Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Juniors - Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Today we did some freewriting in class, followed by a brief discussion of upcoming events for the week. We will be starting to draft our college essays this week, and you must complete an essay planner (which I will give you) in class on Friday before drafting. We also went over using quotes (quotes from famous people, writers, actors, musicians, quotes from novels or movies, etc.) as a way to inspire your writing or thematically frame your essay. We looked at some of these quotes online and in a book from the library, and then went over some examples of college essays that use quotes either in the body of the essay or as a way to introduce it. Here are some good websites that provide tons of notable quotations...check them out! You never know, you might get a great idea from finding one that speaks to you.
Freshmen - Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Today was spent going over the reading from last night and sharing travel nightmare stories, which was fun. We discussed the use of imagery and description in storytelling and also went over issues presented in the stories such as social class relations, marriage customs, and cultural attitudes towards the poor. You also had a little bit of time to review for the quiz, which will take place on block day. Homework tonight: review your summary charts and the stories and poems from our Middle East literature section!
Juniors - Monday, March 30, 2009
Today we began our next unit, college essays, round 2. Over the next three weeks, we will be creating, revising, and editing drafts of your college application essays. When all is said and done, you will have a polished and well written draft to use next fall in your college applications. In class today, we went over an article about college essay writing and a power point of essay writing tips. We also looked at a few examples and did a brainstorm freewriting exercise. No homework tonight!
College Essay Writing Tips Power Point
Article - "Writing the Essay"
College Essay Writing Tips Power Point
Article - "Writing the Essay"
Monday, March 30, 2009
Freshmen - Monday, March 30, 2009
Welcome back!!! Today we discussed what will be going on in class for the next few weeks and spent some time reviewing the reading from the week before break. We also went over a quick power point about India with some pre-reading questions. The rest of the class period was spent doing some in class reading and working on a short narrative writing assignment, which is due in class on Tuesday. See assignment below. Whatever you did not finish in class today is homework...be ready to discuss these stories and your written piece in class tomorrow.
**AFTER READING: Like the family in “Five Hours to Simla,” most people have had the experience of looking forward to a vacation and then having it go horribly wrong. Yet, these are the journeys that give us our best stories. Write about a time when a vacation went wrong, making sure to capture all of the atmospheric details that contributed to your unease, discomfort, and utter lack of enjoyment. If you learned anything about yourself or you country, include that as well.
**BEFORE READING: Characters in these stories experience both conflict and satisfaction from interacting with people who are unlike themselves. Why do you think such a theme might be common for a writer from this part of the world, and why might be less common for writers from Arabic-speaking Muslim worlds?
**AFTER READING: Like the family in “Five Hours to Simla,” most people have had the experience of looking forward to a vacation and then having it go horribly wrong. Yet, these are the journeys that give us our best stories. Write about a time when a vacation went wrong, making sure to capture all of the atmospheric details that contributed to your unease, discomfort, and utter lack of enjoyment. If you learned anything about yourself or you country, include that as well.
Yay for Spring Break!! March 23-28...No School!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Juniors - Wednesday/Thursday, March 18-19
Block days this week were spent working on your assessments (projects and essays.) If you used your time well, you were able to get quite a lot of work done. Some of you even finished your creative projects. Remember, Friday is the due date for essays and projects, and also test day. Those of you who are turning in an essay will be given something to do in class. Good luck, and remember to email me with any questions!! =)
English 9 - Wednesday/Thursday, March 18-19
Block days this week were spent creating some awesome theme comics from the stories we've been reading over the last eight weeks and created some large theme posters. Each person created a total of six comics, each one from a different reading selection, and posted them around the room. The comics were meant to be a sort of review and summary of all of the stories and poems we've been reading over these last few weeks, as well as a practice in identifying theme in literature. The rest of the period was spent discussing the last few selections from this week. No homework tonight, just make sure you are caught up with the reading! If you were absent, please download the theme comic assignment below and complete as soon as possible. Please see me if you have any questions.
Check This Out
For all of you writing junkies, here is cool website that provides links and information to various ongoing writing contests for teens. This is a great way to get your writing out there and also an opportunity to win some cool prizes and/or cash!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Juniors - Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Today, after going over some general announcements and assessment information (Friday is the day, people!), we spent some time doing some more journal writing in place of a warm up, followed by a brief discussion and some sharing. This particular prompt dealt with the process of death and coping with death, which garnered some lively discussion. Next, you were assigned a group and spent the rest of the class participating in a scored discussion that was centered around the last few chapters of the book. Reminder: Today is the last day to let me know if you'd like to change your assessment option. Starting tomorrow, you're stuck with it. Also, your summary log charts and warm ups will be due in class on block day. Don't forget!
Freshmen - Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy St. Patrick's Day! Today after a brief discussion, the class split up in groups and participated in small group discussions about the last four stories we've read. We discussed themes, important quotes, similarities and differences between the stories, etc. This gave you an opportunity to get some new ideas from your partners and also to fill out your summary charts, which you can download by clicking here. Afterwards, we discussed the stories as a class and I collected your homework. For homework, please read the following selections by block day. Keep in mind that these stories deal with political and religious conflict in the Middle East - pay attention to how each author approaches the subject. Be ready to discuss on Wednesday/Thursday. (Please note: all three selections were uploaded in one large file, so just click and you will get the whole thing, in order.)
"An Arab Shepherd is Searching for His Goat on Mount Zion" by Yehuda Amichai (Israel)
"The Swimming Contest" by Benjamin Tammuz (Israel)
"Song of Becoming" by Fadwa Tuqan (Palestine)
"An Arab Shepherd is Searching for His Goat on Mount Zion" by Yehuda Amichai (Israel)
"The Swimming Contest" by Benjamin Tammuz (Israel)
"Song of Becoming" by Fadwa Tuqan (Palestine)
Juniors - Monday, March 16, 2009
Today we spent some time reviewing the five stages of grief and finishing the organizers that I assigned you two weeks ago. We discussed how many of the characters are exhbiting manifestations of the five stages in the novel, and where. After turning the organizers in, you also completed a book reflection and also did a little bit of journal writing, which was followed by a class discussion. Remember, Tuesday is the last day to change your mind regarding your assessment option! If you haven't yet signed up, please email me. Also, don't forget: your warm ups and your chapter summary logs are due on block day!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Freshmen - Monday, March 16, 2009
Today we reviewed the Middle Eastern stories from the last two weeks and also discussed characteristics of internal and external conflict in story. The rest of the period was spent catching up on reading and working on a short writing assignment that is due tomorrow (Tuesday.) For homework, please read "The Women's Baths" by Ulfat al-Idlibi and make sure you brush up on the previous three stories from this selection (all can be found by scrolling down to previous posts, people.) Once you've read all of these stories, consider this prompt and write a minumum one-page essay (shoot for at least six PEA paragraphs) that addresses the following:
What do you learn about the role of women in the societies described by these authors? Discuss how the women characters cope with the different forms of conflict in these stories (internal v. external), and provide examples from each of the four stories to support your answer.
"The Women's Baths" by Ulfat al-Idlibi (I messed up scanning the file, so they are separated by pages...sorry!)
Page 1-2
Page 3-4
Page 5-6
Page 7-8
Page 9-10
Page 11-12
What do you learn about the role of women in the societies described by these authors? Discuss how the women characters cope with the different forms of conflict in these stories (internal v. external), and provide examples from each of the four stories to support your answer.
"The Women's Baths" by Ulfat al-Idlibi (I messed up scanning the file, so they are separated by pages...sorry!)
Page 1-2
Page 3-4
Page 5-6
Page 7-8
Page 9-10
Page 11-12
Friday, March 13, 2009
Modern Lit. - Friday, March 13, 2009
Hey, folks! Good to have you back!! Today you signed up for the option you have chosen for your assessment. The last day to change your mind is next Tuesday, so make sure you are comfortable in your decision! You can download another copy of the assignment sheet by scrolling down to Monday's post. The rest of the period was spent briefly discussing some key themes in the novel and viewing some video clips. While watching the clips, I asked you to respond to a few questions. Download them below. Keep your responses in your notebook, because you will be adding to them on Monday. Get ready for a busy week next week - we will be wrapping up the book and working on assessment stuff. Reminder - your WGL Chapter Summary Logs and Five Stages of Grief Organizer are both due Monday. Have a great weekend!!
Freshmen - Friday, March 13, 2009
Happy Friday! CSAP is finally over!!! Woo hoo!!! It's been a long week for everyone, so what better to do than host a killer "Cultural Poetry Cafe," complete with hot cocoa and doughnuts. Today, we integrated our 2nd and 3rd periods and you all performed the poems you wrote this week. I must say that Ms. Cody and I were so impressed with you!! You all did a fantastic job. Yay! Have a great weekend - be sure to relax because we have a crazy busy week next week. No homework.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday - Thursday, March 10-12 - CSAP!!!
This week is CSAP week, so we will not be meeting in regular classes until Friday, March 13th. Freshmen: Good luck, hang in there, and bring a book to read when you finish each test session so you don't get bored out of your skull. Juniors: Enjoy your two days off and don't forget to come to your assigned day for ACT prep classes and registration! See you all Friday!!
Juniors - Monday, March 9, 2009
Today after completing and discussing our warm up, I handed out the assignment sheets for your unit assessment. We spent the majority of the period going over it, and afterwards you had some reading time. You have two options - you will need to decide by Friday which option you would like to complete for your assessment and indicate it on a sign up sheet that I will have for you in class. The assessment will be due on March 20th, so you have a little under two weeks to prepare. Please read the instructions and details carefully, and see me if you have any questions. See you Friday!!
Comparative Analysis Essay Example
Song Analysis/Playlist example
Theme Poster example
Comic Strip example
Freshmen - Monday, March 9, 2009
Today was spent adding some more info to our poetry notes, briefly going over some of the stories you read from RTW, and working on your poems for Friday's Cultural Poetry Cafe. Remember, please email me if you are having trouble or if you have any questions. Download the Poetry Cafe assignment by clicking here. Good luck on CSAP this week, and I'll see you Friday!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Hi, folks...Today I was not in school (mwuhahahahaha) because I was attending the Colorado Language Arts Society Spring Conference in Denver. Picture hundreds of English/LA teachers, all hanging out in the same spot, talking about, well, you can take a guess. You know you're jealous! =) Anyway, all classes did some in-class work with the substitute. Freshmen - you caught up on some reading and completed a literary analysis paragraph organizer (click below to download.) Juniors - you also completed a short assignment (a "KWL" for key quotes from What Girls Learn) and took advantage of some in-class reading time. If you were absent, print out the assignment and get to me as soon as possible. See me if you have any questions.
English 9 - "Behind the Veil" Paragraph Organizer
English 9 - "Behind the Veil" Paragraph Organizer
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Juniors - Wednesday/Thursday, March 4-5
Today we spent some time going over some ACT practice questions in place of our warm up. The ACT is coming up for you guys, so the more practice, the better! Especially since the English tests are tricky and difficult. After that, we briefly discussed some of the chapters we've read in WGL and focused on how the girls are beginning to learn more about sexuality and gender roles and expectations as they grow into teenagers. To follow up your Reflection and Response #2 Assignment/project, which dealt with media portrayal and cultural expectations of teen girls, we read a TIME magazine article that offered a different perspective on teenage males, followed by some reading questions and a discussion. For homework, please turn in the questions that you started in class by Friday. Also, don't forget to read to page 260 by Friday! For Monday, read to page 281.
Freshmen - Wednesday/Thursday, March 4-5
Block days this week were spent going over more poetry stuff in our power point (see below) and getting a jump on our reading selections from the Middle East. The three readings we read and went over today all touch on a common theme - the treatment of women in Middle Eastern society. How do each of these stories approach this subject? We also viewed a brief power point regarding the use of veils in this region. For homework, complete the reading questions for "From Behind the Veil" and make sure you've read all three of these stories - we will discuss them in class and watch a short video next time I see ya. Reading questions are due Friday at the beginning of class.
"Another Evening at the Club" by Alifa Rifaat (link available by scrolling down to Tuesday's post)
"My Father Writes to my Mother" by Assia Djebar
"From Behind the Veil" by Dhu'l Nun Ayyoub
"From Behind the Veil" background Power Point
Juniors - Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Freshmen - Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, 3/2 - I forgot to post! Yikes! Anyway, this Monday was spent taking a quiz on the Europe section of Reading the World. If you were absent, please see me this week to schedule a time to make up the quiz.
Today was a smushy day - we smushed two different things into one class period. One, we looked at a poetry power point and took some notes on an organizer. We will be reading and writing a lot of poetry these next few weeks, so this power point covered poetry terms and poetic forms - make sure you review this if you were absent! Two, we discussed the introductory article about Middle East literature from Reading the World in class. For homework, please read "Another Evening at the Club" on page 356.
Juniors - Monday, March 2, 2009
Today we discussed the five stages of grief, as described by psychologist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross. As you begin to finish up this book, I want you to think about why the book is split into five distinct parts, and if there might be a connection to the five stages of grief. To help get you thinking about these possible connections, you will be completing an organizer where you will be required to collect evidence from the book where you see examples of behavior that could be categorized into a stage of grief. We worked on it in class today, but will be due when we finish the novel. View the power point and download the assignment by clicking the link below. The rest of the period was spent discussing some chapters as a class and doing some independent reading.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Juniors - Friday, February 27, 2009
Happy Friday!!! Today was spent doing a group jigsaw to review the last few chapters that you've read in What Girls Learn. In small groups of four, each member was assigned a chapter that you read this week. Each member had some time to become an expert on their assigned chapter (summarizing key events, themes, important quotes, characters involved, etc.) and then teach their group members about their chapter. This is a great, quick way, to review a lot of reading in one class period and brush up for your quiz on Tuesday. For homework, please read to page 206.
Jigsaw Instructions
Jigsaw Instructions
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