Friday, October 3, 2008

English 9 - Friday, October 3rd

Happy Friday! And happy Homecoming! What a week it has been, whew. From Barack Obama's visit on Monday, to all of the homecoming festivities (Powder Puff football, the Penny Wars, Pie in the Eye and dress up days) AND the assembly this week AND the football game tonight, AND the dance this Saturday, all of you should take a well deserved break this weekend and relax on Sunday.

Today, we finished watching the Lord of the Flies film and turned in the movie reviews. We had a brief discussion about the idea that many novels are lost in thier translation to cinematic form, and went over all of the positive and negative points of the film. I also handed back a bunch of graded work that I owed you. For Monday, please come to class ready for a possible pop quiz (the operative word here is "pop" quiz...those of you who have been regularly checking this site will have an advantage!) and be ready to go over the assessment for this unit! Have a great weekend and stay out of trouble!

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