 now found alive and well. It was said that Earlier Thursday an FBI agent had called, Terry, her mother, on Wednesday afternoon to tell her that Jaycee had been found. Carl Probyn had said the following about the conversation with the FBI agent, "It was short and sweet, and 'Can you fly up here?'" he said. He had also said, “I’m feeling great!...It’s like winning the lotto.” On a different note, Ernie Allen, president of the NCMEC(National Center for Missing and Exploited children, said that her reappearance is “absolutely huge.” In addition he said "Even in these long-term cases ... it's important that we not let the world forget." In conclusion, we all need to stay informed in up to date events.

2.I took the online test, which tested your mind and really made you think.

3.I viewed a picture from the Boston Globe’s “The Big Picture” site titled “Greenland”. This picture showed, in a minor way, the vastness of our world. This picture decrypted what is one of the most amazing views in the world. As two scientists went out to the work assigned to them a picture was captured. This picture shows two little men wearing yellow against miles upon miles of endless terrain. On top of the endless land it was gently snowing upon the ground which only added to the overall ambiance.

4. I donated 1000 grains of rice on

Josh Clarine Per.6

Zach Bohan said...

According to the CNN report, “UN seeks $230M to fight Kenya hunger,” the country of Kenya is in need of $230M to fight hunger that has been caused by the 3 year drought. The failure of rain has put production of crops, the Nations leading source of food, down to nearly nothing. It has also affected the country’s water supply, forcing the Kenyan’s to drink unsafe water. “About 3.8 million Kenyans are in need of emergency food, water, and aid,” said the United Nations Food Programme. "People are already going hungry, malnutrition is preying on more and more young children, cattle are dying -- we face a huge challenge and are urging the international community to provide us with the resources we need to get the job done," said Burkard Oberle, Kenya director of the World Food Programme.

Anonymous said...

Lexus Nieto
Period #6

My favorite image from the Boston Globe's "The Big Picture" site is the lightning one. In this photo, the sky is dark; the only thing that you can see in the sky is the powerful electric spark discharge in the atmosphere. Also, in this picture the City Hall in George is shining brightly. There are many tall, big trees that move swiftly with the wind. The street lights glow in the dark night. All in all, this was my favorite photo because it is an amazing sight that needs to be shown to the world.

Anonymous said...

Erica Del Rio
Period 6

The most interesting image that I found was the City Hall one. I think this was a very interesting picture because that place looked very pretty to me and the glowing lights make it very bright. The lighting was very powerful and I just really like that picture. Also, there are many large trees in front of city hall, and they are covering some buildings. City hall is in Athens, Georgia. City hall looks very tall; it looks like it’s touching the dark sky. That is why I chose this picture.

Justin Badsky said...

1.Girl Found After Missing 18 Years

A little while ago a woman named Jaycee Dugard was found after being kidnapped and held for 18 years. Jimmy Lee, a spokesman for the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Department, confirmed that a man and a woman have been arrested in connection with the case, but could provide no details. She had last been seen walking to her bus stop it was reported that a vehicle occupied by two individuals drove up to Jaycee Dugard and abducted her in view of her stepfather the El Dorado County sheriff's office had said Thursday. She was later found in a house after people had called the police after seeing her picture in a news article. She had remembered everything that they had done to her she had later told the police. Today she is safe at home spending time with her family that she had not seen in quite a while.

Justin Badsky

2.The test was very interesting to me.
3. i chose the lady on the bike with water coming at her.this picture is very intteresting and make you wanna say"watch out." Its cool how the water comes out of nowhere into the street. This picture is this overall very intreging.
4. donated 500 grains of rice.

Anonymous said...,0,2777028.story
Comedian sued over mother in law jokes
Comedian Sunda Croonquist was sued for making jokes about mother in laws, and her own mother and law isn’t happy about it. She joked about the first time I walked in to my mother in laws house and said “I walk in, I say ‘Thank you very much for having me here, Ruthie says. She says ‘the pleasure is all mine, have a seat. Then in a loud aside, ‘Harriet put my pocketbook away.”

Anonymous said...

1. A new group called the Amphibian Survival Alliance was established. “Even though amphibians have been around for 360 million years, many species have gone extinct since 1980,” says the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s amphibian specialist group. The new alliance will spend most of its time on the biggest killers of amphibians, infectious diseases and habitat destruction. “Amphibians have so much to offer humans,” said Simon Stuart, an amphibian specialist. “Many have an arsenal of compounds stored in their skin that have the potential to address a multitude of human diseases.” He also continues on and says that as amphibians die out, so will the chances to make new medicines. “We simply cannot afford to let this current amphibian extinction go unchecked. “ Stuart said. I think that this article is very interesting because I didn’t know that amphibians were dying out. I never knew that they have been around for so long either.

2. I got 8 out of 11. I thought that the quiz was pretty fun and interesting.
3. I choose the picture entitled “Lightning” for many reasons. I really like pictures of lightning, so this picture screamed out to me. There are also many different colors that contrast each other. It looks like a painting. In the bottom half of the picture, everything looks orange and almost antique-like. In the top half, it’s blue, almost like the ocean during a stormy night. When I look at this picture, it reminds me of a bright sun and a blue moon, combined together into one, beautiful work of art.
Emily Adam Pd. 6

Anonymous said...

Recently a kidnapping victim from 1991 was found alive. When Jaycee Dugard was 11 she was abducted, according to the article, “last it was reported that a vehicle occupied by two individuals drove up to Jaycee Dugard and abducted her in view of her stepfather.” She was last seen walking to the bus stop. She was found in Northern California.” Despite extensive investigations, no sign of her or her possible abductors was ever found, “authorities told the press. The girl father said, “I’m, feeling great, it’s like winning the lottery.’ I chose this article because I thought it was cool that after so many years Jaycee is able t see her family.
I got 8. It was fun. 

The sky in this picture is royal blue, and from the upper right corner is a white lightning bolt. The town below kind of glows in a yellow-gold color. Everything is lot up, from the big, rounded building in the center to the street lights. Even the tress are bronze. There is a long stairway leading up to the center building. No people are in the picture, but there are some cars.

I did 1000 grains.

-Sarah C Per. 6

Anonymous said...


Jaycee Dugardd was Abucted in 1991 at the age of 11 years , and this Thursday she walked into A police station. She told the sheriffs that she was the little girl abducted but they didn’t believe her atfirst because it had been so long. A women and a man have been arrested for this abduction, and Jaycee says that this is the happiest day of her life and it feels like “ winning the lottery.”

Anonymous said...

Marissa Jackson period: 6
1. After 18 years of searching, a girly who went missing at 11 years old was found this past Thursday. On June 10th 1991, Jaycee Dugard was walking to her bus stop in South Lake Tahoe, California. The El Dorado County sheriff’s office reported that “… a vehicle occupied by two individuals drove up to Jaycee Dugard and abducted her in the view of her stepfather.” After many investigations, there was no sign of who had abducted Jaycee. Jaycee’s stepfather said that the police had “Jaycee and the people who she was with.” The police did not tell them any other details. “It was short and sweet, and ‘Can you fly up here?” he said. On Wednesday Jaycee’s parents were able to talk to her for the first time in 18 years. The police say she is in good health. Her parents are happy to have her back, “It’s like winning the lotto.” Her stepdad said. I think this is an amazing miracle that happened, and I am happy for this family.
2. I thought this quiz was fun….I know they were trick questions…because I only got 2 answers right ha-ha.
3. I chose the picture of the fires around the Mediterranean. There is a fire engine red helicopter , flying over an older type of house. A long hose is dangling out of the helicopter and dousing the house with water that is falling like snow. The sky is smoky black , people are starting to gather around the house and taking pictures. The helicopter is flying over the house quickly to get to other houses. You can see panic is beginning to start as people run to the house.

Anonymous said...

1. Miley Dating Australian Actor Liam Hemsworth
Last Wednesday, Miley Cyrus was spotted at the Nashville airport with Liam Hemsworth. She was dropping him off, so he could go home to Australia. Liam got out of the truck with his bags in hand and Miley jumped out after him, throwing her arms around him. They kissed and a source, Alex Emanuel says that they were “full-on making out,”. Then she leaned back and he dipped her. "It was like a scene out of an old movie where the guy's getting on a train and they're saying their goodbyes." says Emanuel. Apparently Miley and Nick Jonas are no longer dating.

2. The test was interesting and it made me think.

-Eleigh B :)

Anonymous said...

According to the El Dorado County sheriff’s believe that a girl was abducted in 1991 as an 11-year old and now is found alive in California on Thursday. Jaycee Dugard is in good health. Earlier Thursday, Carl Probyn, Dugard's stepfather, told CNN that an FBI agent had called his wife, Terry, on Wednesday afternoon to tell her that Dugard had been found. The girl was last seen walking to her bus stop in South Lake Tahoe, California, on June 10, 1991, according to the FBI.At the time, "it was reported that a vehicle occupied by two individuals drove up to Jaycee Dugard was abducted her in view of her stepfather," the El Dorado County sheriff's office said Thursday. The El Dorado County Sheriff's office has scheduled a news conference for 3 p.m. (6 p.m. ET) to discuss the case, this was the day of the interview. "Jaycee remembers everything," he said. "They talked back and forth and she had the right answers to all my wife's questions. This was in the interview as the day of when she was found.”Even in these long-term cases ... it's important that we not let the world forget."Those are the words of the Sheriff. This was reported at 2:30 Thursday August,27.2009 on AnjelicaPeara per.6

Anonymous said...

On Thursday, August 27, 2009, a U.S. service member was killed when he was on patrol in southern Afghanistan.” His patrol was hit by a roadside bomb then succumbed by gun fire”. The death brings the U.S. casualties for August to 44, “which is 1 away from 45, the highest since the Afghan war started in 2001”. The NATO had been instructed to “over watch the reconstruction of Afghanistan”. Over 50,000 troops from 42 countries had been sent to over watch. Karter Johansen

Anonymous said...

1. “In Northern California a 29 year old woman walked into a police station saying she was kidnapped eighteen years ago.” Authorities said today. Her name was Jaycee Dugard, and she is in good health. Phillip Garrido, 58, and his wife, Nancy Garrido, have been charged. An officer at jail said “the two had been at the jail and both were ordered held on $1 million bail”. “The blond-haired, blue-eyed 11-year-old was last seen walking to her bus stop in South Lake Tahoe, California, on June 10, 1991”, according to the FBI. She was wearing a pink jacet and pants. it was reported that a vehicle occupied by two individuals drove up to Jaycee Dugard and abducted her in view of her stepfather.
--Ethan LaGreca

Anonymous said...

I read about a girl, Jaycee Dugard, who was abducted about 18 years ago, being found. They also arrested the people that abducted Jaycee. One was a registered sex offender, Phillip Garrido, and the other was the wife of the sex offender, Nancy Garrido. As it says in the article, “Jaycee Dugard is in good health, but they will not release any more information about Jaycee.” However, they did give out information about Phillip and Nancy Garrido. “The officer said the pair was no longer in the jail but that Phillip Garrido had been booked on charges of kidnapping, conspiracy and related offenses. Nancy Garrido was booked on charges of kidnapping and conspiracy.” Jaycee can still remember the abduction perfectly. When abducted, she was last seen wearing a pink windbreaker and pink stretch pants, walking to the bus stop for school. She described the abduction like this: “A vehicle occupied by two individuals drove up to me, and abducted me in view of my stepfather.” Now both Phillip and Nancy Garrido are held in jail with a 1 million dollar bail.

-Kelsey Thurston

Anonymous said...

1.The Article I chose was about a girl that has recently been found that was kidnapped about 18 years ago. Now 29 years old, Jaycee Dugar is in good health. She was 11 years old when she was last seen walking to her bus stop in California. The car that abducted here was seen by her dad when she was kidnapped. Two people are now in custody for the kidnapping. Jaycee’s dad Said “Jaycee remembers everything” . He also said “I feel great. Its like winning the lottery” . The case has taken and very long time but, is proof that when children go missing sometimes they will come back. Ernie Allen said “Even in these long term cases its important not to let the world forget”. The quiz was interesting and I scored 4 on it.
3. The picture I chose was the one of a woman on a bike with a huge wave crashing on a building in front of her. The woman is in a sort of alley way that is made up of all bricks. The wave was probably from a tsunami or a hurricane. The wave almost looks like it is shooting up from the ground or something. There are also buildings in the back round , that look like a shopping mall. The lady is watching the water on the ground and in the air. The water was sort of dirty looking.
Josh Behne

Anonymous said...

1. The new tropical storm Danny is bulding of the coast of the Carolinas to New England. As of 11 a.m. ET, Danny was about 320 miles northeast of Nassaau, Bahamas, and about 550 miles south-southeast of Cape Hatteras, North. Danny is now at 60 mph and gaining speed. The storm is expected to hit in the next 3-5 day. Most people are getting ready by boarding up there windows around the house. People are taking perceptions for the storm. It is supposed to speed up tomorrow.
2. The quiz was funny, but yet hard. I got 3 right
3. In Iran on July 24, 2009, an Ilyushin Il a 120 passenger plane over shot the runway. As the plane came in burning up the runway the caption realized that they did not have enough runway to stop. The caption started to pull up but it was to late. The plane smashed in to the perimeter fence. The violent crash was forced in to people’s minds.The whole front end or the plane was smashed in. Killing at least 17 and injuring 30 others.
By: Corey De Jac

Anonymous said...

A 29 year old named Jaycee Dugard went to authorities saying she was abducted eighteen years ago. The story goes that when eleven, Lee was in view of her stepfather when a vehicle drove up and snatched Lee. "It was reported that a vehicle occupied by two individuals drove up to Jaycee Dugard and abducted her in view of her stepfather," the El Dorado County sheriff's office said. On returning, Lee went to her parents, where her stepfather answered flatly to authorities, "I'm feeling great! ... It's like winning the lotto." This was a great redemption after eighteen years of waiting for this great day. Ernie Allan said, "One of the things that we preach to searching families all the time ... is that even in these long-term cases there's hope.”

There is a picture of a Typhoon and a bicyclist standing beside it. A whirlwind of brown and opaque water swirls in a kaleidoscope of slapping waves. This tunnel of pulse-pounding thunder; this conundrum of rock pounding water that shakes the foundations. It is a quick mirage that grabs the attention of the bicyclist and cameraman, rattling their bones, shaking their hearts, and sizzling their curiosity. With such nature, such wonder, there is only amazement to glorify upon as the roaring wave stretches for the west.

Anonymous said...

Konner McIntyre (: :)

A 29 year old named Jaycee Dugard went to authorities saying she was abducted eighteen years ago. The story goes that when eleven, Lee was in view of her stepfather when a vehicle drove up and snatched Lee. "It was reported that a vehicle occupied by two individuals drove up to Jaycee Dugard and abducted her in view of her stepfather," the El Dorado County sheriff's office said. On returning, Lee went to her parents, where her stepfather answered flatly to authorities, "I'm feeling great! ... It's like winning the lotto." This was a great redemption after eighteen years of waiting for this great day. Ernie Allan said, "One of the things that we preach to searching families all the time ... is that even in these long-term cases there's hope.”

There is a picture of a Typhoon and a bicyclist standing beside it. A whirlwind of brown and opaque water swirls in a kaleidoscope of slapping waves. This tunnel of pulse-pounding thunder; this conundrum of rock pounding water that shakes the foundations. It is a quick mirage that grabs the attention of the bicyclist and cameraman, rattling their bones, shaking their hearts, and sizzling their curiosity. With such nature, such wonder, there is only amazement to glorify upon as the roaring wave stretches for the west.

Anonymous said...

I read about a girl, Jaycee Dugard, who was abducted about 18 years ago, being found. They also arrested the people that abducted Jaycee. One was a registered sex offender, Phillip Garrido, and the other was the wife of the sex offender, Nancy Garrido. As it says in the article, “Jaycee Dugard is in good health, but they will not release any more information about Jaycee.” However, they did give out information about Phillip and Nancy Garrido. “The officer said the pair was no longer in the jail but that Phillip Garrido had been booked on charges of kidnapping, conspiracy and related offenses. Nancy Garrido was booked on charges of kidnapping and conspiracy.” Jaycee can still remember the abduction perfectly. When abducted, she was last seen wearing a pink windbreaker and pink stretch pants, walking to the bus stop for school. She described the abduction like this: “A vehicle occupied by two individuals drove up to me, and abducted me in view of my stepfather.” Now both Phillip and Nancy Garrido are held in jail with a 1 million dollar bail.

-Kelsey Thurston

Anonymous said...

tory t. :]


A 29-year old woman named Jaycee Lee Dugard walked into a California police station, saying she was abducted 18 years ago. Jaycee was last seen when she was 11-years old walking to her bus stop. Her parents were amazed at her reappearance. Phillip Garrido, and his wife Nancy, have been charged with the kidnap of Dugard. Phillip Garrido is a registered sex offender and listed on the Department of Justice's Megan's Law. “It was short and sweet, and 'Can you fly up here?’” said the detective. The police department set up a news conference to discuss the case. "Jaycee remembers everything," said her step-dad. He also declared: "I'm feeling great! ... It's like winning the lotto." This article interested me because I think it’s amazing that a girl that was abducted 18 years ago can still be found to this day.

2. test

3. There is a picture of a man with a worried look on his face. He’s walking through a barren landscape with rubble and loose pieces of wood littering the ground. The sky is a sorrow sullen gray. The trees are barren, against the cold mountains in the distant back round. The ground is wet as if the rain was trying to wash away the man’s sadness. Everything is dying. The look on the man’s face is of utter pain.

Anonymous said...

1. On Thursday, hurricane Danny increased power in the Atlantic Ocean. Danny has reached a maximum speed of 60 mph. It is expected to slowly strengthen over the next few days. At 11 a.m. it was about 320 miles northeast of the Bahamas and about 550 miles south of North Carolina.
2. This quiz made me fill stupid but it was really fun.
3. The picture was taken in Flagler Pier in Flagler Beach, Florida. You see the crisp lighting hitting the long pier over the clam ocean. You can see the big white clouds in the background with the blue sky peaking through. The picture is a mishmash of blues and whites. The lighting is fighting for an open space in the sky. The clouds are rumbling with thunder.

Alyssa Rupert Hour s

Anonymous said...

1. I think that it is interesting that Chris Brown is finally going to jail. The article said, “Chris Brown was sentenced Tuesday to serve five years probation.” Also, he has to, “to spend more than 1,400 hours in ‘labor-oriented service.’” I thought it was a good idea when I read, “Schnegg also put a restraining order in place, requiring Brown to stay 50 yards away from Rihanna, 10 yards if the two are at the same industry event.” I never realized how long it takes courts to make decisions like these.”

2. I didn’t like quiz because it implied that I’m… well as it says, “no comment.” SCORE 1.

3. I chose the picture, “A Kenyan child reads verses from the Quran on the fifth day of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan in a Madrassa in Nairobi, Kenya.” The girl in the picture is reading. Everyone around her is also reading. It looks like they are wearing some-kind of cloaks on their heads. The setting is possibly in a bland classroom. The possible students are reading at wooden desks. Their expressions are mutual while reading.

Kendra Heuer

Anonymous said...

1. On Thursday, hurricane Danny has increased in power. It is in the Atlantic Ocean, so forecasters are encouraging the Carolinas and England to watch hurricane Danny. The hurricane has speeds up to 60 mph. Danny is expected to strengthen over the next few days. At 11 am today, hurricane Danny was 320 miles northeast from Nassau Bahamas. It is also 550 miles southeast of North Carolina.
2. This quiz made me feel stupid, but it was still fun.
3. This is a picture of lightening in Switzerland. There is a building on the bottom right hand corner and the lightening starts in the upper left hand corner. The sky in the background is a dark mysterious blue. The building looks as if there is a spot light on it. The lightening is so white; it catches your eyes right away. The lightening travels to the building with sharp turns. It’ like it’s going through a maze searching for a way out.
by Kaitlyn Thibault

Bryn Wright said...

1. In Charleston, R.I. a seventeen year old boy was digging a 6 foot hole at a beach, when all of the sand surrounding the hole collapsed over him. He was buried under all of that sand for two hours. “Eyewitnesses said the parents furiously dug to get the boy out. “ A couple people that were at the beach also tried to help. “The boy’s father managed to uncover his son’s face. However, the digging caused more sand to cave in.” When a rescue crew finally showed up, it still took them two hours to dig him out, but when they did the boy was still conscious. “He was treated and released (from the hospital) on Tuesday night. (The same day he was admitted.)”
2. I took the online test. It was very interesting, and full of trick questions. I liked it. =]
3. I chose the picture "Typhoon Morakot". In this picture there is a woman with her bike, standing yards away from a huge typhoon. The muddy water the makes up the typhoon is spiraling up right in front of her, and she's just standing there watching it. She was probably stunned from witnessing such a small body of water demolish her city and home.
4. I donated 1000 grains of rice.
-Bryn Wright

Anonymous said...

jessi ray
period 7

1.I read an article titled “Girl Taken in 1991surfaces; couple held”. It was an article about a girl named Jaycee, who is now 29, said she was abducted eighteen years ago, but is now alive and well. In another county, a man and his wife were arrested because police have evidence that they are related to the kidnapping of Jaycee. The officer at the jail where the two people are being held said they are on a one million dollar bailout charge. Jaycee was eleven when she was abducted by these two people, and was last seen on June 10, 1991! This article was sad but I am happy Jaycee is okay and well, and that justice has been done.
2. The quiz was fun, and mind boggling I got eight(:
3. My favorite picture was titled “Hiroshima, 64 years ago”. This picture describes the aftermath of a severely deadly war. Off in the distance you can see the remainder of the tress and houses, burned from the nuclear bomb that lit up that city a month ago. You can also see the backdrop of hills, and clouded skies. The ground is damp, and the soldier looks cold, not just his clothes, but his facial expression is deeply saddening. There is one fence still standing, off in the distance by itself, this is just an example of how much that bomb did to this poor city.
4. I earned 1000 grains of rice (:

Anonymous said...

1. The article I read was about a girl that was abducted 18 years ago. A northern California police station said “A 29-year old woman walked into a northern California police station, saying she was abducted 18 years ago.” She was in good health when she showed up to the police station. The police arrested two people, Phillip Garrido and his wife. Phillip Garrido is a registered sex offender and is being held on a one million dollar bail. The last time the girl was seen was in 1991 at her bus stop. “When she was first abducted the police found no signs of her or her abductors.”
2. I thought the test was funny and oodles of fun!!!
3. I liked the picture titled “2009 Tour de France and in the picture there are bicyclists riding their bikes and they are right next to each other as their tires are rotating and their pedals spinning and almost all of them have white shoes pushing on the pedals but on of the bikers has yellow shoes on and it looks like they might be running in to each other cause they are very close together.
4. I earned 1000 grains of rice!!

Anonymous said...

1. I read an article about how girls in Pakistan are being harassed when going to school. “Some girls refuse to wear uniforms so they can make it to school without being harmed.” Girls going to school are some of the victims of the fighting between the Taliban and the government soldiers. “…girls hide textbooks in their shawls to escape harassment.” “A group of college students of Pakistani background is helping the girls.” They are somewhat creating a “safe haven” for the girls to learn. I was interested in this article because it is about girls my age. It is also about giving them an education in a safe environment; I think that everyone should have the right to an education. I’m glad that people are doing something to help these girls go to school.
2. The test was interesting and full of trick questions. I know that I’ve seen some of those questions before…
3. The bright sun shines through the water. Only the girls’ fingertips enter the translucent water. Tied into a neat bun, their black hair waits to be wet. The divers are wearing red and gold glittery outfits that sparkle from the sun. The silent water waits to envelope the girls in its breathlessness. Within a second, the water will not be still and the girls won’t be dry anymore.
-Mariah Lumpa

Anonymous said...

1. Dillon Lorey Grieve per 7 The article I read was about a girl that was abducted 18 years ago. A northern California police station said “A 29-year old woman walked into a northern California police station, saying she was abducted 18 years ago.” She was in good health when she showed up to the police station. The police arrested two people, Phillip Garrido and his wife. Phillip Garrido is a registered sex offender and is being held on a one million dollar bail. The last time the girl was seen was in 1991 at her bus stop. “When she was first abducted the police found no signs of her or her abductors.”
2. I thought the test was funny and oodles of fun!!!
3. I liked the picture titled “2009 Tour de France and in the picture there are bicyclists riding their bikes and they are right next to each other as their tires are rotating and their pedals spinning and almost all of them have white shoes pushing on the pedals but on of the bikers has yellow shoes on and it looks like they might be running in to each other cause they are very close together.
4. I earned 1000 grains of rice!!

Anonymous said...

3: During early Thursday morning in the state of Illinois a thunder storm ripped through causing havoc to every resident nearby. The storm tore branches off of trees and knocked out power to more than a thousand. This could have been one of the most intense storms that Illinois has ever seen. The lightning in the storm looked an angry squid was in the sky and just reaching out as far as it could. There would be lightning with more than ten tentacles reaching feet throughout the entire sky. Even in pitch black the lightning was strong enough to light up the sky to where it looked as if it were the middle of the day. No one would go outside for it was so intimidating. The only good cause from this storm was a good show for the people of Illinois. I personally love lightning, and wish that I could see this lightning with my own eyes. People say lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice, but for this storm that may have been a false statement.
1: Kenya calls for help! Who answers? The United Nations! Over the next six months the United Nations are going to try to seek out 630 million dollars to help starvation in Kenya. 630 million dollars! That is a lot of food, but there are a lot of stomachs to feed in a drought. There has been three years of annual rain failure in Kenya three years of drought equals a food deficiency for nearly 37 million! With drought comes not a lot of water and hydro-generation is Kenya’s most valuable energy source. 630 million dollars is needed, because there are 3.8 million Kenyans are in need of food. Sad enough to say the rate of children suffering malnutrition under the age of five has rose to 20% from 15%. More and more people are going hungry as this is being read and malnutrition has started to prey on more innocent people. 630 million dollars will be hard to reach, but I know the United Nations can and will do it.
2: I thought the quiz was made just to see how well you can catch trick questions or recognize them.
Ethan Snyder

Anonymous said...

3: Near the village of Bakwa a United States Marine is watching a devastating thunderstorm. During this terrifying event the brave Marine is on a search operation for Taliban. The lightening is striking across the horizon like the Greek god Zeus was trying to strike them down. The marine looks calm and collected as the lightening pierces through the sky with tremendous force. Lightening was so bright that it lit up the entire hillside allowing you to see the tops of the mountains, and they looked like giant spikes rising from the ground in the remoteness of southwestern Afghanistan.

1: On Thursday a suicide bomber entered a para-military barracks in the town of Torkham. The bomber was supposedly bringing water to the troops and when he set them down he detonated the bombs that were strapped to his body. Some survivors of the attack said the bomber was between 15 and 20 years of age. At least 21 people were killed and 27 were injured in the attack, the officials told CNN. The victims of this attack were security personal at a meal to end the fast during the Muslim month of Ramadan.

2: I think the quiz was made to see if u could figure out some of the simplest questions and see if u could get them right.
Taylor Trent

Anonymous said...

Christian Arredondo
Photo vs. Picture
Currently a huge trend on social networking sites including facebook, is having art created for the user, and then the users posting the specialized art as their identity on the site. Artists are at high demand, people want these artists to create pictures to symbolize their personalities. From characteratures to comic book style, art is making a comeback. Some people argue that a picture is a better way to go, saying they show the person as they are. But a lot of people are very excited about the creation of their personal identities including a woman named Erika Peterson"I do think an illustration is a way to unleash some fantasy aspect of yourself or maybe the way you'd like other people to see you," she said. MG Siegler, a blogger for techcrunch had this comment: "It's kind of funny that people do very much pay attention to them. I think people start to associate your identity with your [Twitter] icon," he said. As you can see a personal icon is becoming an aspect of a personal identity. Its nice to see art being used widely for everyday life.
2. I only got a 7 out of 10. It was a fun test.
3. The pictures that interested me the most were the pictures of the lightning. Its simply amazing seeing the raw power of nature. The pictures were insane! The lightning was shooting through the sky in huge bursts. I thought the pictures really were showing the intensity of natural events. I really enjoyed seeing these pictures, it was very exciting. It was definitely a huge pick me up, seeing something very interesting.

Kiley Feliciano said...

In the report, Reward offered in killing of Oklahoma pastor, 61-year-old Carol Daniels was found dead in Christ Holy Sanctified Church (the church she pastured at). There is a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest. “District Attorney Bret Burns described a “horrific” scene inside the church”, he wouldn’t say more. Jessica Brown (a spokeswoman for the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation) said “the body was “staged” after the killing”, but also didn’t say anymore. Carol’s son, Alvin Daniels, says “She was very cautious for the most part, and she would usually leave the door open in case people came to worship.” “Neighboring churches are being urged to stay observant and have a security plan in their churches.”

Anonymous said...

1. Today, Jaycee Dugard was found alive in California. This is a surprise to everyone because of the fact that she was abducted in 1991, by two individuals in a car, in plain sight of her step-father. Her stepfather said that it is such a joy to have her back. However, the article did not say that what her step-father did when she was abducted. This brings up a question for me. If her step-father did not say anything, then why didn’t he? That is the biggest question for me, if that is the case.
2. I took the test. It was funny because they were all trick questions so they were really confusing!! 
3. I chose the picture that is named lightning. There are many things around in this picture. Cars, building, lightning, trees, and street lights. The city is dark and light at the same time. There is yellow light and blue light from the street lamps and the lightning. But at the same time the city is not calm not busy.
4. Completed on
Jessica Harbert

Anonymous said...

1) In the report, Reward offered in killing of Oklahoma pastor, 61-year-old Carol Daniels was found dead in Christ Holy Sanctified Church (the church she pastured at). There is a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest. “District Attorney Bret Burns described a “horrific” scene inside the church”, he wouldn’t say more. Jessica Brown (a spokeswoman for the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation) said “the body was “staged” after the killing”, but also didn’t say anymore. Carol’s son, Alvin Daniels, says “She was very cautious for the most part, and she would usually leave the door open in case people came to worship.” “Neighboring churches are being urged to stay observant and have a security plan in their churches.”
2) I've taken that online test before, but some how I still managed to get a 5 out of eleven!
3) I chose the Hiroshima picture as my favorite picture. This picture shows a man devistated and alone in the cruel world of war. He is walking through mass destruction. He is has witnessed death. He is scarred for life because of what he had to do. He has to live with himself for as long as he lives. He is scared. I think this photo says alot without saying anything at all and that is what makes a great picture.
4) I donated 1,000 grains of rice.

Anonymous said...

In the article, “Japan emerges from recession” CNN explains how Japans economy grew by 3.7% in one month. Japans $150 dollar stimulus package has been helping the nation in getting out of there current recession. “The Japanese economy was buoyed by a historic ¥15 trillion ($150 billion) stimulus package in May, which included unemployment benefits, aid to struggling companies, promotion of green industries and a variety of tax breaks.” Maybe this is something other countries should learn from. Even though Japans success is a surprise. “The announcement of preliminary figures by Japan's Cabinet Office comes after France and Germany surprised economists last week by posting 0.3 percent growth for the second quarter of the year.”

Joseph Fisk
Period 6

Anonymous said...

Joseph Fleming-Fabiano
1. 8/27/09 Hr.6
1. Today, Thursday the 27th of August 2009, another U.S. service member was killed in Afghanistan by an attack that started as a roadside bombing that led to gunfire which killed the soldier while he was on patrol in southern Afghanistan. The death of this soldier has brought this month total death to 44 according to CNN “July was the most deadly month for U.S. soldiers since Afghanistan war started in 2009 with 45 deaths.” “The U.S. service member killed was in fact from the united states,” said Capt. Jonathan Stock, a military spokes person. These deaths are extremely heart breaking for the families of the lost soldiers not just here in America but most of the world in 42 nations. “ISAF was formed by the United Nations to help reconstruct Afghanistan with 50,000 soldiers from 42 countries” CNN.
2. Score was 10 was a easy test just had to read things literally and know what you’re talking about.
3. I rather enjoyed the lightning picture it was beautiful but shows that at the same time mother nature has power much greater then any other thing on this planet. Lightning strikes kill 100 people a year which is kinda scary considering that is not the only harmful thing nature can lash out with. There is volcanos, hurricanes, tornados and ect. which all kill on large scales lightning is beauty yet does not cause much harm tho it can, lightning is an exciting natural occurrence but dangerous it is beautiful but scary at the same time. I like the picture mainly because it was shot over Athens city hall which did knock out power for 4k people and just seeing a extremely beautiful and well caught picture like that is staggering especially since the photographer caught it hitting the ground. Something like this picture only comes up once in a while around the world tho there are many lightning pictures not all of them are unique and stunning.

Anonymous said...

Joseph Fleming-Fabiano
8/27/09 Hr.6
1. Today, Thursday the 27th of August 2009, another U.S. service member was killed in Afghanistan by an attack that started as a roadside bombing that led to gunfire which killed the soldier while he was on patrol in southern Afghanistan. The death of this soldier has brought this month total death to 44 according to CNN “July was the most deadly month for U.S. soldiers since Afghanistan war started in 2009 with 45 deaths.” “The U.S. service member killed was in fact from the united states,” said Capt. Jonathan Stock, a military spokes person. These deaths are extremely heart breaking for the families of the lost soldiers not just here in America but most of the world in 42 nations. “ISAF was formed by the United Nations to help reconstruct Afghanistan with 50,000 soldiers from 42 countries” CNN.
2. Score was 10 was a easy test just had to read things literally and know what you’re talking about.
3. I rather enjoyed the lightning picture it was beautiful but shows that at the same time mother nature has power much greater then any other thing on this planet. Lightning strikes kill 100 people a year which is kinda scary considering that is not the only harmful thing nature can lash out with. There is volcanos, hurricanes, tornados and ect. which all kill on large scales lightning is beauty yet does not cause much harm tho it can, lightning is an exciting natural occurrence but dangerous it is beautiful but scary at the same time. I like the picture mainly because it was shot over Athens city hall which did knock out power for 4k people and just seeing a extremely beautiful and well caught picture like that is staggering especially since the photographer caught it hitting the ground. Something like this picture only comes up once in a while around the world tho there are many lightning pictures not all of them are unique and stunning.
4. Donated 1000 grains of rice

Anonymous said...

1.Someone kidnapped a girl named Jaycee Dugard when she was 11 years old. She was kept in there until she was 29 years old. the police found her with two daughters.

"They are all in good health," Kollar said in response to a question about how Dugard and her children are doing. "But living in a backyard for the last 18 years does take its toll."

"None of them have ever been to school, they've never been to a doctor," Kollar said. "They were kept in complete isolation in this compound, if you will."

You could walk through the backyard and never know there was another set of living circumstances," said Fred Kollar, undersheriff of El Dorado County. "There was nothing that would cause you to question it. You can't see it from either adjoining property. It was presumably well arranged."

2.the test was weird but it was a nice little challenge.

3.The picture I chose was the in flight picture. I thought it was a very interesting picture, because when I first looked at it I thought that the helicopters had crashed, but when i looked closer they aren't even touching. So i just thought that the design that the helicopters made was pretty neat.

Will Ly P6

Anonymous said...

Joseph Fleming-Fabiano
8/27/09 Hr.6
1. Today, Thursday the 27th of August 2009, another U.S. service member was killed in Afghanistan by an attack that started as a roadside bombing that led to gunfire which killed the soldier while he was on patrol in southern Afghanistan. The death of this soldier has brought this month total death to 44 according to CNN “July was the most deadly month for U.S. soldiers since Afghanistan war started in 2009 with 45 deaths.” “The U.S. service member killed was in fact from the united states,” said Capt. Jonathan Stock, a military spokes person. These deaths are extremely heart breaking for the families of the lost soldiers not just here in America but most of the world in 42 nations. “ISAF was formed by the United Nations to help reconstruct Afghanistan with 50,000 soldiers from 42 countries” CNN.
2. Score was 10 was a easy test just had to read things literally and know what you’re talking about.
3. I rather enjoyed the lightning picture it was beautiful but shows that at the same time mother nature has power much greater then any other thing on this planet. Lightning strikes kill 100 people a year which is kinda scary considering that is not the only harmful thing nature can lash out with. There is volcanos, hurricanes, tornados and ect. which all kill on large scales lightning is beauty yet does not cause much harm tho it can, lightning is an exciting natural occurrence but dangerous it is beautiful but scary at the same time. I like the picture mainly because it was shot over Athens city hall which did knock out power for 4k people and just seeing a extremely beautiful and well caught picture like that is staggering especially since the photographer caught it hitting the ground. Something like this picture only comes up once in a while around the world tho there are many lightning pictures not all of them are unique and stunning.
4. Donated 1000 grains of rice

Anonymous said...

Joseph Fleming-Fabiano
8/27/09 Hr.6
1. Today, Thursday the 27th of August 2009, another U.S. service member was killed in Afghanistan by an attack that started as a roadside bombing that led to gunfire which killed the soldier while he was on patrol in southern Afghanistan. The death of this soldier has brought this month total death to 44 according to CNN “July was the most deadly month for U.S. soldiers since Afghanistan war started in 2009 with 45 deaths.” “The U.S. service member killed was in fact from the united states,” said Capt. Jonathan Stock, a military spokes person. These deaths are extremely heart breaking for the families of the lost soldiers not just here in America but most of the world in 42 nations. “ISAF was formed by the United Nations to help reconstruct Afghanistan with 50,000 soldiers from 42 countries” CNN.
2. Score was 10 was a easy test just had to read things literally and know what you’re talking about.
3. I rather enjoyed the lightning picture it was beautiful but shows that at the same time mother nature has power much greater then any other thing on this planet. Lightning strikes kill 100 people a year which is kinda scary considering that is not the only harmful thing nature can lash out with. There is volcanos, hurricanes, tornados and ect. which all kill on large scales lightning is beauty yet does not cause much harm tho it can, lightning is an exciting natural occurrence but dangerous it is beautiful but scary at the same time. I like the picture mainly because it was shot over Athens city hall which did knock out power for 4k people and just seeing a extremely beautiful and well caught picture like that is staggering especially since the photographer caught it hitting the ground. Something like this picture only comes up once in a while around the world tho there are many lightning pictures not all of them are unique and stunning.
4. Donated 1000 grains of rice

Anonymous said...

1. The one thing that interested me in is a headline stating that a little girl who was kidnapped in 1991 was found. After 18 years Jaycee finnaly reunited with her parents. The abductor of Jaycee has been taken into custody in California with one million bail. CNN quote "Even in long cases there is always 'hope.'"
2. My dad used to make me answer the same questions for fun sometimes, so I already knew a few of the tricky ones. But the best part of it was some new questions to make me think a little harder.
3. My favorite picture was the one with lightning around the building. I personally love storms, even the big ones. It was beautiful strikes around a city. Blue surrounded the white lightning, and the yellow lights blurred in reflect of the camera. The city lights and the lightning lights light up the sky with vibrant colors.
4. I donated 1000 grains of rice.
-Jeana Bush Per.6

Anonymous said...

1. In the article I read there was a woman who was born, raised, and lived in New Orleans during the time of Katrina. Tina Caserta’s home was destroyed during the hurricane four years ago. She had moved from the FEMA housing to multiple new homes during the four years and had gotten a call this year from the St. Bernard Perish in Louisiana, which was raising money and rebuilding homes in New Orleans. These new homes were being built more efficiently than ever; more eco friendly, family friendly, and most importantly more hurricane protective. “When the parish called I felt like I could finally breathe,” Tina said. “They gave my family hope.” “This is going to be the first anniversary of Katrina with tears of joy not tears of sorrow.”
2. The test was interesting. I didn’t do so well because I didn’t really pay that close attention to the questions, but it was a cool test.
3. My favorite picture was the picture of lightning in London, over the parliament building and Big Ben. This picture really stood out to me for some reason. I think it may have to do with the fact that I’ve been to London and it was nice weather, and now it’s interesting to see Big Ben with some different weather that I’ve never seen before. The dark gray skies and luminous lightning that seems to be striking just slightly over the building is something I found to be a really amazing piece of art.
4. I donated 1000 grains of rice on

Darius Ortega P.6

Anonymous said...

Autumn Gardner

In this story, there is a ten year old girl who was married off by her parents to a man that abused and insulted her. She demanded and fought for a divorce. She became a role model for women all over the world and appeared at awards ceremonies and was recognized for her determination and mental strength. However, when cnn interviews her, she is upset because none of the fame helped her situation and she got nothing out of it. This story is inspiring yet sad to me. I can’t imagine being married at 10 years old and to an abusive husband, the horror would be too much for most to handle. I can’t believe that no one is helping her and maybe they should set up a way to send her money. On the other hand, she is such a strong role model that I think all girls should hear about. Her story is truly amazing and I hope that she can find help somewhere.

10/10 on the first try!! I have heard many of them before :)

Only half of a tiny girl is visible beyond a concrete diving board. She stands against white poofy clouds and a sky on a perfect day. She shows concentration, passion, and weariness. She seems to be calm about throwing herself over a huge drop and flipping through the air. She wears a pink and purple swim suit that will turn to a blur of psychedelic colors when she jumps. Water droplets cover her arms ,but she does not brush them away because she knows they won't make a difference on how she will perform.

Zach Bohan said...

1. According to the CNN report, “UN seeks $230M to fight Kenya hunger,” the country of Kenya is in need of $230M to fight hunger that has been caused by the 3 year drought. The failure of rain has put production of crops, the Nations leading source of food, down to nearly nothing. It has also affected the country’s water supply, forcing the Kenyan’s to drink unsafe water. “About 3.8 million Kenyans are in need of emergency food, water, and aid,” said the United Nations Food Programme. "People are already going hungry, malnutrition is preying on more and more young children, cattle are dying -- we face a huge challenge and are urging the international community to provide us with the resources we need to get the job done," said Burkard Oberle, Kenya director of the World Food Programme.

2. The test was hard. i had to think...
3. I choose the fighter pilot picture that was in the color of the Italian flag because it was an interesting picture to me. I'm not Italian or anything but the picture just stood out to me with the vibrant colors and the amazing skill it would take to do that. The planes are so close to each other that it almost seems like they are going to crash. That's what makes the picture stick out to me because the pilot's required a huge amount of skill and one little mistake could turn out bad. Over all, this photo is amazing.
4. I donated 1000 grains of rice.

Anonymous said...

Tropical storm Danny has moved north. This storm can and will make surf conditions worse and produce deadly rip currents. Danny is "barely a tropical storm," says the hurricane center. The hurricane center also said "the storms intensity probably won't change much from Friday to Saturday." Tracking maps show the storm brushing North Carolina, before nearing New England late Saturday.The Hurricane center said "Canadian Maritimes should monitor the storms progress."
2. I love this test! It really makes you think!
3. The picture I picked is the dazzling lightning storm at the city hall. The bright storm lit up the dark skies of Georgia. The weather front rolled in during the night causing 4,000 sleepy people to lose power. If you where in Northeast Georgia Thursday, June 18 you would've seen this fantastic light show. This earth shaking storm lasted through the early hours of an Athens moring. As you can see in this photo the lightning is a sharp contrats to the quiet town.
4. I donated 1000 grains of rice!
-Ashley Sperling 7

Anonymous said...
1. According to CNN website, a young girl just” 11-years-old, blue-eyed, freckle-faced” was contained and kept in sheds until she was 29 years old. “She was more than 160 miles from home” and was lost off the face of the earth. She was hidden in the back of a large property that was covered in litter and garbage cans so no one would bother to look or guess another “set of living circumstances” was hidden behind a 6 foot fence. Until not long ago she was found with two children in their sound proof sheds.
2. A very interesting test with many surprising answer questions.
3. My favorite picture out of this fascinating selection of pictures was the one titled, Typhoon Morakot. In this picture it appears that a woman was walking her black bike down some kind of brick road when all the sudden water seems to erupt from the ground. With water beginning to circle into a water tornado ,she stops to watch. If you look closely at the woman you notice something interesting about her grip on the bike. She appears to be very frightened because it looks like she has a death grip on the bike handles and under the “butt pad” of the bike. Also judging from her body posture as well she won’t run anytime soon but only stand there screaming.
4. I did earn my 1,000 grains of rice.
Patrick Kelly period 7

Anonymous said...

Number two is okay it can teach you many things if you do not know them.It is really funn and easy(:
AnjelicaPerea period6

Anonymous said...

Brian Thomas

My favorite picture from Boston Globe’s “The Big Picture” is the second picture in the Dive Right In series. This picture is from the 2009 Red Bull Cliff Diving Competition in Dubrovnik, Croatia on July 11. The darkened silhouette of Orlando Duque is striking against the breath taking scenery of Fort Lovrijenac. The orange roofs of the houses creates such a contrast to the rest of the picture. The bright blue sky of Croatia brings out the ink black silhouette of the diver. This is my favorite picture because of the beautiful contrast and the intriuging colors.

Anonymous said...

This photgraph of a young girl about 13 or 14 in a local vendor searching for new headscarfs.There are many different shapes,sizes,colors.and desigins of headscarfs.These headscarfs are in plactic bags in a stack of about 5 to 6.above them are manquins with them displayed.Behind her are many other differnt headscarfs on a wall and some people behind her too.This picture contans of many differnt colors form blue to pink and pink to yellow.Also this young girl is trying on a tan colored headscarf in the middle of this picture.This is a wonderful picture.i wish you could see.!AnjelicaPerea period 6

Anonymous said...

i have erand over 2,000 grains of rice AnjelicaPerea peroid 6

Anonymous said...

Brian Thomas

Should 13 Year Old be Allowed to Sail Around The World?

“A Dutch court intervened Friday to stop a 13-year-old girl from attempting to sail around the world by herself, stripping her parents of sole custody.” Laura Dekker was going to attempt to sail around the world alone when child protection officials questioned her ability. “The move prevents the parents from permitting Laura to set off on her trip alone…” Laura’s parents have supported her desire to sail around the world despite her age. Mike Perham, 17, who had just returned home from his sailing trip around the world says, “ he doesn’t think age alone should determine whether Laura Dekker is ready for such an adventure. It’s ‘whether she’s got the physical strength, the mental strength, or the techincal ability.’” For the next two months professionals will evaluate Laura’s mental and physical abilities to sail around the globe alone. “The court will then make a final ruling on whether her parents may have the final say about their daughter’s plans.”

Anonymous said...

1. In the article “Disgruntled Japanese prepare to vote” people in Japan are preparing to vote for a new president! In the article it says “This Sunday in Japan, voters go to the ballot box in what poll after poll shows will be an historical shift in political power,” this is showing that Japans current political situation is about to change drastically. “The Liberal Democratic Party, or LDP, has been in nearly continuous control of Japan’s parliament for more then five decades.” The article tells, and the polls are showing that this is going to change. “Hidaka’s food importing company, the Robson Corporation, has seen business hit the skids this last year,” and this is going to really change his vote. The polls are showing the Democratic Party of Japan will only snag 300 out of 400 seats in the lower house of Japan’s parliament.
2. I liked the quiz I thought it was tricky!
3. I liked a picture that was in the album of the lightning strike. This was a picture of a radiant illuminating lighting strike. This picture is a picture of lightening striking a darkened city night sky. It looks like its jumping out from the darkness to scare the city. The sky is being lit up by a violet glowing light. And the buildings look as if they are merely shadows with little tiny brilliant lights within them; or like an army standing in front of a beautiful purple glow. The lightening looks as if it were crawling down from heaven, like it was reaching to touch the earth’s soil. The perimeter is as pitch-black as a closet that would make a little child shake in fear, even though it is a beautifully captured scene.

4. I collected 1000 grains of rice

Peighton Bruno per.6

Anonymous said...

This is a picture of Greenland, although there is little green, there is plenty of ice, for as far as the eye can see is ice, a never ending carpet of white. With the slight exception of the landscapes rocky coastline and the aqua blue sheets of ice from the melting glacier. The bumpy texture of the ice appears to be like the sand dunes had a light layer of sparkling white snow. There is no type of civilization for hundreds and thousands of miles. The only sign of any type of life forms are two scientists. Scientists studying polar research, looking for any sign of life.
Joseph Fisk
Period 6

Anonymous said...

I took the test. I thought it was pretty easy, with the eception of the question about moses an the animals...its pretty tricky for soebody who has never read the bile before.

Anonymous said...

1000 grain of rice
Joseph Fisk
period 6

Anonymous said...

(1) The article I chose today was a girl was kidnapped in 1991 and was recently found. She was a 29 year old woman when she walked into the police station saying she was abducted 18 years ago. There are two people being held in connection with the case. There is a man and a women held accountable for the case. Jaycee Dugard is in good health and okay. Phillip and Nancy Garrido were the two people charged. I think this case is a horrible happening and it disappoints me to hear that these kind of events happen.
(2) I liked the quiz and scored a 10/10. I like those kind of quizzes and brain teasers.
(3) The picture "Greenland" is like a vast ocean of ice and crevasses. It dips like a valley and all of the dips are filled with freezing cold ice water. There are two camera men on the top of one of the hills just observing the vast ice valley. The snow on the top of the ice is windswept and has waves in it. Far in the distance there is mountains and a blue sky. It is like you are in a desert of ice and freezing cold snow and water. The sky is clear without a cloud in sight and no sign of any harsh weather.
(4) I donated 1000 grains of rice.
Lane DeGroat

Nathen Pottorff said...

1. The article “Ban on robocalls takes effect on Tuesday” is about how new amendments have banned all commercial telemarketing robocalls. According to FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz "American consumers have made it crystal clear that few things annoy them more than the billions of commercial telemarketing robocalls they receive every year". Nate Anderson, a blogger at Ars Technia said "Most of the robocalls received by people in the office here are already illegal to do begin with -- pitches for time shares and bogus car warranties top the list of such calls". Also the article says that informational calls, banks, and charities won’t be banned. "If consumers think they're being harassed by robocallers, they need to let us know, and we will go after them," says Leibowitz. Hopefully this will stop all those annoying phone calls no one answers.

2. When you find out the answers you realize how much you have to think to get the answer.

3. The picture I choose was the robot one. In the picture you see a 3 year-old sized robot, called iClub, which is sitting at a white desk, facing you. The robot has no skin on it so you can see all of its components. In its left hand it’s holding a stick with a black covering on about 2/3 of it. There is a hand in the background that is about to take the stick. iClub looks like he can move like a human, but still in jerky motions.

Nathan Pottorff
P. 6

Anonymous said...

I read about a girl, Jaycee Dugard, who was abducted about 18 years ago, being found. They also arrested the people that abducted Jaycee. One was a registered sex offender, Phillip Garrido, and the other was the wife of the sex offender, Nancy Garrido. As it says in the article, “Jaycee Dugard is in good health, but they will not release any more information about Jaycee.” However, they did give out information about Phillip and Nancy Garrido. “The officer said the pair was no longer in the jail but that Phillip Garrido had been booked on charges of kidnapping, conspiracy and related offenses. Nancy Garrido was booked on charges of kidnapping and conspiracy.” Jaycee can still remember the abduction perfectly. When abducted, she was last seen wearing a pink windbreaker and pink stretch pants, walking to the bus stop for school. She described the abduction like this: “A vehicle occupied by two individuals drove up to me, and abducted me in view of my stepfather.” Now both Phillip and Nancy Garrido are held in jail with a 1 million dollar bail.

The picture I chose was the one with the Afghan girl, in Kabul, holding a tiny puppy, whos paws are hanging. The girl is wearing a red, head cover. The puppy is brown, tan and white. He is also fluffy. The girl looks as if she is standing in a house, because of the blue carpet that is sitting on the ground, in the background. It also looks like there is vases, and blankets in the background.

I thought the quiz was fun, I got an 8.

Anonymous said...

I read about a girl, Jaycee Dugard, who was abducted about 18 years ago, being found. They also arrested the people that abducted Jaycee. One was a registered sex offender, Phillip Garrido, and the other was the wife of the sex offender, Nancy Garrido. As it says in the article, “Jaycee Dugard is in good health, but they will not release any more information about Jaycee.” However, they did give out information about Phillip and Nancy Garrido. “The officer said the pair was no longer in the jail but that Phillip Garrido had been booked on charges of kidnapping, conspiracy and related offenses. Nancy Garrido was booked on charges of kidnapping and conspiracy.” Jaycee can still remember the abduction perfectly. When abducted, she was last seen wearing a pink windbreaker and pink stretch pants, walking to the bus stop for school. She described the abduction like this: “A vehicle occupied by two individuals drove up to me, and abducted me in view of my stepfather.” Now both Phillip and Nancy Garrido are held in jail with a 1 million dollar bail.

The picture I chose was the one with the Afghan girl, in Kabul, holding a tiny puppy, whos paws are hanging. The girl is wearing a red, head cover. The puppy is brown, tan and white. He is also fluffy. The girl looks as if she is standing in a house, because of the blue carpet that is sitting on the ground, in the background. It also looks like there is vases, and blankets in the background.

I thought the quiz was fun, I got an 8.

-Kelsey Thurston Period 7

Anonymous said...

I read about a girl, Jaycee Dugard, who was abducted about 18 years ago, being found. They also arrested the people that abducted Jaycee. One was a registered sex offender, Phillip Garrido, and the other was the wife of the sex offender, Nancy Garrido. As it says in the article, “Jaycee Dugard is in good health, but they will not release any more information about Jaycee.” However, they did give out information about Phillip and Nancy Garrido. “The officer said the pair was no longer in the jail but that Phillip Garrido had been booked on charges of kidnapping, conspiracy and related offenses. Nancy Garrido was booked on charges of kidnapping and conspiracy.” Jaycee can still remember the abduction perfectly. When abducted, she was last seen wearing a pink windbreaker and pink stretch pants, walking to the bus stop for school. She described the abduction like this: “A vehicle occupied by two individuals drove up to me, and abducted me in view of my stepfather.” Now both Phillip and Nancy Garrido are held in jail with a 1 million dollar bail. I did not have a chance to include the link on Thursday, and when I looked for it again on Sunday, I could not find the same link.

The picture I chose was the one with the Afghan girl, in Kabul, holding a tiny puppy, whos paws are hanging. The girl is wearing a red, head cover. The puppy is brown, tan and white. He is also fluffy. The girl looks as if she is standing in a house, because of the blue carpet that is sitting on the ground, in the background. It also looks like there is vases, and blankets in the background.

I thought the quiz was fun, I got an 8.
-Kelsey Thurston period 7

Dalton said...

Rescued Boaters
Boaters were found along the coast of Texas on Saturday night a day after the Coast Guard suspended the week long search for them. A crew of workers found Curtis Hall, James Phillips, and Tressel Hawkins on top of their 23 foot capsized fishing boat. The men went on a fishing trip August 22 and when they failed to return they were named missing. After looking 86,000 square miles the Coast Guard stopped searching for them Friday. Hall was sent to a hospital but left the emergency room after waiting too long to go home and rest. He claimed he would go to a doctor later in the weekend to see a doctor for what he thinks are second degree burns form the sun. Phillips didn’t even get medical attention he just went home to see his family. Hawkins is in the hospital for open sores but doesn’t plan to be there for long. After he gets out of the hospital he will go to Fort Worth to see his family.
Dalton Hicks

Anonymous said...

Eleigh Barrios
(Assignment cont.)
The Big Picture
I chose the picture with the lightning. I think that this picture is extremely unique. It show that weather can be so beautiful, but frightening at the same time. The picture was taken in Georgia, at the city hall in Athens. The image shows lightning striking in the background. The top left corner is dark and eerie as the thunder head moves across the sky. The sky is being lit up with electricity. The small trails coming off of the main lightning stream are dancing.

Amber Smith said...

1. Nick is 18, but has the mind of a 13 year old. He was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and he’s bi-polar. He’s also a registered sexual predator. At the age of 14 he was convicted of rape after he attacked a 13-year-old female classmate. Nick wants to go back to school, but he’s struggling finding a school that will accept him even though he’s a sexual predator. “Talking to my son in private at night, you know he’ll sit and cry and say ‘mom why can’t I be in school?’” says Elizabeth. His mom, Elizabeth, has asked the superintendent to let him go to Wright State University, but they told said, “That’s certainly an option. But we’re not going to deny this young man of an education; we just say it’s not appropriate on our campus.” As of right now, Nick only receives four hours of instruction a week from a tutor; therefore his state test scores are low. “All I ask is give Nick a second chance,” says Elizabeth. “Do it on a trial basis. Give us 60 or 90 days to let Nick try school.”

2.The online test was very crazy, and full of trick questions. I liked it. =)

3. I chose the picture “Typhoon Morakot”. In this picture there is a woman with her bike standing next to a red brick wall. She’s standing yards away from a huge typhoon that is spiraling right in front of her. The typhoon is made up of muddy water, and she’s just standing there watching it in astonishment. I think she was too freaked out to move since she’s watching this typhoon ruin her city. I imagine her mouth is wide open as she’s watching this entire scene take place.

4.I donated 1000 grains of rice.

Anonymous said...

1. Girl missing for 18 Years, Found
Back in 1991 Jaycee Dugard, who was 11 at the time, was kidnapped on her way to the bus stop. Her step father had seen the event happen. After 18 years she was found alive in California in good health. Her step father says “it’s like winning the lotto”. On Wednesday Mother and daughter talked on the phone. “Jaycee remembers everything. She remembers all the right answers to my wife’s questions” Her step father says about the mother and daughters conversation. The missing child agency is still in shock but very happy about the whole thing. "One of the things that we preach to searching families all the time ... is that even in these long-term cases there's hope,” one of the members said.

2.i liked the quiz :)

3.What is usually just a normal city street is different on this particular day. Now the street is flooded and causes a problem for people wanting to cross. Luckily though for two young, poor girls a man with a raft is pushing them while walking across. The raft is actually just 2 chairs on a piece of Styrofoam with the man as it’s motor. One girl is holding a umbrella over her and the little girl heads both looking optimistic and thankful for the man with his cheaply made raft. All three look ready to get to the other side of the street/river.

4. i donated 2,00 grains of rice

Anonymous said...

(ok so i know i already posted this once but i forgot to put my name on it the first time, sorry)

1. Girl missing for 18 Years, Found
Back in 1991 Jaycee Dugard, who was 11 at the time, was kidnapped on her way to the bus stop. Her step father had seen the event happen. After 18 years she was found alive in California in good health. Her step father says “it’s like winning the lotto”. On Wednesday Mother and daughter talked on the phone. “Jaycee remembers everything. She remembers all the right answers to my wife’s questions” Her step father says about the mother and daughters conversation. The missing child agency is still in shock but very happy about the whole thing. "One of the things that we preach to searching families all the time ... is that even in these long-term cases there's hope,” one of the members said.

2.i liked the quiz :)

3.What is usually just a normal city street is different on this particular day. Now the street is flooded and causes a problem for people wanting to cross. Luckily though for two young, poor girls a man with a raft is pushing them while walking across. The raft is actually just 2 chairs on a piece of Styrofoam with the man as it’s motor. One girl is holding a umbrella over her and the little girl heads both looking optimistic and thankful for the man with his cheaply made raft. All three look ready to get to the other side of the street/river.

4. i donated 2,00 grains of rice

Rebecca Schoenfeld

Anonymous said...

This picture is pretty cool. It’s a MIG 35 Russian plane. The pilot is doing a low fly by during an air show. The G’s you could pull on this would be awesome. Plus it’ll make the people on the ground jump, scream, and get totally freaked out.
In this article Cheney is saying to President Obama that he can’t interrogate the cia interrogators again. Mainly because they have already been cleared.

Dick Cheney quotes.
"It makes no sense. It's not -- doesn't appear to be a serious move in terms of being able to deal with the nation's security,"
"I think it's a direct slap at the CIA,"
"I think the evidence is overwhelming that the enhanced interrogation techniques persuaded them to cooperate, how do you explain that? The critics don't have any solution for that. They criticize our policy, our way of doing business, but the results speak for themselves."

That test is stupid, in a good way. It’s not hard it just makes you think a little. I got 11 and if I can get an 11 then almost everyone can get an 11.

Anonymous said...

1. This past weekend three people were harmed in a California wildfire, after they didn’t listen to orders by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to evacuate their homes if they were told to. “I want to urge everyone living near any of the fires, please, listen and follow evacuation orders from local officials. They will not tell you to evacuate if it’s not necessary,” Mandatory evacuations were ordered for 6,600 homes because of the fire but since some people didn’t listen, it resulted badly. People didn’t evacuate because they didn’t think that the fire could harm them from where they were but quote “You think, oh, it’s calm, there’s just smoke. It’s no big deal, and then you see a big flare and it scary.” Everyone was trying to stay calm but since the where the fire was going was so unexpected they couldn’t help but be scared “ My neighbors and I were trying to stay calm and suddenly the hillside absolutely exploded into flames, we thought our houses were gone, it was a very sleepless night.
2. I thought the test was fun, it was interesting finding out what the answers were because what the questions were asking were different then what they sounded like they were.

3. My favorite picture was the one title “Fires Around the Mediterranean”. It was definitely my favorite picture because when I first looked at it, I didn’t see a helicopter dropping water onto a house fire. What I saw was a giant red dinosaur, I know it may sound crazy but when I first looked at it, the giant white and black engines looked like eyes and the black propellers appeared as long hair. Instead of seeing two glass windows I saw a nose. And the big stripe across the middle looked like a mouth. I had to look back at the picture to see that it was actually a helicopter not a dinosaur.

Claire M per 7

Anonymous said...

1. This past weekend three people were harmed in a California wildfire, after they didn’t listen to orders by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to evacuate their homes if they were told to. “I want to urge everyone living near any of the fires, please, listen and follow evacuation orders from local officials. They will not tell you to evacuate if it’s not necessary,” Mandatory evacuations were ordered for 6,600 homes because of the fire but since some people didn’t listen, it resulted badly. People didn’t evacuate because they didn’t think that the fire could harm them from where they were but quote “You think, oh, it’s calm, there’s just smoke. It’s no big deal, and then you see a big flare and it scary.” Everyone was trying to stay calm but since the where the fire was going was so unexpected they couldn’t help but be scared “ My neighbors and I were trying to stay calm and suddenly the hillside absolutely exploded into flames, we thought our houses were gone, it was a very sleepless night.
2. I thought the test was fun, it was interesting finding out what the answers were because what the questions were asking were different then what they sounded like they were.

3. My favorite picture was the one title “Fires Around the Mediterranean”. It was definitely my favorite picture because when I first looked at it, I didn’t see a helicopter dropping water onto a house fire. What I saw was a giant red dinosaur, I know it may sound crazy but when I first looked at it, the giant white and black engines looked like eyes and the black propellers appeared as long hair. Instead of seeing two glass windows I saw a nose. And the big stripe across the middle looked like a mouth. I had to look back at the picture to see that it was actually a helicopter not a dinosaur.

Claire M per 7

Anonymous said...

mm hello this is Andrew's comments
{1 In my favorite picture what you could see is a humongous fire throughout the mountains that is just taking over this one unfortunate town. It shows what would could happen with just a small forest fire that soon spreads out and practically just takes over this entire jungle are and village that is right next to it. The fire looks so great in size that you would not be able stop this one. The people who have seen “Backdraft” well this is like quadruple the size of any the fires in that movie. It really is will take a massive toll on this community but the picture is great.
2. I took the test as wellas about100 other kids and enjoyed even though it made me feel very stupid.
3.i donated 1010 grains of ric.
4. My article was about some of the wild fires that spread out in California. How many people have been getting hurt by these raging flames that are very hard to stop. Governor Arnold super long name but I’ll just shorten it down to Arnold said “I want to urge everyone living near any of the fires, please, listen and follow evacuation orders from local officials. They will not tell you to evacuate if it's not necessary," he said. The flames were getting out of control and governor Arnold told them what they had to do and they “did not listen.” Than “Andrew said thank you for reading my paragraphs I hope you enjoyed them.”

Kendall said...

1: In 1991, and 11-year-old girl, Jaycee Lee Dugard was kidnapped walking to her bus stop. And for 18 years, she was never seen again, until last Thursday. Police went to meet with the girl later that week and found quote, “she remembers everything.” It says that it’s “confirmed that a man and a woman have been arrested in connection with the case, but could provide no other details.” So far nobody has been convicted. Authorities want to make it clear that, “even in these long-term cases ... it's important that we not let the world forget."
2: The quiz was entertaining, thought there were some trick questions in there!! I got a score of 9. (:
3: I chose the picture of the typhoon in Morakot. The picture describes a massive force of water swirling up from the ground to the sky. A pedestrian watches in awe of the tornado of dirty-brown water. The slush stands just feet away from the pedestrian. As she watches it tear through the city, she stands gripping her bicycle tightly. He hair is in a bun, but the stray pieces blow in the gusty winds.
By Kendall Lovato

Kendall said...

1: In 1991, and 11-year-old girl, Jaycee Lee Dugard was kidnapped walking to her bus stop. And for 18 years, she was never seen again, until last Thursday. Police went to meet with the girl later that week and found quote, “she remembers everything.” It says that it’s “confirmed that a man and a woman have been arrested in connection with the case, but could provide no other details.” So far nobody has been convicted. Authorities want to make it clear that, “even in these long-term cases ... it's important that we not let the world forget."
2: The quiz was entertaining, thought there were some trick questions in there!! I got a score of 9. (:
3: I chose the picture of the typhoon in Morakot. The picture describes a massive force of water swirling up from the ground to the sky. A pedestrian watches in awe of the tornado of dirty-brown water. The slush stands just feet away from the pedestrian. As she watches it tear through the city, she stands gripping her bicycle tightly. He hair is in a bun, but the stray pieces blow in the gusty winds.
By Kendall Lovato

Hosna Zulali said...

Girl missing since 1991 found alive; two arrested
In 1991 an eleven year old girl named Jaycee Duggard was abducted in South Lake Tahoe, California on June 10, 1991. A vehicle occupied by two passengers that drove up to Jaycee Duggard and kidnapped her in her father’s view. There were no sign or possible signs of her abductors. But after 17 years she was found. There are two arrested one man, and women that are married. She walked into the police station early in Northern California on Wednesday. She has two kids an 15 year old and a 11 year old girls.
"Jaycee remembers everything," he said. "They talked back and forth and she had the right answers to all my wife's questions."
He said, "I'm feeling great! ... It's like winning the lotto."
"One of the things that we preach to searching families all the time ... is that even in these long-term cases there's hope," he said.

Senator Ted Kennedy as a child and the youngest child of a wealthy business men and ambassador. Also the younger brother of a U.S. senator and a President. He spent 47 years in congress representing Massachusetts. He earned the name of “Lion of Senate.” He passed away August 25, 2009, he was 77 years old. TED KENNEDY. 1932-2009

-Hosna Zulali

Anonymous said...

In this article “Arrests made in ministry truck bombings” many trucks on the 21st of August were parked outside of huge buildings which held bombs in then so when the clock hits a certain time the bombs go off. Many people said that the bombs where all toward the capital of Iraq and were parked outside of the buildings which then caused them to all fall. After the “attack” many people were arrested in belief that they caused the attack. Later that day they found out that the attack came from Al Qaeda which is a terrorist group located in Iraq. I think that this is very cruel of Al Qaeda to attack innocent people and end up killing over 100 people.
-Brody Fretthold

I thought that the test was very challenging and it made you use your left side of your brain but I still got a 10/10 on it.
-Brody Fretthold

In this picture “Fires around the Mediterranean” there is a helicopter that is being used to put out a fire on a building/ house. Over the past few weeks, high temperatures and strong winds have cause many disastrous fire to happen. Over these fires 7 people have died over France, Italy and Spain. Many of these fires have been contained but there are still many fires to burn in the Mediterranean.
-Brody Fretthold

-Brody Fretthold

Anonymous said...

In this article “Arrests made in ministry truck bombings” many trucks on the 21st of August were parked outside of huge buildings which held bombs in then so when the clock hits a certain time the bombs go off. Many people said that the bombs where all toward the capital of Iraq and were parked outside of the buildings which then caused them to all fall. After the “attack” many people were arrested in belief that they caused the attack. Later that day they found out that the attack came from Al Qaeda which is a terrorist group located in Iraq. I think that this is very cruel of Al Qaeda to attack innocent people and end up killing over 100 people.
-Brody Fretthold

I thought that the test was very challenging and it made you use your left side of your brain but I still got a 10/10 on it.
-Brody Fretthold

In this picture “Fires around the Mediterranean” there is a helicopter that is being used to put out a fire on a building/ house. Over the past few weeks, high temperatures and strong winds have cause many disastrous fire to happen. Over these fires 7 people have died over France, Italy and Spain. Many of these fires have been contained but there are still many fires to burn in the Mediterranean.
-Brody Fretthold

-Brody Fretthold

Anonymous said...

Today i read a article about a baby boy born with a heart protruding outside his chest in New Delhi, India. The article said that “ the child has a hole in his heart and is thought to have an extremely rare condition called ectopia cordis were the chest fails to close over part or all of the heart”. The baby was taken to the hospital in New Delhi with a severe infection and dehydration. The article explained how they would under go the procedure” The baby, who suffers from immuno-deficiency, will be put in a state where his blood will be cooled down to 18 degrees, (64 Fahrenheit), for a half-an-hour stage of the operation”. The article told me that “ there are only five to eight cases of this kind in a million births”. That was the article I found on

2. when i took the test on I thought it was a good way to show a collection of trick questions except most of them are very common and i was familiar with them.

3.i looked at the picture of Teddy Kennedy who recently passed away in Boston, Massachusetts the picture was of a six year old Kennedy watching the changing of the guard at Buckingham palace in London, England. The young Kennedy looks a little confused by the people looking at him and holds a camera to remember his trip. His mother holds him to stay close in the crowd of people. Meanwhile his father stands over him looking out at the people. Joseph Kennedy was the then ambassador of England from the United States. Shortly after they watched the changing of the guard outside the palace they would enter and have a meeting with the monarch. That’s my analyses of the Boston globe picture of a young Teddy Kennedy in London, England.
Braden Dolezal
Period 7

Eric Berve said...

1. In the article that I chose, an 11-year old who was abducted in 1991 turned up alive and well in California on Wednesday afternoon. The girl was last seen at her bus stop in June of 1991, where she was kidnapped by two people in an unidentified car.
1. “It was reported that a vehicle occupied by two individuals drove up to Jaycee Dugard and abducted her in view of her stepfather.”
2. “Jaycee remembers everything. They talked back and forth and she had the right answers to all my wife’s questions.”
3. “Even in these long-term cases… it’s important that we not let the world forget.

When I read this article, I was really surprised. For one, it was kind of odd that Jaycee returned unharmed. If someone is abducted, you would think that the abductees would do something horrible to them. It makes me wonder if the abductors just wanted a child.
2. i took the test and it was interesting and a bit confusing, but fun none the less.
3.If you were to look at this picture, you would think that you were in Alaska, or Antarctica, due to the sheer size of the snowy terrain in front of you. But no, you find out to your disbelief, that you are standing on a massive glacier, one that is almost 16 kilometers wide. You are able to see a mountain in the distance, and you would think that you could run out and touch it. If you were to look as hard as you could, you would not be able to see any water, other than the puddles out in front of you. Down below, two men are standing there, observing the climate and the ice. You could imagine a snowy wonderland.
4. i donated 1000 grains of rice

Anonymous said...

erica del rio
I took the test and i didnt like it because it made me feel stupid!!! ok it was kind of interesting. :)

Anonymous said...

In this picture, a bright blue lightning bolt is streaking across the sky over what appears to be a town hall. Around the bolt, the black sky is turned into a bright blue aura, lighting up the sky. In the horizon you can see a stray bolt strike the ground. Then the bolt breaks into a separate strike that flares over the horizon. Also in the picture are multiple cars driving to the right of the town hall. There appears to be a quiet town also along the horizon. The bolt turn the city into a fluorescent landscape for a .001ths of a second. Karter Johansen

Anonymous said...

1.According to, in the article, "Scottish Minister defends Lockerbie bomber release." Scottish Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill told the Scottish Parliament that it was his compassionate decision to release Ali Megrahi who was convicted of the deaths of 270 lives. Ali Megrahi had orchestrated the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 in 1988 over Lockerbie. Ali has terminal Prostate Cancer and was given 3 months to live. The decision of MacAskill had made the international community very angry. Especially the famlies of the 270 people that had lost thier lives. It didn't help that he was given a hero's welcome in Libya. This touches on both Cultural differences (a hero's welcome) and Human Rights (Maybe too compationate for a man who killed 270).

2.Yes 10 out of 11 you cant trick me. Those questions are wack.

3.In the picture Lightning lights up the sky behind City Hall you can see the flash of the lightning light up and jolt down the sky right behinde city hall. Two bold bright sparks of power above the sky. White like snow the lightning seems it can do just about anything. Sparking up in the sky like a free man traveling the world. The lightning sparks up above city hall in Boston with an amazing view to the eye. The way the colors and the lightning mix toghether it makes the lightning stand out like a black dot on paper. This picture is just simply amazing.

4.1000 grains of rice to people who need it. I feel good about gaining knowledge and helping others.


Anonymous said...

Erica del Rio
Pd. 6
In New Delhi, India there is an unbelievable case about a newborn baby with his heart out of his chest. I say it is unbelievable because the baby is only four days old and he already had a severe infection and dehydration. Also, he has a whole in his heart, and the surgeons are already planning a surgery for the baby. “There are only five to eight cases of this kind in one million live births” Bisoi told CNN. This is very rare. ““We are working with hope” Bisoi said when asked of chances of success”. This means that the baby has survived many things and is still at a high risk of not surviving. “The baby, who suffers from immuno- deficiency, will be put in a state where his blood will be cooled down to 18 degrees, (64 Fahrenheit), for a half hour stage of the operation, he explained”. This relates to the second quote too because it is talking about risking the baby’s life. I chose this quote because it really motivate me and made me think of how fortunate we are of being healthy and not having to deal with pain everyday and so many other things. When I hear about these things that happen, I wish I would be able to save lives but the truth is, that I can’t. This makes me appreciate the fact that me and the people that surround me are healthy!