Monday, April 27, 2009
Juniors - Monday, April 27, 2009
Today we reviewed the first chapter of The Beach that we read in class on Friday. I also went over some unit essential questions, assessment information, and some examples and requirements for the two-column notes that you will be taking as you read the novel. Click here to see the guidelines and an example. Don't get behind on the note taking - I will be periodically checking them for progress. The rest of the period was spent independently reading pages 11-22.
Freshmen - Monday, April 27, 2009
Today in class we held a Socratic Seminar as your assessment for Always Running. Using your notes from the last few weeks and the discussion questions that you prepared over the weekend, you participated in a whole class discussion about the book. I also gave you some supplemental discussion questions to help you if you got stuck. Download them here if you'd like to use them in your reflection or if you need them to do the alternative assessment. The alternative assessment is for those who a) did not participate in the discussion or b) had an excused absence today. If you were absent, please make a note on your paper before you turn it in.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Juniors - Friday, April 24, 2009
Today we completed Round 2 of our group jigsaw from yesterday by discussing the essay "Why We Travel" as a group and filling out the remainder of your summary organizers. Afterwards, we had a brief discussion that covered the main points of the essay and discussed its relevance to themes and issues in The Beach. Next, we read the prologue and first chapter aloud in class and I showed you a brief video clip (from the film Full Metal Jacket) and some quotes from the Bible for some background information (these are referenced in the novel.) Please keep in mind that for now, the books need to remain in the room as a class set, so we will be doing most of our reading in class for the next week or so until we have enough copies for everyone. If you were absent, you will need to catch up on the reading during class next week and download a copy of the essay from Thursday's post (complete your organizer on your own.) Have a great weekend!!!
Freshmen - Friday, April 24, 2009
Today we watched the last installment of the "Gang Life" videos, part 3. Again, you took some notes that you can use in the Socratic Seminar, which will take place on Monday. Watch the video by clicking here. Afterwards, I handed out your Seminar packet which contains guidelines, sample comments, ideas for note taking during the seminar, expectations, you reflection assignment (which is due on Tuesday,) and a rubric for how you will be scored. Please read through the material carefully. Over the weekend, go through the book and bookmark specific passages, page numbers, and chapters that you would like to mention in your discussion. In addition, take some extra notes to prepare, and come to class with at least five discussion questions that you would like to pose to the class during the seminar. These will be your "entry ticket" and I will checking to see that you have them before you get started.
To help you think of some specific discussion questions, consider the following elements of the novel to guide what you'd like to discuss with the group:
Author style (organization, voice, structure, flashback, etc.)
Author purpose
Language (dialogue, slang, Spanish phrases, etc.)
Use of metaphor
Use of imagery
Use of imagery
Use of symbolism, motifs, etc.
Specific events or passages
Use of repetition
Use of verb tense
Author's attitude
Aspects of memoir vs. another format (such as fiction, autobiography, etc.)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Juniors - Thursday, April 23, 2009
Today, in order to get ready to start reading "The Beach," you completed some group work on the essay "Why We Travel" by Pico Iyer, followed by a discussion. The remainder of the period was spent reading aloud the introduction to the book and beginning the first chapter. Get ready for some in-class guided reading on Friday. If you were absent, please download the article and notes organizer, complete them, and turn in as soon as possible. Be sure to check out the annotation example and guidelines from Tuesday's post if you get stuck.
"Why We Travel" by Pico Iyer
Jigsaw Notes Organizer
"Why We Travel" by Pico Iyer
Jigsaw Notes Organizer
Freshmen - Thursday, April 23, 2009
Today you took a quick quiz covering Chapters 6-9 in the book. Afterwards, we spent some time discussing a few parts of the reading, going over your assessment (which we will go over in depth on Friday), and having some independent reading time. For homework, please read Chapter 10.
Also, check out this video interview of Luis Rodriguez. He discusses his book, his background, and his community work. It's pretty interesting!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Juniors - Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Today we covered some anticipation material for our new novel, which we will begin reading on Friday. We did a little bit of creative writing around an interesting travel experience you've had, shared some of them, and I also showed you some photos from Thailand. Next, we will be looking at a great essay by Pico Iyer on Thursday, and to get you ready for some annotation requirements, I handed out an excerpt of the essay to practice with for homework. Annotation essentially means that you are picking apart a piece of text to figure out what it means. By Thursday, please read the excerpt and annotate it with at least one of each of the following symbols:
* for something you like
! for something that catches your attention or that you think is interesting/weird
? for something that you have a question about or something that is confusing
(also, underline and make comments where you see appropriate)
Freshmen - Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Welcome back. I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. Today was spent working in groups in a jigsaw to discuss and take notes on Chapters 5-8 in Always Running to get ready for our Socratic Seminar (more on this later.) Homework: Please read Chapter 9 by Thursday. There will be a quiz on Thursday.
Monday, April 20, 2009
No School Today! Teacher Inservice. Enjoy your day off (and the beautiful weather!!) Please take a moment today to remember those who lost their lives and who were injured in the Columbine High School shooting. Today is the ten year anniversary. As you know, the Columbine tragedy profoundly affected how schools approach security issues, especially at public schools in Colorado. Ever wonder why you have to wear IDs or why we have to do so many lockdown emergency drills? Columbine is why, people.
Check out this article from Boulder's Daily Camera about post-Columbine school security:
Friday, April 16, 2009
Freshmen - Today we had a lively class discussion on the reading from the last few days, along with some notes, which was followed by some in class reading time. By Tuesday, please get through Chapter 8.
Juniors - Today you turned in your college essays and completed a unit reflection and self assessment. We also read a review of our next novel, The Beach by Alex Gardner, which is my favorite book for this course (you're going to love it!) and also watched a brief video clip about backpacking in Thailand. Read the review by clicking here, and view the video clip by clicking here. The video is a spoken word poem, set to music, that explores some similar themes about travel that we will be dealing with in the coming weeks (pay attention to when he mentions that Thailand is his "Never Neverland" and when he asks about whether it was "just a moment or a month.") A traveler posted it to the Lonely Planet website, one of my favorite resources for all things travel. Check it out.
Enjoy the long weekend, folks!!
Juniors - Today you turned in your college essays and completed a unit reflection and self assessment. We also read a review of our next novel, The Beach by Alex Gardner, which is my favorite book for this course (you're going to love it!) and also watched a brief video clip about backpacking in Thailand. Read the review by clicking here, and view the video clip by clicking here. The video is a spoken word poem, set to music, that explores some similar themes about travel that we will be dealing with in the coming weeks (pay attention to when he mentions that Thailand is his "Never Neverland" and when he asks about whether it was "just a moment or a month.") A traveler posted it to the Lonely Planet website, one of my favorite resources for all things travel. Check it out.
Enjoy the long weekend, folks!!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Juniors - Wednesday/Thursday, April 15-16
Today we spent the entire class period working on your final drafts of the college essay. Many of you finished today and turned them in early, so thank you!! Remember, final drafts are due in class on Friday. Along with your final drafts, please turn in your rubric, rough draft, and peer feedback sheets. To download a copy of the rubric, please click here.
Freshmen - Wednesday/Thursay, April 15-16
We spent our block periods this week reviewing your vocabulary words that you began working on last week. I showed you a brief power point and you wrote down some new sentences containing our vocab words. Next, we watched Part 2 of the "Gang Life" video and took notes on specific similarities between Luis and the people from the video (these notes will be helpful for you when we start getting ready for the Socratic Seminar,) followed by a discussion on the reading from this week. By Friday, please read through Chapter 7. Watch the video by clicking here.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Juniors - Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Freshmen - Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
I was unexpectedly absent today, so all classes completed some in-class work with a substitute. Freshmen - You had reading time to get through Chapter 5 in Always Running and also created three discussion questions on the reading that you might want to discuss in our Socratic Seminar. Juniors, you practiced with some writing exercises with some assigned prompts and then gave each other feedback in pairs. If you had an excused absence today, then you will be excused from the classwork. Otherwise, see me.
Friday, April 10, 2009
The Ultimate Grammar Quiz
I had fun taking “The Ultimate Grammar Quiz” on Facebook last night. If you’re on Facebook, you can take it too … and earn extra credit for this class. And it’ll only take about five minutes of your time.
I’ll give you five points for taking the quiz, and 10 points if you earn the title of “Grammar Master.” (With a title like that, how can you resist!)
Just send me a link to (or a screenshot of) your quiz results. Demonstrate your grammar prowess!
I’ll give you five points for taking the quiz, and 10 points if you earn the title of “Grammar Master.” (With a title like that, how can you resist!)
Just send me a link to (or a screenshot of) your quiz results. Demonstrate your grammar prowess!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
This is awesome. Check this out.
Juniors - Wed./Thurs., April 8-9, 2009
Block day this week was spent working in the computer lab. By Friday at the beginning of class, you need to have a complete first draft of your college essay. You will be turning it in for credit, so it is imperative that you use your class time well. Over the weekend, I will be reading your drafts and offering you detailed feedback for Monday and Tuesday, so no late drafts will be accepted.
Freshmen - Wed./Thurs., April 8-9
Block day this week was spent discussing Chapters 1 and 2 in some good ol' fashion reading groups. In small groups of three, you discussed key events, characters, and significant quotes about the book, and recorded some ideas in your notes. Afterwards, each group shared what they talked about, and we continued into a whole class discussion and also went over your reading questions from your homework before you turned them in. We also watched part one of a series of videos I will be showing you about gang life. In your notes, you recorded any similarities and differences you noticed between the experiences of the people in the video and Luis' early experience in gangs. To watch the video, click here. For homework, please read Chapter 3 by Friday.
Juniors - Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Today we picked up where we left off last week with our grammar activity. Using the information you collected from the library last week, you and your partner created posters that outline some specific grammar rules, common mistakes, and a variety of examples of good conventions in action (that is, being used correctly.) Hopefully, these posters will help you in your writing, especially during your editing and proofreading phase of your essays. Some of you came up with hilarious examples, by the way! =) If you were absent, please download the assignment from last week's post (Wed./Thurs.) and see me for details so that you can get caught up.
Freshmen - Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Today we spent the majority of the class period diving into our new book with some independent reading time. The chapters are a little longer than what we're used to, and since we are covering this book in a mere three and a half weeks, we need to move quickly. So, remember to bring your books to every class, as we will try to get some reading time in every day. Along with your guided reading questions, read Chapter 2 by block day, and be ready to participate in some small group and whole-class discussion on the reading. The reading questions from Chapters 1 and 2 will be due in class on block day.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Juniors - Monday, April 6, 2009
Today we spent the entire period in the computer lab, officially beginning drafts of the college essay. I handed back your planning sheets, and today we just focused on getting down some serious raw material for your essay (a "vomit draft" as I like to call it...gross I know, but you get the idea). Just write whatever comes to mind relating to you topic - personal stories, specific scenes, whatever. Don't worry about making it perfect. We'll clean it up during our revising and editing stages during and after our workshops. If you were absent, Turn in a copy of whatever you have to me when you return, along with any questions or concerns you may have so that I can address them with each of you individually during in-class work time this week.
Freshmen - Monday, April 6, 2009
Happy Monday! We only have seven (yep, that's seven) weeks of school left...isn't that crazy?? Today, after turning in your essays, we began our next unit, the fabulous memoir Always Running by Luis Rodriguez. We looked at an introductory power point, went over some expectations, and did a little bit of anticipatory journal writing. The rest of the class was spent having a bit of in-class reading time (unless you were in 3rd hour, since we ran out of time, oops). For homework, please read Chapter One and complete the guided reading questions as you go.
Juniors - Friday, April 6, 2009
Today was spent in the computer lab, beginning to complete essay planning sheets, researching your choice school's essay prompts, and brainstorming sources of information. If you had time, you also started typing an outline or getting some raw material down on paper to work on during Monday's class. If you used your time wisely, you were able to complete and turn in the essay planner (which was due today) as well as get your essay started. If you were absent, please download the planning sheet, complete it (duh) and turn in to me as soon as possible.
Freshmen - Friday, April 6, 2009
Happy Friday! Today I pulled a trick on you....mwuhahahahaha. No Quiz. Hehe. The quiz review we completed this week will count as a grade, and I decided that since you have an essay due on Monday, I'd rather you have class time to work on it and complete your essay planners in class so that I can help get you started. If you were absent, download an essay planner here and fill it out before you start your essay. This will hopefully help you to stay focused and organized! Otherwise, please email me over the weekend if you would like me to read your drafts and give you some feedback before you turn it in. Remember, your essays are due on Monday! Late essays will recieve half credit if turned in no later than Wednesday. Have a great weekend!
Essay Planning Sheet
Essay Assignment Guidelines
Essay Planning Sheet
Essay Assignment Guidelines
Juniors - Wednesday/Thursday, April 1-2
The first part of class today involved a lively discussionabout something that's been in the news recently - a Colorado bill that is being debated right now regarding giving illegal immigrants in-state tuition rates at Colorado universities. View the article here: We also completed a bit of freewriting and also discussed some more college essay examples. The rest of the period was spent in the library, working in pairs for an upcoming grammar activity. To help us improve in our conventions with writing and to prepare for the editing and proofreading stage of your essays, each group of two was assigned a particular category of grammar conventions. For each category, you researched several grammatical "rules" and recorded some information and examples. Later on in the week, you will be transferring this info onto big posters that we will add to gradually for the rest of the unit. Download assignment below. For Friday, we will be in the computer lab completing essay planning sheets and beginning drafts.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Freshmen - Wednesday/Thursday, April 1-2
Block days this week were spent going over your assessment for this unit, which is, drumroll essay!! Yay!!! See information and rubric by clicking the links below. I will also provide you with a list of ALL the selections from Reading the World that we have covered to help you out, but this is where you summary charts come in... =) You also have a small quiz on Friday, so today, instead of me writing all of the quiz questions, you did. Also accomplished today: In small groups, you created a variety of possible quiz questions for our Middle East readings. I will borrow from your collective genius and the best questions you all come up with will make it on the quiz on Friday. Sweet. We ALSO spent some time reading a few selections from Africa in class...due to technical difficulties with the scanner this afternoon, I am unable to upload the story and poems onto this post. Soooo....we'll catch up with those later. =)
RTW Assessment Info
Essay Rubric
List of Selections covered in class
RTW Assessment Info
Essay Rubric
List of Selections covered in class
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