Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Freshmen - Tuesday, February 9, 2009

Today we began discussing modernist literature and the modernist movement. I showed you a brief Power Point (I will post the power point on the website when we are done with it, which will probably be on block day). As homework, I handed out a graphic organizer that you will need to complete by block day. Only do the first side, as the rest will be done in class. Basically, you need to do a little research on the Romantic and Victorian periods and record your findings in the organizer. These can be brief - you are essentially just gathering enough information to compare it to differences in the modernist movement of the early 20th century. For both Modernism and the Romantic/Victorian era, try to focus specifically on cultural characteristics of the period - what is characteristic of cultural values, literature, art, music, etc. during this time in Western society? Download a copy of the worksheet below if you need another copy. On block day, we will be looking at some modernist poetry and art and analyzing it, and also looking at some more selections from Reading the World.

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