Monday, February 23, 2009

Modern Lit. - Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Monday! Today after our warm up, I went over some minor schedule changes on our unit calendar. I've posted a revised and updated version below. We also discussed the Reflection and Response assignment that is due tomorrow (Tuesday.) Please don't hesistate to email me (before 8pm) if you need help or have questions. You've had a week to do this, so no excuses! The rest of the period was spent finishing up the quiz that some of you didn't have time to finish on Friday due to the assembly schedule (my bad), and you also had some work time to get the response assignment done or to catch up on reading. I also did a warm up check, so if you were absent please be sure to check in with me and show me your warm ups so I can give you credit. For homework, finish your Reflection and Response assignment and read to page 150.

Revised Unit Calendar and Schedule

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