Friday, November 7, 2008

Freshmen - Tuesday, November 4, 2008

ELECTION DAY!!! FINALLY! This is a historic, exciting election and I hope you all pay attention as it unfolds. Today, we spent the period in the computer lab. This was your last in-class day to work on your drafts and conference with me - I will be coming around and talking to each of you one on one about your writing and helping you with any last minute questions. Your portfolios are due on Friday and I can't wait to read them!!
Your portfolio should include:
3 polished, final drafts of your writing that reflect three different genres
3 Writer's Memos (for an example, click here)
3 Rough drafts that reflect revision and editing
Peer Response sheets from the Writer's Workshop

Please note: Wednesday, November 5 is PLAN/EXPLORE testing, so you will not be attending your normal classes. We will meet again on Thursday.

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