Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Juniors - Tuesday, December 2

Today we started the day with an activity centered around finding textual examples of the many themes of the The Things They Carried. Three themes that we discussed were: the fear of shame or showing weakness, physical and emotional burdens, and the idea of "truth" and its place in storytelling. These themes were posted on the wall, and for twenty minutes you worked independently to find examples in the text that represent or embody each theme. Your recorded these quotes on sticky notes along with a few sentences of explanation, and then posted your note under each corresponding theme. After everyone was finished, you went back and read the other responses. This should give you a good supply of textual evidence to use for your next assignment as well as your assessment. Following this activity, we went over your next assignment, which is due on Friday. Please click the link below for the assignment sheet, and be sure to read carefully. You will be writing a S.O.A.P.S.TONE analysis of one story from the book (see me and/or refer to the assignment sheet if you have any questions). This needs to be a minimum of six paragraphs (one paragraph for each element of SOAPSTONE) and must contain at least one piece of textual evidence for each paragraph. This is a "practice" assignment to prepare you for the assessment, but it is also a graded one (40 points), so don't slack on this. It is due at the beginning of the class on Friday, December 5th. The end of the semester is coming up quickly, so be sure to stay caught up! For homework tonight, please read pages 89-116, "The Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong", by block day.

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