Today we watched the last installment of the "Gang Life" videos, part 3. Again, you took some notes that you can use in the Socratic Seminar, which will take place on Monday. Watch the video by clicking here. Afterwards, I handed out your Seminar packet which contains guidelines, sample comments, ideas for note taking during the seminar, expectations, you reflection assignment (which is due on Tuesday,) and a rubric for how you will be scored. Please read through the material carefully. Over the weekend, go through the book and bookmark specific passages, page numbers, and chapters that you would like to mention in your discussion. In addition, take some extra notes to prepare, and come to class with at least five discussion questions that you would like to pose to the class during the seminar. These will be your "entry ticket" and I will checking to see that you have them before you get started.
To help you think of some specific discussion questions, consider the following elements of the novel to guide what you'd like to discuss with the group:
Author style (organization, voice, structure, flashback, etc.)
Author purpose
Language (dialogue, slang, Spanish phrases, etc.)
Use of metaphor
Use of imagery
Use of symbolism, motifs, etc.
Specific events or passages
Use of repetition
Use of verb tense
Author's attitude
Aspects of memoir vs. another format (such as fiction, autobiography, etc.)
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