Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Juniors - Monday, November 3, 2008

Today I had to attend a training session here at MRHS, so we had a substitute come in who was nice enough to put on a video for you. I originally had something else planned for all of you today, but I chose to show you the 2007 documentary "Darfur Now" instead. The reason I chose to do this was due to the realization from our class activity last week that many of you were unaware of the crisis happening in Darfur. This is too important as issue for me to pass up an opportunity to give you some more information about Sudan, the genocide that is still happening, and the plight of the refugees who have been displaced from their homes. While watching the video I asked you to complete a "3-2-1": Write down 3 things you learned, 2 aspects of the documentary that stuck in your mind, and 1 question that you had. This was turned in at the end of class for a participation grade. If you were absent, please complete this same assignment by visiting the websites below, reading the info that they provide, and watching the videos that are contained on the websites. I am posting these for everyone, however, in case you would like more information or some resources to help get you involved. PLEASE NOTE: YOUR ROUGH DRAFTS OF YOUR EDITORIALS ARE DUE TODAY, NO LATER. THESE DRAFTS ARE GRADED. THOSE WITH UNEXCUSED ABSENCES WILL RECIEVE A ZERO ON THIS ASSIGNMENT. IF YOU HAVE AN EXCUSED ABSENCE, YOU MUST TURN IT IN THE DAY YOU RETURN. FINAL DRAFT IS DUE MONDAY, 11/10.

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