Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Juniors - Tuesday, January 13, 2008

Today for our writing exercise, we dabbled in writing some poetry using an activity called "The Eight Room Image Poem." This is also designed to help get you thinking about using imagery in your writing. In your notebooks, you drew a grid with eight boxes. I asked you to imagine a specific scene - a scene from a good or bad memory, a scene that you "made up," a scene that you like to imagine, etc. Each box on your page was labeled with the following: Image, Light, Sound, Smell, Texture, Questions, Emotion, and Repeating Phrase. In each "room," you described that aspect of your scene in detail, using as much descriptive language as you can (think descriptive words, phrasing, the use of metaphor or simile, adverbs and adjectives, etc.) Then, working with the material you had come up with, created a poem. Your poem can be in any structure, style, format, or voice that you wish (that is the beauty of poetry...there are few rules), just as long as you are drawing from material in each of your "rooms."

For homework, please download the Rolling Stone article "Pop Life" by Rob Sheffield. Click on the link below to access the article. I have removed most of the punctuation, so your task is to go through the article and add in the correct punctuation. Please use a blue or colored ink pen or marker so that I can easily see your corrections (please no pencil or black ink). We will be going over this in class during a grammar activity during block day, so don't forget it!

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