Wednesday, October 29, 2008

English 9 Honors - Monday, Oct. 27, 2008

Today, after a grammar warm up on punctuation (click here to view), we went over the schedule for the next few weeks regarding work time, writer's workshop, drafting, and when your writing porfolios are due. I handed out the rubric for the unit as a whole (download these by clicking the link below) as well as a copy of the Six Traits Writing Rubric, which is what I will be using to grade your final drafts. Below are copies of these rubrics as well as the assignment sheet with relevant due dates, etc. Next, we created "Six Room Image Poems" to help stir up some more ideas. The material from this activity can be turned into a poem or another piece of writing.

For homework, you must do a "Sentence Audit" on two of your three drafts. Download sheet below. This is designed to help you with sentence fluency, one of the Six Traits, and understanding how to construct your sentences for good "flow" to your writing. Choose a section of your draft (it can be the first ten sentences, the last, or any chunk of ten sentences in between) to analyze. Fill out the appropriate boxes of the sentence audit for all ten sentences. Briefly answer the questions on the sheet and fill out the revision plan at the bottom.

Creative Writing Schedule and Checklist for remaining weeks
Portfolio and Workshop Rubric
Six Traits Writing Rubric
Sentence Audit Assignment

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