Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Juniors - Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Today was our first day of writer's workshop. Instead of workshopping in groups, like you will be doing on Friday, today you worked with a partner in groups of two. After showing you a brief power point about how a writing workshop works (view below), you traded two of your drafts with a partner and created feedback sheets for your reader to write their comments on. Don't lose the feedback sheets because they need to be included in your portfolio! It is essential that you give DETAILED, SPECIFIC, and CONSTRUCTIVE feedback to your partners, you are helping them with their writing as they are helping you. View the power point to see some good examples of what great constructive feedback looks like.

Also, we briefly went over what is expected for the writer's memos, which are requirements for the portfolio. I showed you an example and we will go over it more in class on Friday. To view an examples of writer's memos that I wrote for my own pieces of writing, click the link below.

The Writer's Workshop (Power Point)
Writer's Memo example
Writer's Memo example 2

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