Friday, January 9, 2009

Freshmen - Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Friday!! Hopefully some of you snowbunnies and jackrabbits will get up to the mountains this weekend to enjoy the fresh snow! I know I will. Today, we discussed recognizing tone in literature and I showed you a brief power point (view by clicking here). We compared different tones in music along with some song clips, and then went over some literary examples. The rest of the period was spent tackling our last Canadian piece of literature, "Day of the Butterfly" by Alice Munro and answering some reading and vocabulary questions. As you read this piece, consider how Alice Munro's upbringing in rural Ontario might have influenced her writing, especially regarding themes of isolation, loneliness and frustration. If you did not finish in class, I have posted a PDF of the story for you to download below so you can finish it over the weekend. The reading questions are due on Monday in class. I also handed out a summary chart for all of the readings we will be completing in "Americas" section of the book. Use this chart to summarize and respond to each piece - this will help you when reviewing for quizzes and other activities. Download below if you need an extra copy. Have a great weekend!

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