English 9 - Friday, October 17
After our warm up today, we spent the entire class period doing some in class writing I like to call "Smelly Writing." The class was split into eight groups. Each group was given a small tupperware container that contained a specific ingredient. Each person had to smell what was inside and write for five minutes on that particular smell (did it remind you of a memory attached to that smell? What do you imagine when you smell this? etc.). After five minutes, the groups passed containers so that each group had a new smell to write about. We did this eight times. The small containers had the following ingredients: grass, dried leaves, sunblock, cinnamon, italian seasoning, honey, dirt, and peanut butter. After we were finished, some people shared some of their writing, and we discussed how the senses (such as smell) can influence our writing and inspire us. Next week, we will be sifting through all of our writing from this last week and begin composing and working on drafts of our three portfolio pieces. On Monday, I will be checking you warm ups, so don't forget to get caught up if need be. Have a great weekend!
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