Monday, March 16, 2009

Freshmen - Monday, March 16, 2009

Today we reviewed the Middle Eastern stories from the last two weeks and also discussed characteristics of internal and external conflict in story. The rest of the period was spent catching up on reading and working on a short writing assignment that is due tomorrow (Tuesday.) For homework, please read "The Women's Baths" by Ulfat al-Idlibi and make sure you brush up on the previous three stories from this selection (all can be found by scrolling down to previous posts, people.) Once you've read all of these stories, consider this prompt and write a minumum one-page essay (shoot for at least six PEA paragraphs) that addresses the following:
What do you learn about the role of women in the societies described by these authors? Discuss how the women characters cope with the different forms of conflict in these stories (internal v. external), and provide examples from each of the four stories to support your answer.

"The Women's Baths" by Ulfat al-Idlibi (I messed up scanning the file, so they are separated by pages...sorry!)
Page 1-2
Page 3-4
Page 5-6
Page 7-8
Page 9-10
Page 11-12

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