Friday, February 27, 2009

Juniors - Wednesday/Thursday, Feb.25-26, 2009

After our warm up today, which took a little bit longer than normal because you had to rewrite a passage, we focused on characterization in What Girls Learn. Using your character organizers from last week, you worked with a partner to collect as much information as possible about the main characters by going through the book and gathering text and examples. Once you finished those up, the class was split into groups four and assigned one of the four main characters (Tilden, Elizabeth, Frances, and Nick). Each group had to create a "Body Biography" of their character using large sheets of butcher paper and by lending their artistic talents to draw symbols, words, and quotes from the book that exemplified the physical characteristics, personality traits, and motivations of thier character. This was pretty fun and all of you came up with some great stuff! If you were absent, please download the character organizer, complete, and turn in to me as soon as possible. For homework, please read to page 182.

Characterization Organizer

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