Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Juniors - Friday, January 30, 2009

Today was spent completing part two of your writer's workshop. This time, you were assigned to a small group and spent the period offering feedback on each other's work. I want to take this opportunity to thank 6th period for their awesome work - you guys got down to business and were able to get through nearly everyone's work before class ended. To 7th and 8th period - I am extremely disappointed in most of you. Besides those of you who were prepared and remained focused and on task throughout the period (you know who you are, and I really appreciate your effort), the majority of you came unprepared, which hurt your group members' overall effort and your grade. In addition, several of you spent almost the entire period goofing off. Without hesitation I can say that your behavior is going to damage your grade for this unit. I am growing very impatient with those of you that choose to regularly come to class late, are freqently unprepared, and spend the majority of class time not working. It is rude and disrespectful not only to me, but to your classmates that put in the work and deserve my utmost attention.

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