Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Today I had absolutely no voice, so that changed our plans a bit. Instead of discussing Act 5 of the play and also going over your notes from the film yesterday (which we will do on Monday,) I had you read two short , interesting articles that give evidence to how influential the story of Romeo and Juliet is, even in modern times. Download by clicking the links below. Next, you took a brief survey and compared it to a survey that you took before we began reading the play, and you discussed with a partner whether or not any of your rankings or opinions had changed as a result of reading the play. Click here to see the survey.

The rest of the period was spent making Romeo and Juliet comic strips, in which you were required to summarize your favorite scene in the play in a six-tile comic strip. If you did not finish, your comic strip is due in class on Monday. Click here for instructions.

Have a great weekend, especially if you are going to be enjoying the homecoming football game and dance on Saturday! Be safe and don't get arrested!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Today we integrated both classes in the Stampede Room to watch the 1996 film adaptation of Romeo and Juliet. If you don't know this about me already, I am always disappointed with film adaptations of literary works and I will always tell you to READ THE BOOK/PLAY FIRST! However, this adaptation of R&J is by far one of my favorite films. I hope you enjoyed it! During your viewing of the film, I asked you to take notes of the similarities and differences between the play as we read it and the film translation. What was gained in the modern day adaptation? What was lost or left out?

Following a brief discussion, you spent the rest of the period working on a timed writing quiz, which was a constructed response that asked you to compare and constrast the alliances in Romeo and Juliet to a modern day example, either from current events or from your own life (hint...use your work in Geography for this one!) This will count as an assessment grade so make sure you get this done by Friday if you didn't finish! See me for a copy of the prompt and answer sheet, as well as the graphic organizer that the class used to start with.
Also, today your quote searches were due. If you were absent, please turn in by Friday.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

First day of Fall today! Bring on the soup and sweaters!

Today we read through Act 4 in R&J. Since we will be integrating on Thursday, you are going to finish reading the remainder of the play for homework. Take your time and go slowly! You can download the audio below to listen as you read (use Windows Media Player if you can.) Also for homework, complete your Act III through Act V Quote Searches. Remember, these will help as a study guide for the exam next week and also for a writing assignment... These will be due at the beginning of class on Thursday. See you then!

Act III Quote Search
Act IV Quote Search
Act V Quote Search

Dowload Act V audio of The New Cambridge Shakespeare version of Romeo and Juliet here:
Track 1 (Act 5, Scene 1)
Track 2 (Scene 1 continued)

Track 3 (Scene 2)
Track 4 (Scene 3)
Track 5 (Scene 3 continued)
Track 6 (Scene 3 continued)
Track 7 (Scene 3 continued)
Track 8 (Scene 3 continued)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

No Quiz today. You're welcome. =) Instead, we are going to power through the rest of this play! Today we read through Act III, Scene V. Make sure you get caught up if you were absent. Tomorrow we will continue reading...almost done! Post your favorite lines from this play here, just for fun.

Don't forget...your blog assignment #2 is due at midnight tomorrow night.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Today we finished Act II and began reading Act III, which was followed by a class discussion. The rest of the period was spent working on your Act III Quote Search, which was due at the end of class today. If you were absent, please click here to download.


1. You will have a quiz on Monday that covers Acts I and II in the play. You will need to be able to identify and analyze some important passages and characters, as well as some key terms (foil, sonnet form, iambic pentameter, foreshadowing, metaphor, simile, etc.) and some basic Shakespeare facts.

2. Your blog assignment is due next Tuesday, 9/21. Scroll down to Monday's

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Today we continued reading Romeo and Juliet in class. By Thursday, we will be finished with Act II and beginning Act III. We discussed some important lines and passages (especially some foreshadowing from Friar Lawerence,) and we also briefly discussed your blog assignment, which was posted on Monday and will be due next Tuesday, 9/22. Don't forget!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Blog Assignment #2: Shakespeare and Predestination

As we study William Shakespeare and read Romeo and Juliet in class, consider the following prompt:

The concept of predestination is reflected in the work of Shakespeare. The lives of men and women are "mapped out in the stars", and attempts to transcend or disrupt this order, or chain of being, only leads to tragedy.

Does belief in predestination exist in some form today? Do we subscribe to a similar or different philosophy? How does predestination relate to, or conflict with, the "American Dream"? How might you categorize the belief systems of our world today? Do you believe that your destiny is mapped out for you, or do you think that you control your own fate?

(3-5 paragraphs; due via post by next Tuesday, 9/22)

Monday, September 14, 2009

Today we began Act II in Romeo and Juliet, which contains the famous balcony scene ("But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?/It is the East, and Juliet is the sun.") Yummy!

We went over some vocabulary and also close read some key passages. If you were absent, please make sure you read through Act II, Scene II and read some study guides for help! Sparknotes is always helpful, just make sure you use them as a supplement to the actual text since you will be assessed on key quotes and passages.

My FAVORITE lines from Act II, Scene II (Lines 140-142)
My bounty is as boundless as the sea,
My love as deep. The more I give to thee,
The more I have, for both are infinite.

Please note that Blog Assignment #2 has been assigned and will be due via post on Tuesday, September 22, at midnight. Remember to type your responses in a saved Word document FIRST, and then cut and paste into the comment box.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Today we integrated with the other class and completed a fun group activity that explored cooperative work, leadership, and reinforced the benefits and drawbacks to forming alliances (our unit essential question.) If you were absent, please see either me or Ms. Cody for make up information. The rest of the period was spent debriefing this activity through writing and discussion, and then we watched President Obama's address to students about education, which you responded to using the APARTS writing format in your notebooks.

Have a great weekend! Be ready to begin Act II of R&J on Monday.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Today we continued reading and discussing the rest of Act I of R&J. We went over some key terms, such as foil, predestination, etc. and then you completed a quote search for Act 1. Whatever you did not finish in class is due Friday. Click here to download the questions, and if you were absent, please print and complete by Monday.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Today after a quick recap of Act I, Scene I, we continued reading and discussing Romeo and Juliet. We covered Scenes II and III today, so if you were absent, please read these and be prepared to discuss on Thursday. No homework. =)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

Today after reviewing some quick vocabulary terms from Act I in Romeo and Juliet, you read part of the foreword and introduction in your books before we got started, which was followed by a brief discussion. The best thing about your book is that it contains some parallel text, in other other words, each left hand page contains definitions and explanations of difficult words and phrases that are found in the set of lines of the play on the right side page. As we listen to and discuss the play in class, use these notes as a tool to better help you understand the text.

After spending a few minutes going over the main characters, we read and listened to Act I, Scene I, stopping every few minutes to discuss what was happening. If you were absent, please read this part independently by Tuesday.
Have a great Labor Day weekend!!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Today we accomplished a few things. We spent a bit of time reviewing some important poetry terms (couplet, blank verse, end rhyme, internal rhyme, sonnet form, iambic pentameter) and viewing some examples. If you were absent, please get notes from one of your classmates, as knowing these terms will be important as we head into reading Romeo and Juliet.

Next, we spent some time discussing and analyzing the Prologue as a class, identifying key terms, and going over the prologue analysis worksheet you did for homework.

The rest of the period was spent watching a video about Shakespeare, Elizabethan theater, and his use of poetic structure in the language of his plays. You were asked to write an exit pass on the video and turn it in at the end of class. Click here to view the video.

Exit Pass:
1. Explain 3 NEW things you learned from watching the video.
2. Describe two characteristics of a sonnet.
3. Provide one question you have (I will answer it on your paper and hand them back!)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Today we finished up with the William Shakespeare power point that we started yesterday. We also discussed some fun facts about Elizabethan England and the "Virgin Queen." You also recieved your books. Please remember to bring these to class EVERY DAY! If you were absent, please see me as soon as you return so that I can give you your book.

Next, we began picking apart the Prologue of Romeo and Juliet to get you used to dealing with Shakes' language. Click here for the handout. In partners, you worked together to define some words and analyze the opening sonnet line by line. Whatever you did not finish in class is homework and is due Thursday at the beginning of class, when we go over it together. If you were absent, please download the handout below, complete it, and turn it in no later than this Friday.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Today, to get ready for reading Romeo and Juliet (one of my absolute favorite plays by Shakespeare,) we discussed our unit theme and essential question and also viewed a power point on Shakespeare's life (don't forget to take will need them later.) Click here to view the power point.

For an anticipation activity, you also completed a short survey about various social offenses, which you ranked in order of seriousness. This was followed by a short discussion on how various outside factors can influence your opinion on the gravity of these offenses. It is also important to note that the list on the handout is a list of key events that occur in Romeo and Juliet! Click here to download it.

If you were absent, please view the power point (or just print it out) and take some notes. Download the Social Offenses survey and complete it...hang on to it because we will be returning to it later.

Remember, the deadline to post your blog assignment is tonight at 10pm. Late posts will be accepted for half credit until Tuesday at 10pm, and after that, no credit will be given.